415 research outputs found

    Generalized Neighbor-Interaction Models Induced by Nonlinear Lattices

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    It is shown that the tight-binding approximation of the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with a periodic linear potential and periodic in space nonlinearity coefficient gives rise to a number of nonlinear lattices with complex, both linear and nonlinear, neighbor interactions. The obtained lattices present non-standard possibilities, among which we mention a quasi-linear regime, where the pulse dynamics obeys essentially the linear Schr{\"o}dinger equation. We analyze the properties of such models both in connection with their modulational stability, as well as in regard to the existence and stability of their localized solitary wave solutions

    Compactons in Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Lattices with Strong Nonlinearity Management

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    The existence of compactons in the discrete nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation in the presence of fast periodic time modulations of the nonlinearity is demonstrated. In the averaged DNLS equation the resulting effective inter-well tunneling depends on modulation parameters {\it and} on the field amplitude. This introduces nonlinear dispersion in the system and can lead to a prototypical realization of single- or multi-site stable discrete compactons in nonlinear optical waveguide and BEC arrays. These structures can dynamically arise out of Gaussian or compactly supported initial data.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The frustrated Brownian motion of nonlocal solitary waves

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    We investigate the evolution of solitary waves in a nonlocal medium in the presence of disorder. By using a perturbational approach, we show that an increasing degree of nonlocality may largely hamper the Brownian motion of self-trapped wave-packets. The result is valid for any kind of nonlocality and in the presence of non-paraxial effects. Analytical predictions are compared with numerical simulations based on stochastic partial differential equationComment: 4 pages, 3 figures

    PT{\cal PT}-symmetric coupler with χ(2)\chi^{(2)} nonlinearity

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    We introduce the notion of a PT{\cal PT}-symmetric dimer with a χ(2)\chi^{(2)} nonlinearity. Similarly to the Kerr case, we argue that such a nonlinearity should be accessible in a pair of optical waveguides with quadratic nonlinearity and gain and loss, respectively. An interesting feature of the problem is that because of the two harmonics, there exist in general two distinct gain/loss parameters, different values of which are considered herein. We find a number of traits that appear to be absent in the more standard cubic case. For instance, bifurcations of nonlinear modes from the linear solutions occur in two different ways depending on whether the first or the second harmonic amplitude is vanishing in the underlying linear eigenvector. Moreover, a host of interesting bifurcation phenomena appear to occur including saddle-center and pitchfork bifurcations which our parametric variations elucidate. The existence and stability analysis of the stationary solutions is corroborated by numerical time-evolution simulations exploring the evolution of the different configurations, when unstable.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Modulational instability in nonlocal Kerr-type media with random parameters

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    Modulational instability of continuous waves in nonlocal focusing and defocusing Kerr media with stochastically varying diffraction (dispersion) and nonlinearity coefficients is studied both analytically and numerically. It is shown that nonlocality with the sign-definite Fourier images of the medium response functions suppresses considerably the growth rate peak and bandwidth of instability caused by stochasticity. Contrary, nonlocality can enhance modulational instability growth for a response function with negative-sign bands.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figures, revTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Modulational and Parametric Instabilities of the Discrete Nonlinear Schr\"odinger Equation

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    We examine the modulational and parametric instabilities arising in a non-autonomous, discrete nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation setting. The principal motivation for our study stems from the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates trapped in a deep optical lattice. We find that under periodic variations of the heights of the interwell barriers (or equivalently of the scattering length), additionally to the modulational instability, a window of parametric instability becomes available to the system. We explore this instability through multiple-scale analysis and identify it numerically. Its principal dynamical characteristic is that, typically, it develops over much larger times than the modulational instability, a feature that is qualitatively justified by comparison of the corresponding instability growth rates

    A model for conservative chaos constructed from multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates with a trap in 2 dimensions

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    To show a mechanism leading to the breakdown of a particle picture for the multi-component Bose-Einstein condensates(BECs) with a harmonic trap in high dimensions, we investigate the corresponding 2-dd nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii equation) with use of a modified variational principle. A molecule of two identical Gaussian wavepackets has two degrees of freedom(DFs), the separation of center-of-masses and the wavepacket width. Without the inter-component interaction(ICI) these DFs show independent regular oscillations with the degenerate eigen-frequencies. The inclusion of ICI strongly mixes these DFs, generating a fat mode that breaks a particle picture, which however can be recovered by introducing a time-periodic ICI with zero average. In case of the molecule of three wavepackets for a three-component BEC, the increase of amplitude of ICI yields a transition from regular to chaotic oscillations in the wavepacket breathing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Modulational instability and nonlocality management in coupled NLS system

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    The modulational instability of two interacting waves in a nonlocal Kerr-type medium is considered analytically and numerically. For a generic choice of wave amplitudes, we give a complete description of stable/unstable regimes for zero group-velocity mismatch. It is shown that nonlocality suppresses considerably the growth rate and bandwidth of instability. For nonzero group-velocity mismatch we perform a geometrical analysis of a nonlocality management which can provide stability of waves otherwise unstable in a local medium.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, to be published in Physica Script
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