149 research outputs found

    160 MeV HH^- Injection into the CERN PSB

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    The H- beam from the proposed LINAC4 will be injected into the four existing rings of the PS Booster at 160 MeV. A substantial upgrade of the injection region is required, including the modification of the beam distribution system and the construction of a new H- injection system. This paper discusses beam dynamics and hardware requirements and presents the results of optimisation studies of the injection process for different beam characteristics and scenarios. The resulting conceptual design of the injection region is presented, together with the main hardware modifications and performance specifications

    Acceleration of lead ions in the CERN PS booster and the CERN PS

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    The new CERN Heavy Ion Accelerating Facility also requires besides a new Linac substantial modifications of existing accelerators. They are imposed by the low speed and the low intensity of the ion beam and, crucially at low energy, by the short lifetime of the partially stripped ions due to charge exchange with the atoms of the residual gas. The upgraded vacuum system hits the limits of a non-bakeable machine and consequently the acceleration had to be sped up by all means. In the Booster this led to injection and RF capture on a fast-rising magnet cycle and a new digital RF beam control system. Beam current transformers had to be replaced by new, heavily shielded ones. Other modifications include a new staircase magnet to distribute ions over the four Booster rings, lengthening of septa and kicker pulses, plus new, bakeable extraction septa and an energy stabilizing RF loop on the flat top in the CPS, and a stripper in the transfer line to the SPS


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    The LHC will, in addition to proton runs, be operated with Pb ions and provide collisions at energies of 5.5 TeV per nucleon pair, i.e. more than 1.1 PeV per event, to experiments. The transformation of CERN's ion injector complex (Linac3-LEIR-PS-SPS) to allow collision of ions in LHC in 2008 is well under way. The status of these modifications and the latest results of commissioning will be presented. The remaining challenges are reviewed

    Installation and Hardware commissioning of the Multi-Turn extraction at the CERN proton synchrotron

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    The implementation of the new Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE) at the CERN Proton Synchrotron required major hardware changes for the nearly 50-year old accelerator. The installation of new Pulse Forming Networks (PFN) and refurbished kicker magnets for the extraction, new sextupole and octupole magnets, new power converters, together with an in-depth review of the machine aperture leading to the design of new vacuum chambers was required. As a result, a heavy programme of interventions had to be scheduled during the winter shut-down 2007-8. The newly installed hardware and its commissioning is presented and discussed in details

    First Results for the Beam Commissioning of the CERN Multi-Turn Extraction

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    The Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE), a new type of extraction based on beam trapping inside stable islands in horizontal phase space, has been commissioned during the 2008 run of the CERN Proton Synchrotron. Both singleand multi-bunch beams with a total intensity up to 1.4 1013 protons have been extracted with efficiencies up to 98%. Furthermore, injection tests in the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron were performed, with the beam then accelerated and extracted to produce neutrinos for the CERN Neutrino-to-Gran Sasso experiments. The results of the extensive measurement campaign are presented and discussed in detail

    The CERN PS multi-turn extraction based on beam splittting in stable islands of transverse phase space: Design Report

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    Since 2001 considerable effort has been devoted to the study of a possible replacement of the continuous-transfer extraction mode from the PS to the SPS. Such an approach, called Multi-Turn Extraction (MTE), is based on capture of the beam inside stable islands of transverse phase space, generated by sextupoles and octupoles, thanks to a properly chosen tune variation. Both numerical simulations and measurements with beam were performed to understand the properties of this new extraction mode. The experimental study was completed at the end of 2004 and by the end of 2005 a scheme to implement this novel approach in the PS machine was defined and its performance assessed. This design report presents the outcome of the studies undertaken both in terms of technical issues as well as of resources necessary to implement the proposed scheme

    An efficient application of Bayesian optimization to an industrial MDO framework for aircraft design

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    The multi-level, multi-disciplinary and multi-fidelity optimization framework developed at Bombardier Aviation has shown great results to explore efficient and competitive aircraft configurations. This optimization framework has been developed within the Isight software, the latter offers a set of ready-to-use optimizers. Unfortunately, the computational effort required by the Isight optimizers can be prohibitive with respect to the requirements of an industrial context. In this paper, a constrained Bayesian optimization optimizer, namely the super efficient global optimization with mixture of experts, is used to reduce the optimization computational effort. The obtained results showed significant improvements compared to two of the popular Isight optimizers. The capabilities of the tested constrained Bayesian optimization solver are demonstrated on Bombardier research aircraft configuration study cases