
The new CERN Heavy Ion Accelerating Facility also requires besides a new Linac substantial modifications of existing accelerators. They are imposed by the low speed and the low intensity of the ion beam and, crucially at low energy, by the short lifetime of the partially stripped ions due to charge exchange with the atoms of the residual gas. The upgraded vacuum system hits the limits of a non-bakeable machine and consequently the acceleration had to be sped up by all means. In the Booster this led to injection and RF capture on a fast-rising magnet cycle and a new digital RF beam control system. Beam current transformers had to be replaced by new, heavily shielded ones. Other modifications include a new staircase magnet to distribute ions over the four Booster rings, lengthening of septa and kicker pulses, plus new, bakeable extraction septa and an energy stabilizing RF loop on the flat top in the CPS, and a stripper in the transfer line to the SPS

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