349 research outputs found

    The non-existence of stable Schottky forms

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    Let AgSA_g^S be the Satake compactification of the moduli space AgA_g of principally polarized abelian gg-folds and MgSM_g^S the closure of the image of the moduli space MgM_g of genus gg curves in AgA_g under the Jacobian morphism. Then AgSA_g^S lies in the boundary of Ag+mSA_{g+m}^S for any mm. We prove that Mg+mSM_{g+m}^S and AgSA_g^S do not meet transversely in Ag+mSA_{g+m}^S, but rather that their intersection contains the mmth order infinitesimal neighbourhood of MgSM_g^S in AgSA_g^S. We deduce that there is no non-trivial stable Siegel modular form that vanishes on MgM_g for every gg. In particular, given two inequivalent positive even unimodular quadratic forms PP and QQ, there is a curve whose period matrix distinguishes between the theta series of PP and QQ.Comment: Corrected version, using Yamada's correct version of Fay's formula for the period matrix of a certain degenerating family of curves. To appear in Compositio Mathematic

    Full counting statistics of chiral Luttinger liquids with impurities

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    We study the statistics of charge transfer through an impurity in a chiral Luttinger liquid (realized experimentally as a quantum point contact in a fractional quantum Hall edge state device). Taking advantage of the integrability we present a procedure for obtaining the cumulant generating function of the probability distribution to transfer a fixed amount of charge through the constriction. Using this approach we analyze in detail the behaviour of the third cumulant C_3 as a function of applied voltage, temperature and barrier height. We predict that C_3 can be used to measure the fractional charge at temperatures, which are several orders of magnitude higher than those needed to extract the fractional charge from the measurement of the second cumulant. Moreover, we identify the component of C_3, which carries the information about the fractional charge.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures (EPS files

    Generalizing with perceptrons in case of structured phase- and pattern-spaces

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    We investigate the influence of different kinds of structure on the learning behaviour of a perceptron performing a classification task defined by a teacher rule. The underlying pattern distribution is permitted to have spatial correlations. The prior distribution for the teacher coupling vectors itself is assumed to be nonuniform. Thus classification tasks of quite different difficulty are included. As learning algorithms we discuss Hebbian learning, Gibbs learning, and Bayesian learning with different priors, using methods from statistics and the replica formalism. We find that the Hebb rule is quite sensitive to the structure of the actual learning problem, failing asymptotically in most cases. Contrarily, the behaviour of the more sophisticated methods of Gibbs and Bayes learning is influenced by the spatial correlations only in an intermediate regime of α\alpha, where α\alpha specifies the size of the training set. Concerning the Bayesian case we show, how enhanced prior knowledge improves the performance.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages with eps-figs, accepted by J Phys

    Full counting statistics of spin transfer through the Kondo dot

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    We calculate the spin current distribution function for a Kondo dot in two different regimes. In the exactly solvable Toulouse limit the linear response, zero temperature statistics of the spin transfer is trinomial, such that all the odd moments vanish and the even moments follow a binomial distribution. On the contrary, the corresponding spin-resolved distribution turns out to be binomial. The combined spin and charge statistics is also determined. In particular, we find that in the case of a finite magnetic field or an asymmetric junction the spin and charge measurements become statistically dependent. Furthermore, we analyzed the spin counting statistics of a generic Kondo dot at and around the strong-coupling fixed point (the unitary limit). Comparing these results with the Toulouse limit calculation we determine which features of the latter are generic and which ones are artifacts of the spin symmetry breaking.Comment: 9 pages, 3 eps figure

    Shot Noise in Linear Macroscopic Resistors

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    We report on a direct experimental evidence of shot noise in a linear macroscopic resistor. The origin of the shot noise comes from the fluctuation of the total number of charge carriers inside the resistor associated with their diffusive motion under the condition that the dielectric relaxation time becomes longer than the dynamic transit time. Present results show that neither potential barriers nor the absence of inelastic scattering are necessary to observe shot noise in electronic devices.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Using a quantum dot as a high-frequency shot noise detector

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    We present the experimental realization of a Quantum Dot (QD) operating as a high-frequency noise detector. Current fluctuations produced in a nearby Quantum Point Contact (QPC) ionize the QD and induce transport through excited states. The resulting transient current through the QD represents our detector signal. We investigate its dependence on the QPC transmission and voltage bias. We observe and explain a quantum threshold feature and a saturation in the detector signal. This experimental and theoretical study is relevant in understanding the backaction of a QPC used as a charge detector.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Wave-packet Formalism of Full Counting Statistics

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    We make use of the first-quantized wave-packet formulation of the full counting statistics to describe charge transport of noninteracting electrons in a mesoscopic device. We derive various expressions for the characteristic function generating the full counting statistics, accounting for both energy and time dependence in the scattering process and including exchange effects due to finite overlap of the incoming wave packets. We apply our results to describe the generic statistical properties of a two-fermion scattering event and find, among other features, sub-binomial statistics for nonentangled incoming states (Slater rank 1), while entangled states (Slater rank 2) may generate super-binomial (and even super-Poissonian) noise, a feature that can be used as a spin singlet-triplet detector. Another application is concerned with the constant-voltage case, where we generalize the original result of Levitov-Lesovik to account for energy-dependent scattering and finite measurement time, including short time measurements, where Pauli blocking becomes important.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; major update, new figures and explanations included as well as a discussion about finite temperatures and subleading logarithmic term

    AC conductance and non-symmetrized noise at finite frequency in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes

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    We calculate the AC conductance and the finite-frequency non-symmetrized noise in interacting quantum wires and single-wall carbon nanotubes in the presence of an impurity. We observe a strong asymmetry in the frequency spectrum of the non-symmetrized excess noise, even in the presence of the metallic leads. We find that this asymmetry is proportional to the differential excess AC conductance of the system, defined as the difference between the AC differential conductances at finite and zero voltage, and thus disappears for a linear system. In the quantum regime, for temperatures much smaller than the frequency and the applied voltage, we find that the emission noise is exactly equal to the impurity partition noise. For the case of a weak impurity we expand our results for the AC conductance and the noise perturbatively. In particular, if the impurity is located in the middle of the wire or at one of the contacts, our calculations show that the noise exhibits oscillations with respect to frequency, whose period is directly related to the value of the interaction parameter gg
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