261 research outputs found

    Fundamental Magnetic Properties and Structural Implications for Nanocrystalline Fe-Ti-N Thin Films

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    The magnetization (M) as a function of temperature (T) from 2 to 300 K and in-plane field (H) up to 1 kOe, room temperature easy and hard direction in-plane field hysteresis loops for fields between -100 and +100 Oe, and 10 GHz ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) profiles have been measured for a series of soft-magnetic nano-crystalline 50 nm thick Fe-Ti-N films made by magnetron sputtering in an in-plane field. The nominal titanium concentration was 3 at. % and the nitrogen concentrations (xN) ranged from zero to 12.7 at. %. The saturation magnetization (Ms) vs. T data and the extracted exchange parameters as a function of xN are consistent with a lattice expansion due to the addition of interstitial nitrogen in the body-centered-cubic (bcc) lattice and a structural transition to body-centered-tetragonal (bct) in the 6-8 at. % nitrogen range. The hysteresis loop and FMR data show a consistent picture of the changes in both the uniaxial and cubic anisotropy as a function of xN. Films with xN > 1.9 at. % show an overall uniaxial anisotropy, with an anisotropy field parameter Hu that increases with xN. The corresponding dispersion averaged uniaxial anisotropy energy density parameter = HuMs/2 is a linear function of xN, with a rate of increase of 950 erg/cm3 per at. % nitrogen. The estimated uniaxial anisotropy energy per nitrogen atom is 30 J/mol, a value consistent with other systems. For xN below 6 at. %, the scaling of coercive force Hc data with the sixth power of the grain size D indicate a grain averaged effective cubic anisotropy energy density parameter that is about an order of magnitude smaller that the nominal K1 values for iron, and give a quantitative vs. D response that matches predictions for exchange coupled random grains with cubic anisotropy.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Derivatization Ion Chromatography for the Determination of Monoethanolamine in Presence of Hydrazine in PHWR Steam-Water Circuits

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    A simple, rapid and accurate method for the determination of monoethanolamine (MEA) in PHWR steam-water circuits has been developed. MEA is added in the feed water to provide protection against corrosion while hydrazine is added to scavenge dissolved oxygen. The quantitative determination of MEA in presence of hydrazine was accomplished using derivatization ion chromatography with conductometric detection in nonsuppressed mode. A Metrosep cation 1-2 analytical column and a Metrosep cartridge were used for cation separation. A mixture of 4 mM tartaric acid, 20% acetone and 0.05 mM HNO3 was used as eluent. Acetone in the mobile phase leads to the formation of different derivatives with MEA and hydrazine. The interferences due Na+ and NH4 + were eliminated by adopting a simple pretreatment procedure employing OnGuard-H cartridge. The limit of detection limit of MEA was 0.1 μg mL−1 and the relative standard deviation was 2% for the overall method. The recovery of MEA added was in the range 95%–102%. The method was applied to the determination of MEA in steam generator water samples

    Correlation between Oxidative Stress and Thyroid Function in Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome

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    Background. The present study is to look for a correlation between oxidative stress and thyroid function in patients with the nephrotic syndrome in the remission phase as well as in a persistent proteinuric state. Introduction. Nephrotic syndrome is a form of chronic kidney disease due to which blood loses protein through the urine. We wanted to know if there was an increased loss of thyroid hormones in urine affecting thyroid function. Methods. 60 patients with nephrotic syndrome and 20 healthy non-proteinuric individuals as control subjects were enrolled in the study. We measured their serum tri-iodothyronine, thyroxine and thyroid-stimulating hormone. Estimation of lipid peroxidation (LPx) catalase, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) were carried out by standard methods. Results. TSH was elevated in the nephrotic patients compared to controls, while TT4 and TT3 were significantly lower in the patients than in controls. Lipid Peroxidation and GPx were significantly higher in the nephrotic syndrome patients than in the controls, while SOD and catalase were significantly lower than in patients than in the control subjects. Conclusion. Nephrotic patients can lose significant amounts of thyroid hormones along with protein in urine, which can affect thyroid status, but this is reversible on remission

    Studies on environmental impact of acid mine drainage generation and its treatment : an appraisal

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    Acid mine drainage is the most significant environmental pollution problem associated with mining industry. The main cause of acid mine drainage is the occurrence of pyrite and sulphide minerals with the rock of coal seams. During mining these sulphide minerals get exposed to air and mine water, then oxidation and hydrolysis results in the generation of acid mine drainage. The low pH value of the discharge mine water results in the future dissolution of minerals and release of toxic metals, when it allowed getting discharge into other water bodies. This acidity and high toxic metals concentration are harmful to the vegetation, aquatic life and wild life. The review paper describes the general chemistry of acid mine drainage generation; its impact on environment: different treatment techniques as remedial and control measures and future trend in treatment technology

    Effects of Storage Structures and Moisture Contents on Seed Quality Attributes of Quality Protein Maize

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    The study was aimed to examine the effects of various storage structures and moisture contents on seed quality attributes of quality protein maize seed. The quality protein maize (QPM-1) seed was tested in conventional seed storage containers (Fertilizer sack and earthen pot) and the improved hermetic ones (Metal bin, Super grain bag, and Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bag) at Seed Science and Technology Division, Khumaltar, Nepal during February, 2015 to January 2016. Ten treatments comprising 5 storage devices in two moisture regimes (11% and 9%) replicated thrice and laid out in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Data on temperature, relative humidity (RH), germination, electrical conductivity (EC), seed moisture content (MC) were collected bimonthly. The conventional containers were found liable to the external environmental condition whereas the hermetic structures observed with controlled RH level below 40% in all combinations. Electrical conductivity (EC) for seed vigor showed that hermetic containers provide higher seed vigor than the conventional ones. Up to 4 months all treatments were found statistically at par for germination. A significant difference was observed in each treatment after 4 months where PICS bag & Super grain bag showed best germination followed by metal bin while fertilizer bag & earthen-pot showed poorer and poorest germination respectively till one year. Almost all treatments with lower MC showed better results than the treatments with higher MC. A negative correlation (R2=69.7%) was found between EC and Germination. All six figures from 2 to 12 months on MC showed statistically different where hermetic plastic bags were found maintaining MC as initial whereas MC of fertilizer bags and earthen pot was spiked than the basal figure. The finding evidenced that the hermetic containers and low MC are the seed storage approaches for retaining the quality of seed even in an ambient environmental condition for more than a year

    Immediate versus Delayed Sequential Bilateral Cataract Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Immediately sequential bilateral cataract surgery (ISBCS), the cataract surgery that is performed in both eyes simultaneously, is gaining popularity worldwide compared to the traditional treatment paradigm: delayed sequential bilateral cataract surgery (DSBCS), the surgery that is performed in each eye on a different day as a completely separate operation. ISBCS provides advantages to patients and patients\u27 families in the form of fewer hospital visits. Additionally, patients enjoy rapid rehabilitation, lack of anisometropia - potentially reducing accidents and falls, and avoid suboptimal visual function in daily life. The hospital may benefit due to lower cost. OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate ISBCS and DSBCS. DATA SOURCES: Databases including MEDLINE, EMBASE, BIOSIS, CINAHL, Health Economic Evaluations Database (HEED), ISI Web of Science (Thomson-Reuters) and the Cochrane Library were searched. PARTICIPANTS: Not applicable. METHODS: Literature was systematically reviewed using EPPI-Reviewer 4 gateway. Meta-analysis was conducted using STATA v. 13.0. Standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated and heterogeneity was assessed using I2 statistics. Fixed-effect and random-effect models were computed based on heterogeneity. Meta-analysis was done by instrument used to calculate utility score. RESULTS: In total, 9,133 records were retrieved from multiple databases and an additional 128 records were identified through grey literature search. Eleven articles with 3,657 subjects were included for analysis. Our meta-analysis results indicated significant improvement in post-operative utility score using TTO, EQ5D, HUI3, VF-7, and VF-14 and a non-significant improvement using Catquest questionnaire for both surgeries. For ISBCS versus DSBCS, utility-specific fixed-effect model provided an overall SMD of the utility score using the TTO method as 0.12 (95% CI: -0.15, 0.40), EQ5D as 0.14 (95% CI: -0.14, 0.41), HUI3 as 0.12 (95% CI: -0.15, 0.40), VF-7 as -0.02 (95% CI: -0.15, 0.10), and Catquest Questionnaire as 1.45 (95% CI: -0.88, 2.01). The results for utility score, which were measured using various instruments, indicated non-significant improvement in the utility due to DSBCS compared to ISBCS. However, a significant improvement in post-operative utility score was seen using Catquest questionnaire for ISBCS compared to DSBCS. The included studies using VF-14 instrument were highly heterogeneous (I2 = 97.1%). Results provided SMD of -0.25 (95% CI:-1.06, 0.57) using VF-14 indicating non-significant improvement in the utility due to DSBCS compared to ISBCS surgery. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) significantly improved after both surgeries (overall SMD of BCVA due to ISBCS was -1.79 (95% CI: -2.45, -1.14) and due to DSBCS was -1.53 (95% CI: -2.25, -0.81)). A non-significant improvement was seen in BCVA due to ISBCS when compared to DSBCS (SMD = -0.18; 95% CI: -0.37, 0.01). CONCLUSION: Both surgeries, ISBCS and DSBCS significantly improve patients\u27 quality of life and visual acuity. Further, ISBCS may deliver certain additional benefits at the individual and societal levels as well

    Population dynamics and stock assessment of spadenose shark Scoliodon laticaudus Muller and Henle 1839 along Gujarat coast of India

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    423-433Stock assessment of Scoliodon laticaudus Muller and Henle, 1839 was made along with analysis of its few biological characteristics from its commercial landings during 2012-2016 from Gujarat waters of India to understand the population dynamics and stock status of the species. The average annual landing of the species was 5442 t, which constituted about 67% of the total shark landings at Gujarat coast. L∞, K and t0 were estimated as 75.53 cm and 0.54/yr, and -0.4 yr, respectively. Total mortality rate, fishing mortality rate and natural mortality rate were estimated as 1.95 yr-1, 1.04 yr-1 and 0.91 yr-1, respectively. The length at capture (Lc50) and length at maturity (Lm50) were 39.74 cm and 35.79 cm, respectively, which indicate that most of the sharks are exploited after attaining the sexual maturity. Length-weight relationship showed that the growth was isometric. The species was a continuous breeder and showed peak recruitment during September. The current exploitation ratio (Ecur) was found to be 0.53, which is lower than E0.1 estimated for the species using Beverton and Holt yield per recruit analysis. Thompson and Bell prediction model showed that maximum sustainable yield for S. laticaudus could be obtained by increasing fishing effort by almost 2.4 times higher than the present level which would deplete the spawning stock biomass (SSB) to 20%. Maximum economic yield could be obtained by increasing the fishing effort by 1.8 times which would also decrease the SSB, but to a comparatively safer 26.5% level. Considering 30% SSB as a precautionary management reference point, the effort could be increased by 50% exclusively for the sharks to increase the yield and revenue from fishery while maintain SSB at a safer 30% level

    Transfusion effect of random donor platelet and single donor platelet in thrombocytopenic patients at tertiary care hospital of South Gujarat

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    Background: Platelet transfusion plays a key role in therapy for the patients with thrombocytopenia. Superiority of Single donor platelet (SDP) over Random donor platelet (RDP) transfusions is largely assumed, but unproven. Platelet Rich Plasma-Platelet concentrate (PRP-PC) and Apheresis-PC were prepared and their therapeutic efficacy were assessed in thrombocytopenic patients.Methods: This study included 60 transfusion episodes consisting of 30 SDP and 30 RDP (147units of RDP). The post transfusion efficacy of transfused platelets was assessed at 1 hour and 24 hours by corrected count increment (CCI) and percentage recovery (PR). Paired ‘t’-test was used for statistical analysis and a probability of p<0.05 was used to reject null hypothesis.Results: The mean platelet dose of SDP (n=30) and RDP (n=30) was 2.86±1.05 x 1011 and 2.36±0.54 x 1011 respectively. The mean platelet increments of SDP at 1 hour and 24 hours were 38±18.1 x 103/μl and 37.3±20.7x 103/μl. The mean platelet increments of RDP at 1 hour and 24 hours were 28.5±11.4 x 103/μl and 26 ±11.6 x 103/μl. The mean CCI of SDP at 1hour and 24 hours were 21.4 ±7.3 x 103/μl and 20.8±7.4 x 103/μl respectively. The mean CCI of RDP at 1hour and 24 hours were 18.5±6.3x 103/μl and 17.4±7.6 x 103/μl respectively.Conclusions: Post-transfusion increments were significantly higher in patients who received SDP as compared to RDP, but the CCI and PR were comparable in both groups of patients

    Losses in pendular suspensions due to centrifugal coupling

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    We present an analysis of the centrifugal coupling of a simple pendulum to a dissipative support. We show that such a coupling leads to an amplitude dependent quality factor. For amplitudes which could be present in laser interferometer gravitational wave detector suspensions, this mechanism could limit the quality factor of the test mass suspension significantly to 1010 and should be considered in the design of advanced LIGO type detectors

    Dead Bryde's whale washed ashore at Veraval, Gujarat

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    Bryde’s Whale (Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, 1879) measuring 10.4 m in length and weighing about 7 tons was found washed ashore on the beach of Veraval on 4th august 2017. Locally called as “Machchh” it was found in dead condition with small injuries in the caudal peduncle and genital region. With the intervention and supervision of forest officials, it was towed ashore and a veterinary officer conducted post-mortem after which it was buried on the shore. Occurrenc