249 research outputs found

    Cuerpos extranjeros del cuerpo humano. Diagnóstico y tratamiento en condiciones ambulatorias

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    Introducciуn. Cuerpos extraсos del cuerpo humano: una secciуn especial en la cirugнa, que a veces difiere en la dificultad del diagnуstico y las tбcticas de tratamiento no estбndar. El anбlisis de la literatura indica un nъmero suficiente de casos conocidos de cuerpos extraсos en el tracto respiratorio, varias partes del tracto gastrointestinal, el sistema urinario y otras localizaciones. En la mayorнa de los casos, estos son casos que requieren tratamiento hospitalario en departamentos especializados apropiados y requieren intervenciones quirъrgicas complejas. Desafortunadamente, hay pocas referencias a cuerpos extraсos en la prбctica de un cirujano ambulatorio. Por supuesto, los casos ambulatorios de cuerpos extraсos en tejidos blandos son en su mayorнa fбciles de diagnosticar. Sin embargo, hay casos en los que es difнcil localizar un cuerpo extraсo

    Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Ion Beam from Ion Sources

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    A program library for numerical simulation of a multicomponent charged particle beam from ion sources is presented. The library is aimed for simulation of high current, low energy multicomponent ion beam from ion source through beamline and realized under the Windows user interface for the IBM PC. It is used for simulation and optimization of beam dynamics and based on successive and consistent application of two methods: the momentum method of distribution function (RMS technique) and particle in cell method. The library has been used to simulate and optimize the transportation of tantalum ion beam from the laser ion source (CERN) and calcium ion beam from the ECR ion source (JINR, Dubna)

    Clinical and post-mortem signs in European wild boars and domestic pigs infected with African swine fever virus

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    The paper covers comparative assessment of clinical and postmortem signs in wild boars and domestic pigs infected with one and the same epizootic isolate of African swine fever virus. In addition, a model has been developed to demonstrate the disease spread under conditions comparable to those on a pig farm. Based on the obtained results two infectious doses 50 and 5000 H AU/head were chosen for infecting the animals with «Shikhobalovo 10/13» isolate of African swine fever virus. When infecting the animals with the abovementioned isolates both wild boars and domestic pigs demonstrated similar clinical and postmortem signs typical for acute form of African swine fever

    New Method of Vaccination Against Anthrax

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    The aim of this work was to develop an oral method of vaccination against anthrax, since wide vaccination campaigns using this method require no special conditions, equipment, and instruments. Also, minimum number of medical personnel is sufficient to ensure control over the intake of the drug. Materials and methods. Domestic raw materials, consumables and reagents that passed the incoming inspection and met the requirements of State and industry standards, technical specifications, and the articles of the Pharmacopoeia were used for the work. Batches of anthrax vaccines based on Bacillus anthracis strain STI-1, manufactured at the Research Center (Kirov) of the “48th Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia were put to the test. Results and discussion. The immunization schemes have been tested on animals, taking into account the features of the antigen. One of the crucial factors that determine the effectiveness of oral vaccination is the correct choice of the type and form of the oral anthrax vaccine administered enterally. It has been shown that in contrast to oral vaccines, the vaccine strain in enteral vaccines must be protected from the harmful effects of stomach contents. Thus, enteric-coated capsules coated with a shell that is resistant to the action of stomach acid were used for the study. The presented experimental data indicate that a single administration of the capsules with oral anthrax vaccine STI protects at least 70 % of laboratory animals from a highly virulent strain of the anthrax microbe and confirm the safety and non-reactogenicity of the drug. The developed laboratory technology makes it possible to obtain a finished product containing one inoculation dose of an oral vaccine for laboratory animals. So, a new method of vaccination has been designed. It is necessary to conduct preclinical and clinical trials to promptly introduce the oral administration of anthrax vaccine into medical practice as the simplest method for mass vaccination of humans

    Термоэлектрические явления и устройства в концепции Ландауэра–Датты–Лундстрома

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    С позиций концепции «снизу–вверх» транспортной модели Ландауэра–Датты–Лундстрома современной наноэлектроники рассматриваются термоэлектрические явления Зеебека и Пельтье и качественно обсуждаются закон Видемана–Франца, числа Лоренца и основные уравнения термоэлектричества с четырьмя транспортными коэффициентами (удельное сопротивление, коэффициенты Зеебека и Пельтье, электронная теплопроводность). С тех же позиций на примере 3D-резистора в диффузионном режиме анализируется работа термоэлектрических охладителя и генератора энергии с учётом лишь электронов, как реальных носителей тока, так и в рамках умозрительной, но удобной «дырочной» модели, вводятся и определяются понятия эффективности работы (КПД, фактора мощности и добротности) термоэлектрических устройств и рассматривается, каким образом транспортные коэффициенты зависят от свойств термиков.З позицій концепції «знизу–вгору» транспортної моделі Ландауера–Датти–Лундстрома сучасної наноелектроніки розглядаються термоелектричні явища Зеєбека і Пельтьє і якісно обговорюються закон Відеманна–Франца, Лоренцові числа й основні рівняння термоелектрики з чотирма транспортними коефіцієнтами (питомий опір, коефіцієнти Зеєбека і Пельтьє, електронна теплопровідність). З тих же позицій на прикладі 3D-резистора в дифузійному режимі аналізується робота термоелектричних охолоджувача і ґенератора енергії з урахуванням лише електронів, як реальних носіїв струму, так і в межах умоглядної, але зручної «діркової» моделі, вводяться і визначаються поняття ефективности роботи (ККД, фактора потужности і добротности) термоелектричних пристроїв і розглядається, яким чином транспортні коефіцієнти залежать від властивостей терміків.Based on the ‘bottom-to-top’ approach of the Landauer–Datta–Lundstrom transport model of state-of-the-art nanoelectronics, the thermoelectric Seebeck and Peltier phenomena are considered; the Wiedemann–Franz law and Lorenz numbers as well as the four transport coefficients (specific resistivity, Seebeck and Peltier coefficients, and electronic thermal conductivity) are qualitatively discussed. From the same positions for 3D-resistor within the diffusion regime, thermoelectric cooler and energy power generator are analysed with accounting only electrons as real current carriers as well as within the scope of the artificial but useful ‘hole’ model. Conceptions of operating performances (coefficient of efficiency, power factor, and figure of merit) for thermoelectric devices are introduced and defined, and dependences of transport coefficients on the properties of termics are discussed

    Potential of Magnetic Hyperthermia to Stimulate Localized Immune Activation

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    Magnetic hyperthermia (MH) harnesses the heat-releasing properties of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) and has potential to stimulate immune activation in the tumor microenvironment whilst sparing surrounding normal tissues. To assess feasibility of localized MH in vivo, SPIONs are injected intratumorally and their fate tracked by Zirconium-89-positron emission tomography, histological analysis, and electron microscopy. Experiments show that an average of 49% (21-87%, n = 9) of SPIONs are retained within the tumor or immediately surrounding tissue. In situ heating is subsequently generated by exposure to an externally applied alternating magnetic field and monitored by thermal imaging. Tissue response to hyperthermia, measured by immunohistochemical image analysis, reveals specific and localized heat-shock protein expression following treatment. Tumor growth inhibition is also observed. To evaluate the potential effects of MH on the immune landscape, flow cytometry is used to characterize immune cells from excised tumors and draining lymph nodes. Results show an influx of activated cytotoxic T cells, alongside an increase in proliferating regulatory T cells, following treatment. Complementary changes are found in draining lymph nodes. In conclusion, results indicate that biologically reactive MH is achievable in vivo and can generate localized changes consistent with an anti-tumor immune response


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    The apparatus requirements and preliminary results of development of special program and apparatus system «SPAS» for heart and blood vessels diagnostics by oscillometry method have been described. The estimation of apparatus realization using PIC16f870i/sp controller have been given.Изложены аппаратурные требования и предварительные результаты разработки специализированного программно-аппаратного средства «СПАС» диагностики сердца и сосудов методом осциллометрии. Дана оценка возможностей реализации аппаратной части на базе микроконтроллера PIC16f870i/sp. ter-spacing:.05pt'>lumina substrate and preconcentrator geometry

    Targeted natural killer cell–based adoptive immunotherapy for the treatment of patients with NSCLC after radiochemotherapy: a randomized phase II clinical trial

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    Purpose: Non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is a fatal disease with poor prognosis. A membrane-bound form of Hsp70 (mHsp70) which is selectively expressed on high-risk tumors serves as a target for mHsp70-targeting natural killer (NK) cells. Patients with advanced mHsp70-positive NSCLC may therefore benefit from a therapeutic intervention involving mHsp70-targeting NK cells. The randomized phase II clinical trial (EudraCT2008-002130-30) explores tolerability and efficacy of ex vivo–activated NK cells in patients with NSCLC after radiochemotherapy (RCT). Patients and Methods: Patients with unresectable, mHsp70-positive NSCLC (stage IIIa/b) received 4 cycles of autologous NK cells activated ex vivo with TKD/IL2 [interventional arm (INT)] after RCT (60–70 Gy, platinum-based chemotherapy) or RCT alone [control arm (CTRL)]. The primary objective was progression-free survival (PFS), and secondary objectives were the assessment of quality of life (QoL, QLQ-LC13), toxicity, and immunobiological responses. Results: The NK-cell therapy after RCT was well tolerated, and no differences in QoL parameters between the two study arms were detected. Estimated 1-year probabilities for PFS were 67% [95% confidence interval (CI), 19%–90%] for the INT arm and 33% (95% CI, 5%–68%) for the CTRL arm (P = 0.36, 1-sided log-rank test). Clinical responses in the INT group were associated with an increase in the prevalence of activated NK cells in their peripheral blood


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    Formation of tractors park and its perspective development are carried out on the basis of realization and improvement of the scientifically based types range constructed on a traction classification sign which conforms to requirements of agricultural production when performing two main conditions: full meeting the requirements for various standard sizes of tractors applicable to conditions of the corresponding zones of Russia and continuous reproduction and development of tractor fleet, both by quantity of efficient machinery and its structure. The developed types range practically runs the gamut of organizational and economic and climatic conditions, and also all range of forms of the organizations using machinery, beginning from individual consumers, small and large rent and contract collectives and finishing large-scale enterprises and their associations. Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat) information about a steady tendency of fleet reduction was used for studying of regularities of development of tractor fleet. This information was added by analytical synthesis of data about the annual brand purchases in the Russian market of agricultural tractors. The developed database shows a share of the tractors in fleets of agricultural organizations, which are used over depreciation term, and also minimum necessary number of new machines introduction for formation of volume of tractors with limit age and the total quantity of tractors necessary for minimization of set of expenses. It was established that it is possible to estimate visually the developed quantitative and age structure of tractors fleet and to predict its development on prospect by worked out database representing set of annual tractors brand lines purchasing.Формирование парка тракторов и его перспективное развитие осуществляются на основе реализации и совершенствования научно обоснованного типажа, построенного по тяговому классификационному признаку, который соответствует требованиям сельхозпроизводства при выполнении двух основных условий: полное обеспечение потребности в различных типоразмерах тракторов применительно условиям соответствующих зон России и постоянное воспроизводство и развитие тракторного парка, как по количеству работоспособной техники, так и по его структуре. Разработанный типаж охватывает практически весь диапазон организационно-хозяйственных и климатических условий, а также весь спектр форм организаций, использующих технику, начиная от индивидуальных потребителей, мелких и крупных арендных и подрядных коллективов и кончая крупными хозяйствами и их объединениями. Для изучения закономерностей развития тракторного парка информацию Росстат об устойчивой тенденции сокращения парка дополнили путем аналитического обобщения данных о годовых помарочных закупках на российском рынке сельскохозяйственных тракторов. Показали, что разработанная база данных отражает долю тракторов в парке СХО, используемых сверх срока амортизации, а также минимально необходимое количество введения новых машин для формирования объема тракторов предельного возраста и общего количества тракторов, необходимого для минимизации совокупности затрат. Установили, что наглядно оценить сложившуюся количественно-возрастную структуру парка тракторов и прогнозировать ее развитие на перспективу возможно при помощи разработанной базы данных, представляющей собой совокупность годовых помарочных закупочных линеек тракторов