13,382 research outputs found

    Limitations on quantum control

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    In this note we give an introduction to the topic of quantum control, explaining what its objectives are, and describing some of its limitations.Comment: 6 page

    Electro-optic techniques for longitudinal electron bunch diagnostics

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    Electro-optic techniques are becoming increasingly important in ultrafast electron bunch longitudinal diagnostics and have been successfully implemented at various accelerator laboratories. The longitudinal bunch shape is directly obtained from a single-shot, non-intrusive measurement of the temporal electric field profile of the bunch. Further- more, the same electro-optic techniques can be used to measure the temporal profile of terahertz / far-infrared opti- cal pulses generated by a CTR screen, at a bending magnet (CSR), or by an FEL. This contribution summarizes the re- sults obtained at FELIX and FLASH

    Learning preferences for large scale multi-label problems

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    Despite that the majority of machine learning approaches aim to solve binary classification problems, several real-world applications require specialized algorithms able to handle many different classes, as in the case of single-label multi-class and multi-label classification problems. The Label Ranking framework is a generalization of the above mentioned settings, which aims to map instances from the input space to a total order over the set of possible labels. However, generally these algorithms are more complex than binary ones, and their application on large-scale datasets could be untractable. The main contribution of this work is the proposal of a novel general online preference-based label ranking framework. The proposed framework is able to solve binary, multi-class, multi-label and ranking problems. A comparison with other baselines has been performed, showing effectiveness and efficiency in a real-world large-scale multi-label task

    Benchmarking of electro-optic monitors for femtosecond electron bunches

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    The longitudinal profiles of ultrashort relativistic electron bunches at the soft x-ray free-electron laser FLASH have been investigated using two single-shot detection schemes: an electro-optic (EO) detector measuring the Coulomb field of the bunch and a radio-frequency structure transforming the charge distribution into a transverse streak. A comparison permits an absolute calibration of the EO technique. EO signals as short as 60 fs (rms) have been observed, which is a new record in the EO detection of single electron bunches and close to the limit given by the EO material properties

    Single shot longitudinal bunch profile measurements by temporally resolved electro-optical detection

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    For the high gain operation of a SASE FEL, extremely short electron bunches are essential to generate sufficiently high peak currents. At the superconducting linac of FLASH at DESY, we have installed an electro- optic measurement system to probe the time structure of the electric field of single ~100 fs electron bunches. In this technique, the field induced birefringence in an electro-optic crystal is encoded on a chirped picosecond laser pulse. The longitudinal electric field profile of the electron bunch is then obtained from the encoded optical pulse by a single shot cross correlation with a 35 fs laser pulse using a second harmonic crystal (temporal decoding). An electro-optical signal exhibiting a feature with 118 fs FWHM was observed, and this is close to the limit of resolution due to the material properties of the particular electro-optic crystal used. The measured electro-optic signals are compared to bunch shapes simultaneously measured with a transverse deflecting cavity

    Longtitudinal electron beam diagnostics via upconversion of THz to visible radiation

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    Longitudinal electro-optic electron bunch diagnostics has been successfully applied at several accelerators. The electro-optic effect can be seen as an upconversion of the Coulomb field of the relativistic electron bunch (THz radiation) to the visible spectral range, where a variety of standard diagnostic tools are available. Standard techniques to characterise femtosecond optical laser pulses (auto- and cross-correlators) have led to the schemes that can measure electron bunch profiles with femtosecond resolution. These techniques require, however, well synchronized femtosecond laser pulses, in order to obtain the desired temporal resolution. Currently, we are exploring other electro-optic variants which require less advanced laser systems and will be more amenable to beam based longitudinal feedback applications. The first results of one such new scheme will be presented in this paper

    Generation of frequency sidebands on single photons with indistinguishability from quantum dots

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    Generation and manipulation of the quantum state of a single photon is at the heart of many quantum information protocols. There has been growing interest in using phase modulators as quantum optics devices that preserve coherence. In this Letter, we have used an electro-optic phase modulator to shape the state vector of single photons emitted by a quantum dot to generate new frequency components (modes) and explicitly demonstrate that the phase modulation process agrees with the theoretical prediction at a single photon level. Through two-photon interference measurements we show that for an output consisting of three modes (the original mode and two sidebands), the indistinguishability of the mode engineered photon, measured through the secondorder intensity correlation (g2(0)) is preserved. This work demonstrates a robust means to generate a photonic qubit or more complex state (e.g., a qutrit) for quantum communication applications by encoding information in the sidebands without the loss of coherence

    Single-shot longitudinal bunch profile measurements at FLASH using electro-optic detection:experiment, simulation, and validation

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    At the superconducting linac of FLASH at DESY, we have installed an electro-optic (EO) experiment for single- shot, non-destructive measurements of the longitudinal electric charge distribution of individual electron bunches. The time profile of the electric bunch field is electro- optically encoded onto a chirped titanium-sapphire laser pulse. In the decoding step, the profile is retrieved either from a cross-correlation of the encoded pulse with a 30 fs laser pulse, obtained from the same laser (electro- optic temporal decoding, EOTD), or from the spectral intensity of the transmitted probe pulse (electro-optic spectral decoding, EOSD). At FLASH, the longitudinally compressed electron bunches have been measured during FEL operation with a resolution of better than 50 fs. The electro-optic process in gallium phosphide was numerically simulated using as input data the bunch shapes determined with a transverse-deflecting RF structure. In this contribution, we present electro-optically measured bunch profiles and compare them with the simulation