708 research outputs found

    Thiopurine S -methyltransferase polymorphisms: efficient screening method for patients considering taking thiopurine drugs

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    Objective: More than 11% of the Caucasian population are heterozygous or homozygous carriers of thiopurine S-methyltransferase (TPMT) mutants and are at risk for toxic side effects when treated with thiopurine drugs. Therefore, screening for TPMT polymorphisms in a patient prior to prescribing these agents is recommended. The goal of this study was to determine a cut-off concentration of the TPMT activity assay beyond which genotyping of the TPMT gene should be performed. Methods: The TPMT activity of 240 unrelated Caucasian subjects was measured using high-performance liquid chromatography. Genotyping for the most frequent allelic variants, TPMT*2, *3A, *3B, *3C and *7 was performed by LightCycler technology and sequencing. Results: The inter-individual TPMT activity showed a range from 23nmol MTG/g*Hb*h−1 to 97nmol MTG/g*Hb*h−1 with a median of 56nmol MTG/g*Hb*h−1. Using a cut-off concentration of 45.5nmol MTG/g*Hb*h−1, a test sensitivity of 100% and a specificity of 89% were reached for heterozygous carriers of a TPMT mutation. We identified 1 carrier of TPMT*2, 14 carriers of TPMT*3A and 3 carriers of TPMT*3C, resulting in a TPMT heterozygosity prevalence of 7.5%. Conclusions: This study defines the cut-off value for the TPMT phenotyping assay at 45.5nmol/g*Hb*h−1, beyond which additional genotyping elucidates the individual risk for drug therapy. Using this cut-off concentration, the number of genotyping assays could be reduced by about 60

    Monographies on drugs, which are frequently analysed in the course of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Monographien ĂŒber Medikamente, die regelmĂ€ssig im Rahmen des Therapeutic Drug Monitorings analysiert werden

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    In 1995 the working group "Drug Monitoring” of the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry (SSCC) has already published a printed version of drug monographs, which are now newly compiled and presented in a standardised manner. The aim of these monographs is to give an overview on the most important informations that are necessary in order to request a drug analysis or is helpful to interpret the results. Therefore, the targeted audience are laboratory health professionals or the receivers of the reports. There is information provided on the indication for therapeutic drug monitoring, protein binding, metabolic pathways and enzymes involved, elimination half life time and elimination routes as well as information on therapeutic or toxic concentrations. Because preanalytical considerations are of particular importance for therapeutic drug monitoring, there is also information given at which time the determination of the drug concentration is reasonable and when steady-state concentrations are reached after changing the dose. Furthermore, the stability of the drug and its metabolite(s), respectively, after blood sampling is described. For readers with a specific interest, references to important publications are given. The number of the monographs will be continuously enlarged. The updated files are presented on the homepage of the SSCC (www.sscc.ch). We hope that these monographs are helpful for you handling therapeutic drug monitoring and look forward to comments of the audienc

    Nitrogen affects cluster root formation and expression of putative peptide transporters

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    Non-mycorrhizal Hakea actites (Proteaceae) grows in heathland where organic nitrogen (ON) dominates the soil nitrogen (N) pool. Hakea actites uses ON for growth, but the role of cluster roots in ON acquisition is unknown. The aim of the present study was to ascertain how N form and concentration affect cluster root formation and expression of peptide transporters. Hydroponically grown plants produced most biomass with low molecular weight ON>inorganic N>high molecular weight ON, while cluster roots were formed in the order no-N>ON>inorganic N. Intact dipeptide was transported into roots and metabolized, suggesting a role for the peptide transporter (PTR) for uptake and transport of peptides. HaPTR4, a member of subgroup II of the NRT1/PTR transporter family, which contains most characterized di- and tripeptide transporters in plants, facilitated transport of di- and tripeptides when expressed in yeast. No transport activity was demonstrated for HaPTR5 and HaPTR12, most similar to less well characterized transporters in subgroup III. The results provide further evidence that subgroup II of the NRT1/PTR family contains functional di- and tripeptide transporters. Green fluorescent protein fusion proteins of HaPTR4 and HaPTR12 localized to tonoplast, and plasma- and endomembranes, respectively, while HaPTR5 localized to vesicles of unknown identity. Grown in heathland or hydroponic culture with limiting N supply or starved of nutrients, HaPTR genes had the highest expression in cluster roots and non-cluster roots, and leaf expression increased upon re-supply of ON. It is concluded that formation of cluster roots and expression of PTR are regulated in response to N suppl

    Probing the validity of the Derjaguin approximation for heterogeneous colloidal particles

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    The Derjaguin approximation states that the interaction force between two curved surfaces is proportional to their effective radius, whereby the inverse effective radius is the arithmetic mean of the inverse curvature radii of the surfaces involved. The present study investigates the validity of this approximation with an atomic force microscope (AFM) by measuring interaction forces between colloidal particles of different sizes, but of identical composition. Forces were measured between silica particles of 2.0, 4.8 and 6.8 mu m in diameter in KCl electrolyte solution with and without adsorbed poly(amido amine) (PAMAM) dendrimers. The Derjaguin approximation could be confirmed at all distances investigated, including those comparable with the characteristic length scales of the surface roughness or the surface charge heterogeneities. For the conditions investigated, the Derjaguin approximation turns out to be surprisingly robust

    The Relationship Between Glycaemia, Cognitive Function, Structural Brain Outcomes and Dementia: A Mendelian Randomisation Study in the UK Biobank

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    We investigated the relationship between glycaemia and cognitive function, brain structure and incident dementia using bidirectional Mendelian randomisation (MR). Data were from UK Biobank (n∌500,000). Our exposures were genetic instruments for type-2 diabetes (157 variants) and HbA1c (51 variants) and our outcomes were reaction time (RT), visual memory, hippocampal and white matter hyperintensity volumes, Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). We also investigated associations between genetic variants for RT (43 variants) and, diabetes and HbA1c. We used conventional inverse-variance weighted (IVW) MR, alongside MR sensitivity analyses. Using IVW, genetic liability to type-2 diabetes was not associated with reaction time (exponentiated ß=1.00, 95%CI=1.00; 1.00), visual memory (expß=1.00, 95%CI=0.99; 1.00), white matter hyperintensity volume (WMHV) (expß=0.99, 95%CI=0.97; 1.01), hippocampal volume (HV) (ß coefficient mm3=4.56, 95%CI=-3.98; 13.09) or AD (OR 0.89, 95%CI=0.78; 1.01). HbA1c was not associated with RT (expß=1.01, 95%CI=1.00; 1.01), WMHV (expß=0.94, 95%CI=0.81; 1.08), HV (ß=7.21, 95%CI=-54.06; 68.48), or risk of AD (OR 0.94, 95%CI=0.47; 1.86), but HbA1c was associated with visual memory (expß=1.06, 95%CI=1.05; 1.07) using a weighted median. IVW showed that reaction time was not associated with diabetes risk (OR 0.96, 95%CI=0.63; 1.46) or with HbA1c (ß coefficient mmol/mol=-0.08, 95%CI=-0.57; 0.42). Overall, we observed little evidence of causal association between genetic instruments for T2D or peripheral glycaemia and some measures of cognition and brain structure in midlife

    Crohn's disease activity index and Vienna classification - Is it worthwhile to calculate before surgery?

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    Background: Crohn's disease (CD) patients with increased disease activity may reveal an increased risk for perioperative complications. The `Crohn's disease activity index' (CDAI) and the `Vienna classification' (VC) were developed for standardized disease activity estimations. The significance of these scores to predict extent, type and early outcome of surgery in CD patients was analyzed. Methods: In 179 surgically treated CD patients, the CDAI and VC were assessed from a prospective database. Relations of the scores with CD risk factors, type, number, location and complications of surgery were analyzed. Results: VC behavior and location subtypes were associated with distinct types of surgery (i.e. `strictureplasty' in `stricturing disease', `colon surgery' in `colon involvement'), but not with surgery type and extent or outcome. Surgery extent (i.e. with 5 vs. 3 `surgical sites' 425 +/- 25 vs. 223.3 +/- 25) and complications (357.1 +/- 36.9 (with) vs. 244.4 +/- 13 (without)) were associated with elevated CDAI levels; however, nicotine abuse remained the only significant risk factor for perioperative complications after multiple logistic regression. Conclusion: The significance of VC or CDAI for predicting the extent of surgery or complications is limited. None of the tested variables except preoperative nicotine abuse influenced the likelihood for perioperative complications. Copyright (c) 2006 S. Karger AG, Base

    Work-Unit Absenteeism: Effects of Satisfaction, Commitment, Labor Market Conditions, and Time

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    Prior research is limited in explaining absenteeism at the unit level and over time. We developed and tested a model of unit-level absenteeism using five waves of data collected over six years from 115 work units in a large state agency. Unit-level job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and local unemployment were modeled as time-varying predictors of absenteeism. Shared satisfaction and commitment interacted in predicting absenteeism but were not related to the rate of change in absenteeism over time. Unit-level satisfaction and commitment were more strongly related to absenteeism when units were located in areas with plentiful job alternatives

    Structure-guided design and optimization of small molecules targeting the protein-protein interaction between the von hippel-lindau (VHL) E3 ubiquitin ligase and the hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) alpha subunit with in vitro nanomolar affinities

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    E3 ubiquitin ligases are attractive targets in the ubiquitin-proteasome system, however, the development of small-molecule ligands has been rewarded with limited success. The von Hippel-Lindau protein (pVHL) is the substrate recognition subunit of the VHL E3 ligase that targets HIF-1α for degradation. We recently reported inhibitors of the pVHL:HIF-1α interaction, however they exhibited moderate potency. Herein, we report the design and optimization, guided by X-ray crystal structures, of a ligand series with nanomolar binding affinities

    Effects of externally supplied protein on root morphology and biomass allocation in Arabidopsis

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    Growth, morphogenesis and function of roots are influenced by the concentration and form of nutrients present in soils, including low molecular mass inorganic N(IN, ammonium, nitrate) and organic N (ON, e.g.amino acids). Proteins, ON of high molecular mass, are prevalent in soils but their possible effects on roots have received little attention. Here, we investigated how externally supplied protein of a size typical of soluble soil proteins influences root development of axenically grown Arabidopsis. Addition of low to intermediate concentrations of protein (bovine serum albumen, BSA) to IN-replete growth medium increased root dry weight, root length and thickness, and root hair length. Supply of higher BSA concentrations inhibited root development. These effects were independent of total N concentrations in the growth medium. The possible involvement of phytohormones was investigated using Arabidopsis with defective auxin (tir1-1 and axr2-1) and ethylene (ein2-1) responses. That no phenotype was observed suggests a signalling pathway is operating independent of auxin and ethylene responses. This study expands the knowledge on N form-explicit responses to demonstrate that ON of high molecular mass elicits specific responses

    Development and validation of a 30-day mortality index based on pre-existing medical administrative data from 13,323 COVID-19 patients: The Veterans Health Administration COVID-19 (VACO) Index.

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    BACKGROUND: Available COVID-19 mortality indices are limited to acute inpatient data. Using nationwide medical administrative data available prior to SARS-CoV-2 infection from the US Veterans Health Administration (VA), we developed the VA COVID-19 (VACO) 30-day mortality index and validated the index in two independent, prospective samples. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We reviewed SARS-CoV-2 testing results within the VA between February 8 and August 18, 2020. The sample was split into a development cohort (test positive between March 2 and April 15, 2020), an early validation cohort (test positive between April 16 and May 18, 2020), and a late validation cohort (test positive between May 19 and July 19, 2020). Our logistic regression model in the development cohort considered demographics (age, sex, race/ethnicity), and pre-existing medical conditions and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) derived from ICD-10 diagnosis codes. Weights were fixed to create the VACO Index that was then validated by comparing area under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) in the early and late validation cohorts and among important validation cohort subgroups defined by sex, race/ethnicity, and geographic region. We also evaluated calibration curves and the range of predictions generated within age categories. 13,323 individuals tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (median age: 63 years; 91% male; 42% non-Hispanic Black). We observed 480/3,681 (13%) deaths in development, 253/2,151 (12%) deaths in the early validation cohort, and 403/7,491 (5%) deaths in the late validation cohort. Age, multimorbidity described with CCI, and a history of myocardial infarction or peripheral vascular disease were independently associated with mortality-no other individual comorbid diagnosis provided additional information. The VACO Index discriminated mortality in development (AUC = 0.79, 95% CI: 0.77-0.81), and in early (AUC = 0.81 95% CI: 0.78-0.83) and late (AUC = 0.84, 95% CI: 0.78-0.86) validation. The VACO Index allows personalized estimates of 30-day mortality after COVID-19 infection. For example, among those aged 60-64 years, overall mortality was estimated at 9% (95% CI: 6-11%). The Index further discriminated risk in this age stratum from 4% (95% CI: 3-7%) to 21% (95% CI: 12-31%), depending on sex and comorbid disease. CONCLUSION: Prior to infection, demographics and comorbid conditions can discriminate COVID-19 mortality risk overall and within age strata. The VACO Index reproducibly identified individuals at substantial risk of COVID-19 mortality who might consider continuing social distancing, despite relaxed state and local guidelines
