15 research outputs found

    A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy merger

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are transient flares produced when a star is ripped apart by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH). We have observed a transient source in the western nucleus of the merging galaxy pair Arp 299 that radiated >1.5 × 1052 erg in the infrared and radio but was not luminous at optical or x-ray wavelengths. We interpret this as a TDE with much of its emission reradiated at infrared wavelengths by dust. Efficient reprocessing by dense gas and dust may explain the difference between theoretical predictions and observed luminosities of TDEs. The radio observations resolve an expanding and decelerating jet, probing the jet formation and evolution around a SMBH

    A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy merger

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are transient flares produced when a star is ripped apart by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH). We have observed a transient source in the western nucleus of the merging galaxy pair Arp 299 that radiated >1.5 × 10 erg at infrared and radio wavelengths but was not luminous at optical or x-ray wavelengths. We interpret this as a TDE with much of its emission reradiated at infrared wavelengths by dust. Efficient reprocessing by dense gas and dust may explain the difference between theoretical predictions and observed luminosities of TDEs. The radio observations resolve an expanding and decelerating jet, probing the jet formation and evolution around a SMBH. Copyright © 2018, American Association for the Advancement of ScienceS.M. acknowledges financial support from the Academy of Finland (pmject 8120503). The research leading to these mats has received funding from the European.. Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013) under grant agreement number & 227290, 283393 (RadioNc-t) and 60725 (HELP). AA., M.P.-T., N.R.-O. and R.H.T. acknowledge support from the Spanish MINECO through grants AYA2012-38491-002-02 and AYA2015 63939 C2 1 P. P.G.J. acknowledges support from European Research Council Consolidator Grant 647208. C.R.-C. acknowledges support by the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism's Millennium Science Initiative through grant 10120009, awarded to The Millennium. Institute of Astrophysics, MAS Chile, and from CONICYT through FONDECYT grant 3150238 and China-CON1CYT fund CAS160313. P.M. and M.A.A. acknowledge support from the ERC research grant CAMAP-250276, and partial support from the Spanish MINECO grant AYA2015-66889C2-1P Lard the local Valencia government ghat PROMETE0-11-2014069. FIE. acknowledges support from a Science Foundation Ireland-Royal Society University Research Fellowship. D.L.C. acknowledges support from grants ST/0001901/4 ST/J001368/1, ST/ K001051/1, and st/N0001138/1. P.V. acknowledges support from the National Research Foundation of South Africa.. J.H. acknowledges financial support tom the Finis h ChAth ral Fouridation and the Virile), YIP and Kahle Vais8I8 Foundation. J.K. acknowledges financial support from the Academy of Finland (grant 311138)

    A dust-enshrouded tidal disruption event with a resolved radio jet in a galaxy merger

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    Tidal disruption events (TDEs) are transient flares produced when a star is ripped apart by the gravitational field of a supermassive black hole (SMBH). We have observed a transient source in the western nucleus of the merging galaxy pair Arp 299 that radiated > 1.5 x 10(52) erg at infrared and radio wavelengths but was not luminous at optical or x-ray wavelengths. We interpret this as a TDE with much of its emission reradiated at infrared wavelengths by dust. Efficient reprocessing by dense gas and dust may explain the difference between theoretical predictions and observed luminosities of TDEs. The radio observations resolve an expanding and decelerating jet, probing the jet formation and evolution around a SMBH

    Hospitalization determinants in patients with Mpox disease: The CEME-22 Project

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    Objectives: This sub-analysis seeks to delineate and characterize factors influencing hospitalization in individuals diagnosed with Mpox disease amidst the initial outbreak in Spain in the onset of 2022. Methods: Employing a non-probabilistic convenience sampling approach, a retrospective multicenter investigation was carried out to examine Monkeypox virus infection within Spanish healthcare facilities. Results: The median duration of the disease was 16 days, with 4.2 % of cases resulting in hospitalization. There was a single ICU admission leading to fatality. Sequelae were observed in 2.3 % of cases. Multivariate analysis revealed that hospitalization decisions were influenced by immunosuppression and severe symptoms, including gastrointestinal, neurological, ear-nose-throat, and respiratory manifestations. Significant analytical parameter differences were restricted to hemoglobin levels at diagnosis. Conclusions: This study elucidates factors influencing hospitalization decisions for Monkeypox patients in Spain, emphasizing the importance of immunosuppression and extracutaneous symptoms involving the gastrointestinal, ear-nose-throat, and respiratory pathways. In summary, hospitalization determinations arise from the interplay of these crucial dimensions

    First diagnosis of an imported human myiasis caused by Hypoderma sinense (Diptera: Oestridae), detected in a European traveler returning from India

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    This paper reports a case of myiasis caused by Hypoderma sinense in a European man returning from a journey through northern India. The patient showed eosinophilia, systemic signs of inflammation, and painful swellings in several parts of the body. The diagnosis was confirmed by specific serology and parasite molecular identification