127 research outputs found

    Пенсионное страхование в России: современное состояние и возможности трансформации

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     The article examines and analyzes the essence of pension relations in modern Russia. The aim of the article is to study and test the hypothesis that an important factor in ensuring the effectiveness of the Russian pension system is a clear definition of the essence of economic relations in it, as well as adequate legal and organizational formalization of these relations. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the analysis of the validity and adequacy of applying (from terminological to organizational and practical levels) the classical insurance principles in the organization of the pension system, as well as the possibilities of increasing the efficiency of this system on the basis of the insurance sector. The research methodology is based on the analysis of the genesis and current state of the Russian pension system. The results of the study indicate that the structure of the Russian pension system requires serious reorganization, in particular, a clear distinction between the insurance (pension insurance) and non-insurance (pension provision) segments. The authors substantiated that pension insurance should be based on the classical principles of life insurance, and insurers who have an appropriate license obtained under the Law “On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation” should be involved in the implementation of this insurance. At the same time, non-state pension funds must either be transformed into life insurers, or acquire new functionality within the framework of pension provision (the non-insurance part of the pension system). The practical implementation of the research results and related recommendations will allow, according to the authors, to organically structure the insurance and non-insurance segments of the Russian pension system and increase its efficiency. The authors conclude that the construction of pension insurance on the basis of the classical principles of life insurance will make it possible to fully use the accumulated global and domestic experience of using life insurance as a reliable instrument for financing pensions. At the same time, it is necessary to extend to pension relations the norms of regulation of the insurance market and state insurance supervision, which have proven their effectiveness.  Авторы анализируют сущность пенсионных отношений в современной России. Цель исследования — проверка гипотезы о том, что важным фактором обеспечения эффективности российской пенсионной системы является четкое определение сущности экономических отношений внутри нее, а также их адекватное правовое и организационное оформление. Научная новизна исследования заключается в анализе обоснованности и адекватности использования (от терминологического до организационно-практического уровней) классических страховых принципов в организации пенсионной системы, а также возможностей повышения  эффективности этой системы на основе страхового дела. В основе методологии исследования лежит анализ генезиса и современного состояния российской пенсионной системы. Показано, что структура российской пенсионной системы требует серьезной реорганизации, в частности четкого разграничения страхового (пенсионное страхование) и нестрахового (пенсионное обеспечение) сегментов. Обосновано, что пенсионное страхование должно основываться на классических принципах страхования жизни, а реализацией данного страхования должны заниматься страховщики, имеющие соответствующую лицензию, полученную в рамках Закона  «Об организации страхового дела в РФ». При этом негосударственные пенсионные фонды должны либо быть преобразованы в страховщиков жизни, либо приобрести новый функционал в  рамках пенсионного обеспечения (нестраховой части пенсионной системы). Практическая реализация  результатов исследования и связанных с ними рекомендаций позволит, по мнению авторов, органично структурировать страховой и нестраховой блоки российской пенсионной системы и  повысит ее эффективность. Авторы делают вывод, что построение пенсионного страхования на базе классических принципов страхования жизни позволит в полной мере использовать накопленный мировой и отечественный опыт использования страхования жизни как надежного инструмента финансирования пенсий. При этом на пенсионные отношения необходимо распространить подтвердившие свою эффективность нормы регулирования страхового рынка и государственного страхового надзора.

    Electrochemical nanostructured biosensors for determination of ultra-trace anabolic drugs in bovine samples

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    Los anabólicos son drogas capaces de incrementar la retención de nitrógeno aumentando la acumulación de proteínas en los animales, son utilizados en producción agropecuaria y entrañan un serio problema para la salud pública (FAO/OMS, Roma, 1975). Entre estos compuestos se encuentran los β-agonistas, los cuales empleados en dosis bajas presentan usos terapéuticos, mientras que utilizados en altas dosis muestran su función anabolizante, generan residuos cuya acumulación representa un peligro para los consumidores. Debido al reporte de serias intoxicaciones, fue prohibida su utilización como promotores del crecimiento. El análisis de dichos residuos en muestras de origen animal requiere elevada sensibilidad y selectividad. Las metodologías usadas para su determinación son la cromatografía líquida y gaseosa con detección por espectroscopia de masas y técnicas inmunológicas como ELISA y RIA. Alternativamente, y debido a que los β-agonistas y otros anabólicos como el zeranol contienen grupos electroactivos, la detección electroquímica representa una estrategia para ser considerada. Esta detección combinada con el uso de electrodos de láminas impresas ofrece ventajas como sencillez, versatilidad, bajo precio, mínimo volumen de muestra requerido y portatibilidad del sistema, lo que permite realizar ensayos in situ. La incorporación de nanomateriales (nanopartículas metálicas, nanotubos de carbono, etc.) en la superficie de dichos electrodos posibilita mejorar la sensibilidad en comparación con los métodos tradicionales. Dichos materiales se emplean en la construcción de sensores, pues ofrecen un aumento en el área superficial, conductividad y propiedades electrocatalíticas, así como también una excelente biocompatibilidad por lo que pueden utilizarse como soportes para la inmovilización de biomoléculas en reacciones inmunológicas y/o enzimáticas.Anabolic, drugs able to increase nitrogen retention by increasing the accumulation of proteins in animals have been used in livestock production and involve a serious problem for public health (FAO/OMS, Rome 1975). Within these compounds include β-agonists, which have therapeutic uses, but to express its anabolic function require high doses, which generate waste whose accumulation represents a danger for consumers. Since the report of serious food poisoning their use as growth promoter was banned. The analysis of such residues in animal samples should be performed with high sensitivity and selectivity. The most widely used methods are techniques of liquid chromatography and gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy detection, but can also be used immunological techniques such as ELISA and RIA. Alternatively, and because the β-agonists containing electroactive groups, electrochemical detection should be considered. This detection combined with the use of screen printed carbon electrodes provides many advantages such as simplicity, versatility, low price, minimum sample volume required and portability system, which allows “in situ’’ determinations. Another strategy to improve sensitivity over traditional methods is the incorporation of nanomaterials (metal nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes, etc.). These materials represent a tool for sensors construction because they provide an increased surface area, high conductivity, electrocatalytic properties, as well as an excellent biocompatibility; therefore can be used as supports for biomolecule immobilization on immunological and/or enzymatic reactions.Fil: Regiart, Daniel Matias Gaston. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Pereira, Sirley Vanesa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Messina, Germán Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Fernández Baldo, Martín Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Spotorno, Viviana G.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias. Centro de Investigación de Recursos Naturales. Instituto de Recursos Biológicos; ArgentinaFil: Bertolino, Franco Adrián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Raba, Julio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico San Luis. Instituto de Química de San Luis; Argentin

    Study of antitumor activity in breast cell lines using silver nanoparticles produced by yeast

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    In the present article, we describe a study of antitumor activity in breast cell lines using silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) synthesized by a microbiological method. These Ag NPs were tested for their antitumor activity against MCF7 and T47D cancer cells and MCF10-A normal breast cell line. We analyzed cell viability, apoptosis induction, and endocytosis activity of those cell lines and we observed that the effects of the biosynthesized Ag NPs were directly related with the endocytosis activity. Moreover, Ag NPs had higher inhibition efficacy in tumor lines than in normal lines of breast cells, which is due to the higher endocytic activity of tumor cells compared to normal cells. In this way, we demonstrate that biosynthesized Ag NPs can be an alternative for the treatment of tumors.Support from Universidad Nacional de San Luis, to the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, from Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) (Argentina), and from GENYO, Centre for Genomics and Oncological Research: Pfizer-University of Granada, Andalusian Regional Government, Granada, Spain are acknowledged

    What are communities of practice? A comparative review of four seminal works

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    This paper is a comparative review of four seminal works on communities of practice. It is argued that the ambiguities of the terms community and practice are a source of the concept's reusability allowing it to be reappropriated for different purposes, academic and practical. However, it is potentially confusing that the works differ so markedly in their conceptualizations of community, learning, power and change, diversity and informality. The three earlier works are underpinned by a common epistemological view, but Lave and Wenger's 1991 short monograph is often read as primarily about the socialization of newcomers into knowledge by a form of apprenticeship, while the focus in Brown and Duguid's article of the same year is, in contrast, on improvising new knowledge in an interstitial group that forms in resistance to management. Wenger's 1998 book treats communities of practice as the informal relations and understandings that develop in mutual engagement on an appropriated joint enterprise, but his focus is the impact on individual identity. The applicability of the concept to the heavily individualized and tightly managed work of the twenty-first century is questionable. The most recent work by Wenger – this time with McDermott and Snyder as coauthors – marks a distinct shift towards a managerialist stance. The proposition that managers should foster informal horizontal groups across organizational boundaries is in fact a fundamental redefinition of the concept. However it does identify a plausible, if limited, knowledge management (KM) tool. This paper discusses different interpretations of the idea of 'co-ordinating' communities of practice as a management ideology of empowerment

    Labor stimulation with oxytocin: effects on obstetrical and neonatal outcomes

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    Abstract Objective: to evaluate the effects of labor stimulation with oxytocin on maternal and neonatal outcomes. Method: descriptive and analytical study with 338 women who gave birth at a tertiary hospital. Obstetric and neonatal variables were measured and compared in women submitted and non-submitted to stimulation with oxytocin. Statistics were performed using Chi-square test, Fisher exact test, Student t-test; and crude Odds Ratio with 95% confidence interval were calculated. A p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: stimulation with oxytocin increases the rates of cesarean sections, epidural anesthesia and intrapartum maternal fever in primiparous and multiparous women. It has also been associated with low pH values of umbilical cord blood and with a shorter duration of the first stage of labor in primiparous women. However, it did not affect the rates of 3rd and 4th degree perineal lacerations, episiotomies, advanced neonatal resuscitation, 5-minute Apgar scores and meconium. Conclusion: stimulation with oxytocin should not be used systematically, but only in specific cases. These findings provide further evidence to health professionals and midwives on the use of oxytocin during labor. Under normal conditions, women should be informed of the possible effects of labor stimulation with oxytocin