155 research outputs found

    Congenital muscular dystrophy: from muscle to brain.

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    Congenital muscular dystrophies (CMDs) are a wide group of muscular disorders that manifest with very early onset of muscular weakness, sometime associated to severe brain involvement.The histologic pattern of muscle anomalies is typical of dystrophic lesions but quite variable depending on the different stages and on the severity of the disorder.Recent classification of CMDs have been reported most of which based on the combination of clinical, biochemical, molecular and genetic findings, but genotype/phenotype correlation are in constant progression due to more diffuse utilization of the molecular analysis.In this article, the Authors report on CMDs belonging to the group of dystroglycanopathies and in particular on the most severe forms represented by the Fukuyama CMD, Muscle-Eye-Brain disease and Walker Walburg syndrome.Clinical diagnosis of infantile hypotonia is particularly difficult considering the different etiologic factors causing the lesions, the difficulty in localizing the involved CNS area (central vs. peripheral) and the limited role of the diagnostic procedures at this early age.The diagnostic evaluation is not easy mainly in differentiating the various types of CMDs, and represents a challenge for the neonatologists and pediatricians. Suggestions are reported on the way to reach a correct diagnosis with the appropriate use of the diagnostic means

    Congenital generalized hypertrichosis: The skin as a clue to complex malformation syndromes

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    Hypertrichosis is defined as an excessive growth in body hair beyond the normal variation compared with individuals of the same age, race and sex and affecting areas not predominantly androgen-dependent. The term hirsutism is usually referred to patients, mainly women, who show excessive hair growth with male pattern distribution. Hypertrichosis is classified according to age of onset (congenital or acquired), extent of distribution (generalized or circumscribed), site involved, and to whether the disorder is isolated or associated with other anomalies. Congenital hypertrichosis is rare and may be an isolated condition of the skin or a component feature of other disorders. Acquired hypertrichosis is more frequent and is secondary to a variety of causes including drug side effects, metabolic and endocrine disorders, cutaneous auto-inflammatory or infectious diseases, malnutrition and anorexia nervosa, and ovarian and adrenal neoplasms. In most cases, hypertrichosis is not an isolated symptom but is associated with other clinical signs including intellective delay, epilepsy or complex body malformations. A review of congenital generalized hypertrichosis is reported with particular attention given to the disorders where excessive diffuse body hair is a sign indicating the presence of complex malformation syndromes. The clinical course of a patient, previously described, with a 20-year follow-up is reported

    Serum thyroid hormone evaluation during transition periods in dairy cows

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    Abstract. Thirty-five multiparous Holstein dairy cows were selected from a high-producing dairy farm in northeastern Italy: 16 in second lactation (L2), 10 in third lactation (L3) and 9 in fourth lactation (L4). Blood sampling was carried out 7 ± 5 days before calving (Pre/C) and 7 ± 5 days after calving (Post/C). Serum triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and a thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) were assessed. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed statistically significant effects of class (L2, L3, L4) and of period (Pre/C, Post/C) on the parameters studied (T3, T4, TSH). In particular, Bonferroni's multiple comparison test showed lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2 and L3 for TSH; lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2 for T3; and lower values in post-calving than in the pre-calving in L2, L3 and L4 for T4. Our results improve the knowledge of endocrine and metabolic changes occurring in dairy cows during transition periods and may be useful to supply a new strategy for the improvement of dairy cow farm management and reproductive performance

    Il trattamento del gozzo immerso. La nostra esperienza

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    Gli Autori, dopo avere accennato alla storia naturale del gozzo immerso, riferiscono la loro esperienza di tale patologia maturata negli ultimi 5 anni, sottolineando i caratteri della complessa sintoma - tologia osservata nei vari casi, la condotta terapeutica seguìta, i buoni risultati ottenuti. Si soffermano quindi ad elencare le molteplici classificazioni, via via proposte. Illustrano le complesse situazioni sia di ordine emodina - mico che respiratorio di particolare interesse anestesiologico. Discutono, infine, sulla diagnostica e soprattutto sul corretto atteggiamento terapeutico il cui obiettivo è duplice: risolvere la sinto - matologia prodotta dalla massa mediastinica ed escludere la possibi - lità di recidiv

    Knockout of 5-Lipoxygenase Results in Age-Dependent Anxiety-Like Behavior in Female Mice

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    The enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5LO) has been implicated in a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders including anxiety. Knockout of 5LO has previously been shown to alter anxiety-like behavior in mice at a young age but the effect of 5LO knockout on older animals has not been characterized.Here we used the elevated plus maze behavioral paradigm to measure anxiety-like behavior in female mice lacking 5LO (5LO-KO) at three different ages. Adolescent 5LO-KO animals did not significantly differ from wild-type (WT) animals in anxiety-like behavior. However, adult and older mice exhibited increased anxiety-like behavior compared to WT controls.These results indicate that 5LO plays a role in the development of the anxiety-like phenotype in an age-dependent manner in female mice. Future work should further investigate this interaction as 5LO may prove to be an important molecular target for the development of novel anxiolytic therapies


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    La neurofibromatosi tipo 2 [NF2] è una malattia genetica a trasmissione autosomica dominante [MIM # 101000]. Clinicamente è caratterizzata da: (1) schwannomi bilaterali del (VIII) nervo acustico/vestibolare; (2) cataratta giovanile o amartomi retinici; (3) schwannomi a carico dei nervi periferici e dei nervi cranici; (4) tumori multipli del sistema nervoso centrale (es., meningiomi, astrocitomi, ependimomi); (5) lesioni cutanee: (a) placche NF2 (schwannomi cutanei); (b) (poche) macchie caffellatte; (6) malformazioni dello sviluppo corticale cerebrale. La prevalenza della (forma sintomatica di) NF2 nella popolazione generale è di 1 su 100.000-200.000 individui con unincidenza di 1 su 33.000 nati. La forma classica a esordio nel giovane adulto è conosciuta come forma di Gardner, (esordio intorno ai 20-30 anni detà) con manifestazioni legate agli schwannomi bilaterali del nervo acustico/vestibolare (diminuzione/perdita progressiva delludito, tinnito, vertigini) e/o più raramente con manifestazioni da (altri) tumori del sistema nervoso centrale e/o periferico. In età pediatrica il fenotipo è diverso (forma di Wishart): per primi compaiono abitualmente i tumori del sistema nervoso centrale in assenza di schwannomi vestibolari; si possono avere macchie caffellatte e placche NF2 e solo dopo anni i tumori del nervo cranico VIII e di altri nervi cranici. Il quadro è più grave. Esiste anche una forma congenita ad esordio nei primi giorni/mesi di vita, con schwannomi vestibolari di piccole dimensioni (stabili nel tempo: anche per anni/decenni ma con improvvisa e rapida progressione) e numerose placche NF2; in questa forma le altre manifestazioni (es. meningiomi, altri tumori, altri schwannomi) sono spesso più gravi e progressive delle altre forme. Il gene responsabile della NF2 è localizzato sul cromosoma 22q12.1. Il prodotto genico della NF2 è conosciuto con il nome di schwannomina o merlina [dalla famiglia di proteine 4.1 del tipo moesina-ezrina-radixina/ERM alla quale appartiene il gene della NF2) e ha funzioni di regolazione della crescita e del rimodellamento cellulare (soppressione della crescita cellulare e della tumorigenesi)]. Alcune persone possono presentare tutte le (o parte delle) manifestazioni della NF2 in un emilato o in segmenti corporei circoscritti [NF2 a mosaico]. Altre persone presentano schwannomi (confermati istologicamente) dei nervi periferici (non intradermici) e/o delle radici gangliari in assenza di tumori del nervo vestibolare (o di altri nervi cranici: anche se in alcuni casi vi possono essere anche tumori unilaterali o bilaterali del nervo acustico/vestibolare e/o dei nervi cranici misti) o di altri segni diagnostici per la NF2 [Schwannomatosi, SWNTS]. Lesordio in questa forma è intorno ai 30 anni detà (sono conosciuti casi in età pediatrica) con tumori in svariate sedi (abitualmente tronco e arti). Si conoscono due forme principali: (1) SWNTS1 [MIM # 162091] causata da alterazioni del gene SMARCB1 [regolatore della cromatina actina-dipendente associato alla matrice e correlato alle proteina SWI/SBF, sub-famiglia B, membro di tipo 1; MIM # 601607], sul cromosoma 22q11.23 (posizione centromerica rispetto al gene della NF2); (2) SWNTS2 [MIM # 615670] causata da alterazioni del gene LZTR1 [regolatore della trascrizione di tipo 1 legato alla Leucina; MIM # 600574], cromosoma 22q11.21 (posizione centromerica rispetto al gene SMARCB1) che codifica per una proteina, membro della super-famiglia BTB-kelch. Il meccanismo molecolare della Schwannomatosi comprende: (1) mutazione germinale del gene SMARCB1 o del gene LZTR1; (2) ampia delezione allinterno del cromosoma 22 (con perdita del gene NF2 e dellallele intatto SMARCB1 o LZTR1); e (3) mutazione somatica dellallele intatto del gene NF2 [meccanismo conosciuto come four hits: Quadrupla alterazione (su entrambi gli alleli dei due geni SWNTS/NF2), con tre passaggi consecutivi]. Negli ultimi anni, accanto alle tradizionali terapie chirurgiche e/o radioterapiche sono stati anche impiegati diversi farmaci biologici (es., Lapatinib e Bevacizumab) con effetti di riduzione/arresto della crescita dei tipici tumori NF2

    Early Immunotherapy and Longer Corticosteroid Treatment Are Associated With Lower Risk of Relapsing Disease Course in Pediatric MOGAD

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    Background and Objectives We sought to identify early factors associated with relapse and outcome in paediatric-onset myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disorders (MOGAD). Methods In a multicenter retrospective cohort of pediatric MOGAD (≤18 years), onset features and treatment were compared in patients with monophasic vs relapsing disease (including cases with follow-up ≥12 months after onset or relapse at any time) and in patients with final Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 0 vs ≥1 at last follow-up (including cases with followup >3 months after last event or EDSS0 at any time). Multivariable logistic regression models were used to evaluate factors associated with relapsing disease course and EDSS ≥ 1 at final follow-up. Results Seventy-five children were included (median onset age 7 years; median 30 months of follow-up). Presentation with acute disseminated encephalomyelitis was more frequent in children aged 8 years or younger (66.7%, 28/42) than in older patients (30.3%, 10/33) (p = 0.002), whereas presentation with optic neuritis was more common in children older than 8 years (57.6%, 19/33) than in younger patients (21.4%, 9/42) (p = 0.001). 40.0% (26/65) of patients relapsed. Time to first relapse was longer in children aged 8 years or younger than in older patients (median 18 vs 4 months) (p = 0.013). Factors at first event independently associated with lower risk of relapsing disease course were immunotherapy <7 days from onset (6.7-fold reduced odds of relapsing course, OR 0.15, 95% CI 0.03–0.61, p = 0.009), corticosteroid treatment for ≥5 weeks (6.7-fold reduced odds of relapse, OR 0.15, 95% CI 0.03–0.80, p = 0.026), and abnormal optic nerves on onset MRI (12.5-fold reduced odds of relapse, OR 0.08, 95% CI 0.01–0.50, p = 0.007). 21.1% (15/71) had EDSS ≥ 1 at final follow-up. Patients with a relapsing course had a higher proportion of final EDSS ≥ 1 (37.5%, 9/24) than children with monophasic disease (12.8%, 5/39) (p = 0.022, univariate analysis). Each 1-point increment in worst EDSS at onset was independently associated with 6.7-fold increased odds of final EDSS ≥ 1 (OR 6.65, 95% CI 1.33–33.26, p = 0.021). Discussion At first attack of pediatric MOGAD, early immunotherapy, longer duration of corticosteroid treatment, and abnormal optic nerves on MRI seem associated with lower risk of relapse, whereas higher disease severity is associated with greater risk of final disability (EDSS ≥ 1)

    Epithelial IL-6 trans-signaling defines a new asthma phenotype with increased airway inflammation

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    Background: Although several studies link high levels of IL-6 and soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) to asthma severity and decreased lung function, the role of IL-6 trans-signaling (IL-6TS) in asthmatic patients is unclear. Objective: We sought to explore the association between epithelial IL-6TS pathway activation and molecular and clinical phenotypes in asthmatic patients. Methods: An IL-6TS gene signature obtained from air-liquid interface cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells stimulated with IL-6 and sIL-6R was used to stratify lung epithelial transcriptomic data (Unbiased Biomarkers in Prediction of Respiratory Disease Outcomes [U-BIOPRED] cohorts) by means of hierarchical clustering. IL-6TS-specific protein markers were used to stratify sputum biomarker data (Wessex cohort). Molecular phenotyping was based on transcriptional profiling of epithelial brushings, pathway analysis, and immunohistochemical analysis of bronchial biopsy specimens. Results: Activation of IL-6TS in air-liquid interface cultures reduced epithelial integrity and induced a specific gene signature enriched in genes associated with airway remodeling. The IL-6TS signature identified a subset of patients with IL-6TS-high asthma with increased epithelial expression of IL-6TS-inducible genes in the absence of systemic inflammation. The IL-6TS-high subset had an overrepresentation of frequent exacerbators, blood eosinophilia, and submucosal infiltration of T cells and macrophages. In bronchial brushings Toll-like receptor pathway genes were upregulated, whereas expression of cell junction genes was reduced. Sputum sIL-6R and IL-6 levels correlated with sputum markers of remodeling and innate immune activation, in particular YKL-40, matrix metalloproteinase 3, macrophage inflammatory protein 1 beta, IL-8, and IL-1 beta. Conclusions: Local lung epithelial IL-6TS activation in the absence of type 2 airway inflammation defines a novel subset of asthmatic patients and might drive airway inflammation and epithelial dysfunction in these patients.Peer reviewe
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