349 research outputs found

    Role of M. uclerans extracellular matrix

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    Date du colloque&nbsp;: 04/2008</p

    Establishment of resistance to Leishmania major infection in susceptible BALB/c mice requires parasite-specific CD8+ T cells

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    Although CD4+ T cells are generally accepted to be responsible for the determination of resistance to infection in experimental murine cutaneous leishmaniasis, a contribution of CD8+ lymphocytes to immunity can be demonstrated under certain well-defined conditions. Normally highly susceptible BALB/c mice can be rendered resistant to infection with Leishmania major promastigotes by a single injection of monoclonal anti-CD4 antibodies at the beginning of infection. Mice treated in such a way can heal their primary cutaneous lesions and acquire immunity to subsequent challenge infection. Both the resolution of the primary infection and the induced state of immunity to reinfection in these mice is shown to be dependent upon the anti-leishmanial effector functions of CD8+ T cells. Furthermore, in contrast to control infected BALB/c mice, which are unable to mount a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) response to viable parasites, mice cured as a result of treatment with anti-CD4 antibodies in vivo exhibit a strong DTH response, which can be significantly reduced by injection of either anti-CD4 or anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies prior to antigenic challenge with viable promastigotes. Moreover, increased numbers of specific CD8+ T cells, able to transfer Leishmania-specific DTH responses, were found in lymphoid organs of BALB/c mice rendered resistant to infection by immunointervention with anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies at the beginning of infection. Neutralization in vivo of interleukin 4 during the course of infection in BALB/c mice also enables these otherwise susceptible mice to resolve their cutaneous lesions and to decrease the parasite burden in infected tissues. CD8+ T cells are required for both of these beneficial effects. Taken together, these results indicate that in the immune BALB/c mouse, as in the normally resistant CBA mouse, CD8+ lymphocytes are involved in the elimination of L. major and in the establishment and maintenance of immunity against infection with this parasite

    Exclusive neuronal expression of SUCLA2 in the human brain

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    SUCLA2 encodes the ATP-forming subunit (A-SUCL-) of succinyl-CoA ligase, an enzyme of the citric acid cycle. Mutations in SUCLA2 lead to a mitochondrial disorder manifesting as encephalomyopathy with dystonia, deafness and lesions in the basal ganglia. Despite the distinct brain pathology associated with SUCLA2 mutations, the precise localization of SUCLA2 protein has never been investigated. Here we show that immunoreactivity of A-SUCL- in surgical human cortical tissue samples was present exclusively in neurons, identified by their morphology and visualized by double labeling with a fluorescent Nissl dye. A-SUCL- immunoreactivity co-localized >99% with that of the d subunit of the mitochondrial F0-F1 ATP synthase. Specificity of the anti-A-SUCL- antiserum was verified by the absence of labeling in fibroblasts from a patient with a complete deletion of SUCLA2. A-SUCL- immunoreactivity was absent in glial cells, identified by antibodies directed against the glial markers GFAP and S100. Furthermore, in situ hybridization histochemistry demonstrated that SUCLA2 mRNA was present in Nissl-labeled neurons but not glial cells labeled with S100. Immunoreactivity of the GTP-forming subunit (G-SUCL-) encoded by SUCLG2, or in situ hybridization histochemistry for SUCLG2 mRNA could not be demonstrated in either neurons or astrocytes. Western blotting of post mortem brain samples revealed minor G-SUCL- immunoreactivity that was however, not upregulated in samples obtained from diabetic versus non-diabetic patients, as has been described for murine brain. Our work establishes that SUCLA2 is expressed exclusively in neurons in the human cerebral cortex

    The Cryo-EM Structure of a Complete 30S Translation Initiation Complex from Escherichia coli

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    Formation of the 30S initiation complex (30S IC) is an important checkpoint in regulation of gene expression. The selection of mRNA, correct start codon, and the initiator fMet-tRNAfMet requires the presence of three initiation factors (IF1, IF2, IF3) of which IF3 and IF1 control the fidelity of the process, while IF2 recruits fMet-tRNAfMet. Here we present a cryo-EM reconstruction of the complete 30S IC, containing mRNA, fMet-tRNAfMet, IF1, IF2, and IF3. In the 30S IC, IF2 contacts IF1, the 30S subunit shoulder, and the CCA end of fMet-tRNAfMet, which occupies a novel P/I position (P/I1). The N-terminal domain of IF3 contacts the tRNA, whereas the C-terminal domain is bound to the platform of the 30S subunit. Binding of initiation factors and fMet-tRNAfMet induces a rotation of the head relative to the body of the 30S subunit, which is likely to prevail through 50S subunit joining until GTP hydrolysis and dissociation of IF2 take place. The structure provides insights into the mechanism of mRNA selection during translation initiation

    Viability and Burden of Leishmania in Extralesional Sites during Human Dermal Leishmaniasis

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    Understanding of the dynamics and distribution of Leishmania in the human host is fundamental to the targeting of control measures and their evaluation. Amplification of parasite gene sequences in clinical samples from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients has provided evidence of Leishmania in blood, other tissues and sites distinct from the lesion and of persistence of infection after clinical resolution of disease. However, there is uncertainty about the interpretation of the presence of Leishmania DNA as indicative of viable parasites. Because RNA is short-lived and labile, its presence provides an indicator of viability. We amplified Leishmania 7SLRNA, a molecule involved in intracellular protein translocation, to establish viability and estimate parasite load in blood monocytes, tonsil swab samples, and tissue fluid from healthy skin of patients with dermal leishmaniasis. Results showed that during active dermal leishmaniasis, viable Leishmania are present in blood monocytes, tonsils and normal skin in quantities similar to that in lesions, demonstrating widespread dissemination of infection and subclinical involvement of tissues beyond the lesion site. Leishmania 7SLRNA will be useful in deciphering the role of human infection in transmission

    Using Recombinant Proteins from Lutzomyia longipalpis Saliva to Estimate Human Vector Exposure in Visceral Leishmaniasis Endemic Areas

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    During the blood meal, female sand flies (insects that transmit the parasite Leishmania) inject saliva containing a large variety of molecules with different pharmacological activities that facilitate the acquisition of blood. These molecules can induce the production of anti-saliva antibodies, which can then be used as markers for insect (vector) biting or exposure. Epidemiological studies using sand fly salivary gland sonicate as antigens are hampered by the difficulty of obtaining large amounts of salivary glands. In the present study, we have investigated the use of two salivary recombinant proteins from the sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis, considered the main vector of visceral leishmaniasis, as an alternative method for screening of exposure to the sand fly. We primarily tested the suitability of using the recombinant proteins to estimate positive anti-saliva ELISA test in small sets of serum samples. Further, we validated the assay in a large sample of 1,077 individuals from an epidemiological survey in a second area endemic for visceral leishmaniasis. Our findings indicate that these proteins represent a promising epidemiological tool that can aid in implementing control measures against leishmaniasis

    Optimization of Topical Therapy for Leishmania major Localized Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Using a Reliable C57BL/6 Model

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    When initiating the cutaneous disease named cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL), Leishmania parasites develop within the parasitophorous vacuoles of phagocytes residing in and/or recruited to the dermis, a process leading to more or less chronic dermis and epidermis-damaging inflammatory processes. Topical treatment of CL could be a mainstay in its management. Any improvements of topicals, such as new vehicles and shorter optimal contact regimes, could facilitate their use as an ambulatory treatment. Recently, WR279396, a third-generation aminoglycoside ointment, was designed with the aim to provide stability and optimal bioavailability for the molecules expected to target intracellular Leishmania. Two endpoints were expected to be reached: i) accelerated clearance of the maximal number of parasites, and ii) accelerated and stable repair processes without scars. A mouse model of CL was designed: it relies on the intradermal inoculation of luciferase-expressing Leishmania, allowing for in vivo bioluminescence imaging of the parasite load fluctuation, which can then be quantified simultaneously with the onset and resolution of clinical signs. These quantitative readout assays, deployed in real time, provide robust methods to rapidly assess efficacy of drugs/compounds i) to screen treatment modalities and ii) allow standardized comparison of different therapeutic agents