3,276 research outputs found

    Inequality and Economic Growth Over the Business Cycle: Evidence From U.S. State-Level Data

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    The purpose of this paper is to re-examine the empirical relationship between income inequality and economic growth using U.S. State-level data during the post-war period. The use of state-level data provides a sample that is relatively homogeneous in many non-economic characteristics, unlike the international data used in most previous work. Building upon prior research, this study addresses the issues of potential non-linearities in the relationship between inequality and growth, the influence of the cyclical condition during the year sampled, and possible bias in the measurement of economic growth. We find, using GMM estimators, that inequality is harmful to growth, and that the deleterious effects of inequality are greater for lower income states.

    VETA-1 x ray detection system

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    The alignment and X-ray imaging performance of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) Verification Engineering Test Article-I (VETA-I) was measured by the VETA-I X-Ray Detection System (VXDS). The VXDS was based on the X-ray detection system utilized in the AXAF Technology Mirror Assembly (TMA) program, upgraded to meet the more stringent requirements of the VETA-I test program. The VXDS includes two types of X-ray detectors: (1) a High Resolution Imager (HRI) which provides X-ray imaging capabilities, and (2) sealed and flow proportional counters which, in conjunction with apertures of various types and precision translation stages, provide the most accurate measurement of VETA-I performance. Herein we give an overview of the VXDS hardware including X-ray detectors, translation stages, apertures, proportional counters and flow counter gas supply system and associated electronics. We also describe the installation of the VXDS into the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) X-Ray Calibration Facility (XRCF). We discuss in detail the design and performance of those elements of the VXDS which have not been discussed elsewhere; translation systems, flow counter gas supply system, apertures and thermal monitoring system

    Preliminary Investigation of Novel Bone Graft Substitutes based on Strontium-Calcium-Zinc-Silicate Glasses

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    Bone graft procedures typically require surgeons to harvest bone from a second site on a given patient (Autograft) before repairing a bone defect. However, this results in increased surgical time, excessive blood loss and a significant increase in pain. In this context a synthetic bone graft with excellent histocompatibility, built in antibacterial efficacy and the ability to regenerate healthy tissue in place of diseased tissue would be a significant step forward relative to current state of the art philosophies. We developed a range of calcium-strontium-zinc-silicate glass-based bone grafts and characterized their structure and physical properties, then evaluated their in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo biocompatibility using standardized models from the literature. A graft (designated BT109) of composition 0.28SrO/0.32ZnO/0.40 SiO2 (mol fraction) was the best performing formulation in vitro shown to induce extremely mild cytopathic effects (cell viability up to 95%) in comparison with the commercially available bone graft Novabone® (cell viability of up to 72%). Supplementary to this, the grafts were examined using the standard rat femur healing model on healthy Wister rats. All grafts were shown to be equally well tolerated in bone tissue and new bone was seen in close apposition to implanted particles with no evidence of an inflammatory response within bone. Complimentary to this BT109 was implanted into the femurs of ovariectomized rats to monitor the response of osteoporotic tissue to the bone grafts. The results from this experiment indicate that the novel grafts perform equally well in osteoporotic tissue as in healthy tissue, which is encouraging given that bone response to implants is usually diminished in ovariectomized rats. In conclusion these materials exhibit significant potential as synthetic bone grafts to warrant further investigation and optimisation. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Spin wave dynamics and the determination of intrinsic Gilbert damping in locally-excited Permalloy thin films

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    Time-resolved scanning Kerr effect microscopy has been used to study magnetization dynamics in Permalloy thin films excited by transient magnetic pulses generated by a micrometer-scale transmission line structure. The results are consistent with magnetostatic spin wave theory and are supported by micromagnetic simulations. Magnetostatic volume and surface spin waves are measured for the same specimen using different bias field orientations and can be accurately calculated by k-space integrations over all excited plane wave components. A single damping constant of Gilbert form is sufficient to describe both scenarios. The nonuniform pulsed field plays a key role in the spin wave dynamics, with its Fourier transform serving as a weighting function for the participating modes. The intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter α\alpha is most conveniently measured when the spin waves are effectively stationary.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Phys. Rev. Let

    Facilitating staff and student engagement with graduate attribute development, assessment and standards in business faculties

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    Executive Summary The aim of the project was to promote and support strategic change in advancing graduate attribute development in Business education through engagement of staff and students with learning and assessment processes that embed graduate attribute development. The focus on graduate attributes currently is of upmost importance as Australian Business schools obtain, or seek to attain, international accreditation such as AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). The quality assurance process of AACSB requires each degree program1 to specify learning goals, and demonstrate a student\u27s achievement of these learning goals. The participating institutions had all achieved initial AACSB accreditation and were in the maintenance of accreditation process. This situation was crucial in the project initiation and provided a platform for driving forward the process at a strategic level as well as being a prime motivator in the engagement of academic staff with the project objectives. Attribution: Support for the original work was provided by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council Ltd, an initiative of the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

    Behavioral states may be associated with distinct spatial patterns in electrocorticogram

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    To determine if behavioral states are associated with unique spatial electrocorticographic (ECoG) patterns, we obtained recordings with a microgrid electrode array applied to the cortical surface of a human subject. The array was constructed with the intent of extracting maximal spatial information by optimizing interelectrode distances. A 34-year-old patient with intractable epilepsy underwent intracranial ECoG monitoring after standard methods failed to reveal localization of seizures. During the 8-day period of invasive recording, in addition to standard clinical electrodes a square 1 × 1 cm microgrid array with 64 electrodes (1.25 mm separation) was placed on the right inferior temporal gyrus. Careful review of video recordings identified four extended naturalistic behaviors: reading, conversing on the telephone, looking at photographs, and face-to-face interactions. ECoG activity recorded with the microgrid that corresponded to these behaviors was collected and ECoG spatial patterns were analyzed. During periods of ECoG selected for analysis, no electrographic seizures or epileptiform patterns were present. Moments of maximal spatial variance are shown to cluster by behavior. Comparisons between conditions using a permutation test reveal significantly different spatial patterns for each behavior. We conclude that ECoG recordings obtained on the cortical surface with optimal high spatial frequency resolution reveal distinct local spatial patterns that reflect different behavioral states, and we predict that similar patterns will be found in many if not most cortical areas on which a microgrid is placed

    A systems-level analysis of total-body PET data reveals complex skeletal metabolism networks in vivo

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    Bone is now regarded to be a key regulator of a number of metabolic processes, in addition to the regulation of mineral metabolism. However, our understanding of complex bone metabolic interactions at a systems level remains rudimentary. in vitro molecular biology and bioinformatics approaches have frequently been used to understand the mechanistic changes underlying disease at the cell level, however, these approaches lack the capability to interrogate dynamic multi-bone metabolic interactions in vivo. Here we present a novel and integrative approach to understand complex bone metabolic interactions in vivo using total-body positron emission tomography (PET) network analysis of murine 18F-FDG scans, as a biomarker of glucose metabolism in bones. In this report we show that different bones within the skeleton have a unique glucose metabolism and form a complex metabolic network, which could not be identified using single tissue simplistic PET standard uptake values analysis. The application of our approach could reveal new physiological and pathological tissue interactions beyond skeletal metabolism, due to PET radiotracers diversity and the advent of clinical total-body PET systems

    The MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) Survey: Rest-Frame Optical Spectroscopy for ~1500 H-Selected Galaxies at 1.37 < z < 3.8

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    In this paper we present the MOSFIRE Deep Evolution Field (MOSDEF) survey. The MOSDEF survey aims to obtain moderate-resolution (R=3000-3650) rest-frame optical spectra (~3700-7000 Angstrom) for ~1500 galaxies at 1.37<z<3.80 in three well-studied CANDELS fields: AEGIS, COSMOS, and GOODS-N. Targets are selected in three redshift intervals: 1.37<z<1.70, 2.09<z<2.61, and 2.95<z<3.80, down to fixed H_AB (F160W) magnitudes of 24.0, 24.5 and 25.0, respectively, using the photometric and spectroscopic catalogs from the 3D-HST survey. We target both strong nebular emission lines (e.g., [OII], Hbeta, [OIII], 5008, Halpha, [NII], and [SII]) and stellar continuum and absorption features (e.g., Balmer lines, Ca-II H and K, Mgb, 4000 Angstrom break). Here we present an overview of our survey, the observational strategy, the data reduction and analysis, and the sample characteristics based on spectra obtained during the first 24 nights. To date, we have completed 21 masks, obtaining spectra for 591 galaxies. For ~80% of the targets we derive a robust redshift from either emission or absorption lines. In addition, we confirm 55 additional galaxies, which were serendipitously detected. The MOSDEF galaxy sample includes unobscured star-forming, dusty star-forming, and quiescent galaxies and spans a wide range in stellar mass (~10^9-10^11.5 Msol) and star formation rate (~10^0-10^3 Msol/yr). The spectroscopically confirmed sample is roughly representative of an H-band limited galaxy sample at these redshifts. With its large sample size, broad diversity in galaxy properties, and wealth of available ancillary data, MOSDEF will transform our understanding of the stellar, gaseous, metal, dust, and black hole content of galaxies during the time when the universe was most active.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJS; 28 pages, 19 figures; MOSDEF spectroscopic redshifts available at http://mosdef.astro.berkeley.edu/Downloads.htm

    Does wage rank affect employees' well-being?

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    How do workers make wage comparisons? Both an experimental study and an analysis of 16,000 British employees are reported. Satisfaction and well-being levels are shown to depend on more than simple relative pay. They depend upon the ordinal rank of an individual's wage within a comparison group. “Rank” itself thus seems to matter to human beings. Moreover, consistent with psychological theory, quits in a workplace are correlated with pay distribution skewness