9,775 research outputs found

    Predit: A temporal predictive framework for scheduling systems

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    Scheduling can be formalized as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP). Within this framework activities belonging to a plan are interconnected via temporal constraints that account for slack among them. Temporal representation must include methods for constraints propagation and provide a logic for symbolic and numerical deductions. In this paper we describe a support framework for opportunistic reasoning in constraint directed scheduling. In order to focus the attention of an incremental scheduler on critical problem aspects, some discrete temporal indexes are presented. They are also useful for the prediction of the degree of resources contention. The predictive method expressed through our indexes can be seen as a Knowledge Source for an opportunistic scheduler with a blackboard architecture

    Wearable inertial sensors for human movement analysis

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    Introduction: The present review aims to provide an overview of the most common uses of wearable inertial sensors in the field of clinical human movement analysis.Areas covered: Six main areas of application are analysed: gait analysis, stabilometry, instrumented clinical tests, upper body mobility assessment, daily-life activity monitoring and tremor assessment. Each area is analyzed both from a methodological and applicative point of view. The focus on the methodological approaches is meant to provide an idea of the computational complexity behind a variable/parameter/index of interest so that the reader is aware of the reliability of the approach. The focus on the application is meant to provide a practical guide for advising clinicians on how inertial sensors can help them in their clinical practice.Expert commentary: Less expensive and more easy to use than other systems used in human movement analysis, wearable sensors have evolved to the point that they can be considered ready for being part of routine clinical routine

    Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Growth Conditions Modify Biomolecole Production in the Microalga Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

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    Algae have multiple similarities with fungi, with both belonging to the Thallophyte, a polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms grouped together on the basis of similar characteristics, but not sharing a common ancestor. The main difference between algae and fungi is noted in their metabolism. In fact, although algae have chlorophyll-bearing thalloids and are autotrophic organisms, fungi lack chlorophyll and are heterotrophic, not able to synthesize their own nutrients. However, our studies have shown that the extremophilic microalga Galderia sulphuraria (GS) can also grow very well in heterotrophic conditions like fungi. This study was carried out using several approaches such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and infrared spectrophotometry (ATR-FTIR). Results showed that the GS, strain ACUF 064, cultured in autotrophic (AGS) and heterotrophic (HGS) conditions, produced different biomolecules. In particular, when grown in HGS, the algae (i) was 30% larger, with an increase in carbon mass that was 20% greater than AGS; (ii) produced higher quantities of stearic acid, oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and ergosterol; (iii) produced lower quantities of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) such as methyl palmytate, and methyl linoleate, saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and poyliunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). ATR-FTIR and principal component analysis (PCA) statistical analysis confirmed that the macromolecular content of HGS was significantly different from AGS. The ability to produce different macromolecules by changing the trophic conditions may represent an interesting strategy to induce microalgae to produce different biomolecules that can find applications in several fields such as food, feed, nutraceutical, or energy production

    Assessment of submicroscopic genetic lesions by single nucleotide polymorphism arrays in a child with acute myeloid leukemia and FLT3-internal tandem duplication

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    The same FLT3-internal tandem duplication (ITD) positive clone was detected at diagnosis and relapse, but not at birth, in a child with M1 acute myeloid leukemia. Single nucleotide polymorphism arrays demonstrated that chromosome 13 acquired uniparental disomy, in association with del(9q), represented a progressive event in the course of the disease, and it was responsible for the homozygous FLT3-ITD at relapse

    Regional Seismic Characterization of Shallow Subsoil of Northern Apulia (Southern Italy)

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    A first-order seismic characterization of Northern Apulia (Southern Italy) has been provided by considering geological information and outcomes of a low-cost geophysical survey. In particular, 403 single-station ambient vibration measurements (HVSR techniques) distributed within the main settlements of the area have been considered to extract representative patterns deduced by Principal Component Analysis. The joint interpretation of these pieces of information allows the identification of three main domains (Gargano Promontory, Bradanic Through and Southern Apennines Fold and Thrust Belt), each characterized by specific seismic resonance phenomena. In particular, the Bradanic Through is homogeneously characterized by low frequency (< 1 Hz) resonance effects associated with relatively deep (> 100 m) seismic impedance, which is contrasting corresponding to the buried Apulian carbonate platform and/or sandy horizons located within the Plio-Pleistocene deposits. In the remaining ones, relatively high frequency (> 1 Hz) resonance phenomena are ubiquitous due to the presence of shallower impedance contrasts (< 100 m), which do not always correspond to the top of the geological bedrock. These general indications may be useful for a preliminary regional characterization of seismic response in the study area, which can be helpful for an effective planning of more detailed studies targeted to engineering purposes

    Adsorption and temperature-dependent decomposition of SO<sub>2</sub> on Cu(100) and Cu(111): A fast and high-resolution core-level spectroscopy study

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    The adsorption and temperature-dependent decomposition of SO2 on Cu(100) and Cu(111) have been studied by fast and high-resolution core-level photoemission. The analysis of the S 2p and O 1s data shows that molecular SO2 adsorption dominates at 170 K. On heating the SO2-covered surfaces to about room temperature, SO2 decomposes into SO+O+S. On further heating SO+O recombine to form SO2, which is the only species detected in corresponding temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments. From the temperature- (time-) dependent S and O coverages a ‘‘TPD curve’’ can be constructed

    Record Processing in ITACA, the New Italian Strong-Motion Database

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    The development of the new Italian strong-motion database ITACA (ITalian AC-celerometric Archive, http://itaca.mi.ingv.it) is in progress under the sponsorship of the National Department of Civil Protection (DPC) within Project S4, in the framework of DPC-INGV 2007–2009 research agreement. This work started from the alpha version of ITACA [8], where 2,182 3-component records from 1,004 earthquakes, mainly recorded by the National Accelerometric Network, RAN, operated by DPC, were processed and included in the database. Earthquake metadata, recording station information and reports on the available geologicalgeophysical information of 452 recording sites, corresponding to about 70% of the total, were also included. Subsequently, ITACA has been updated and will reach its final stage by the end of Project S4, around mid-2010, with additional features, improved information about recording stations, and updated records, including the Mw6.3 L’Aquila earthquake. All records were re-processed with respect to the alpha version [9], with a special care to preserve information about late-triggered events and to ensure compatibility of corrected records, i.e., velocity and displacement traces obtained by the first and second integral of the corrected acceleration should not be affected by unrealistic trends. After a short introduction of ITACA and its most relevant features and statistics, this paper mainly deals with the newly adopted processing scheme, with reference to the problems encountered and the solutions that have been devised

    DNA-based nanoswitches: insights into electrochemiluminescence signal enhancement

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    Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) is a powerful transduction technique that has rapidly gained importance as a powerful analytical technique. Since ECL is a surfaceconfined process, a comprehensive understanding of the generation of ECL signal at a nanometric distance from the electrode could lead to several highly promising applications. In this work, we explored the mechanism underlying ECL signal generation on the nanoscale using luminophore-reporter-modified DNA-based nanoswitches (i.e., molecular beacon) with different stem stabilities. ECL is generated according to the "oxidative-reduction" strategy using tri-n-propylamine (TPrA) as a coreactant and Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) as a luminophore. Our findings suggest that by tuning the stem stability of DNA nanoswitches we can activate different ECL mechanisms (direct and remote) and, under specific conditions, a "digital-like" association curve, i.e., with an extremely steep transition after the addition of increasing concentrations of DNA target, a large signal variation, and low preliminary analytical performance (LOD 22 nM for 1GC DNA-nanoswtich and 16 nM for 5GC DNA-nanoswitch). In particular, we were able to achieve higher signal gain (i.e., 10 times) with respect to the standard "signal-off" electrochemical readout. We demonstrated the copresence of two different ECL generation mechanisms on the nanoscale that open the way for the design of customized DNA devices for highly efficient dual-signal-output ratiometric-like ECL systems

    Microservices suite for smart city applications

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    Smart Cities are approaching the Internet of Things (IoT) World. Most of the first-generation Smart City solutions are based on Extract Transform Load (ETL); processes and languages that mainly support pull protocols for data gathering. IoT solutions are moving forward to event-driven processes using push protocols. Thus, the concept of IoT applications has turned out to be widespread; but it was initially &ldquo;implemented&rdquo; with ETL; rule-based solutions; and finally; with true data flows. In this paper, these aspects are reviewed, highlighting the requirements for smart city IoT applications and in particular, the ones that implement a set of specific MicroServices for IoT Applications in Smart City contexts. Moreover; our experience has allowed us to implement a suite of MicroServices for Node-RED; which has allowed for the creation of a wide range of new IoT applications for smart cities that includes dashboards, IoT Devices, data analytics, discovery, etc., as well as a corresponding Life Cycle. The proposed solution has been validated against a large number of IoT applications, as it can be verified by accessing the https://www.Snap4City.org portal; while only three of them have been described in the paper. In addition, the reported solution assessment has been carried out by a number of smart city experts. The work has been developed in the framework of the Select4Cities PCP (PreCommercial Procurement), funded by the European Commission as Snap4City platform
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