8,590 research outputs found

    Design and calibration of a rocket-borne electron spectrometer for investigation of particle ionization in the nighttime midlatitude E region

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    An explanation was developed for the formation, near midnight at midlatitudes, of a broad electron density layer extending approximately from 120 to 180 km and usually referred to as the intermediate E layer. The responsible mechanism is believed to be the converging vertical ion drifts resulting from winds of the solar semidiurnal tide. Numerical solutions of the continuity equation appropriate to the intermediate layer is described for particular models of ion drift, diffusion coefficents, and ionization production. Analysis of rocket observations of the layer show that the ionization rate is highly correlated with the planetary geomagnetic index, K sub p. Particle flux measurements support the idea that energetic electrons are the principal source of this ionization. A semiconductor spectrometer experiment for investigation of the particle flux, spectrum, and angular properties was designed and successfully flown on a Nike Apache rocket. A detailed description of the theory, design, and calibration of the experiment and some preliminary results presented

    A rocket-borne data-manipulation experiment using a microprocessor

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    The development of a data-manipulation experiment using a Z-80 microprocessor is described. The instrumentation is included in the payloads of two Nike Apache sounding rockets used in an investigation of energetic particle fluxes. The data from an array of solid-state detectors and an electrostatic analyzer is processed to give the energy spectrum as a function of pitch angle. The experiment performed well in its first flight test: Nike Apache 14.543 was launched from Wallops Island at 2315 EST on 19 June 1978. The system was designed to be easily adaptable to other data-manipulation requirements and some suggestions for further development are included

    A rocket-borne pulse-height analyzer for energetic particle measurements

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    The pulse-height analyzer basically resembles a time-sharing multiplexing data-acquisition system which acquires analog data (from energetic particle spectrometers) and converts them into digital code. The PHA simultaneously acquires pulse-height information from the analog signals of the four input channels and sequentially multiplexes the digitized data to a microprocessor. The PHA together with the microprocessor form an on-board real-time data-manipulation system. The system processes data obtained during the rocket flight and reduces the amount of data to be sent back to the ground station. Consequently the data-reduction process for the rocket experiments is speeded up. By using a time-sharing technique, the throughput rate of the microprocessor is increased. Moreover, data from several particle spectrometers are manipulated to share one information channel; consequently, the TM capacity is increased

    A rocket-borne electrostatic analyzer for measurement of energetic particle flux

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    A rocket-borne electrostatic analyzer experiment is described. It is used to measure energetic particle flux (0.9 to 14 keV) in the nighttime midlatitude E region. Energetic particle precipitation is believed to be a significant nighttime ionization source, particularly during times of high geomagnetic activity. The experiment was designed for use in the payload of a Nike Apache sounding rocket. The electrostatic analyzer employs two cylindrical parallel plates subtending a central angle of 90 deg. The voltage waveform supplied to the plates is a series of steps synchronized to the spin of the payload during flight. Both positive and negative voltages are provided, extending the detection capabilities of the instrument to both electrons and protons (and positive ions). The development, construction and operation of the instrument is described together with a preliminary evaluation of its performance in a rocket flight

    Energetic electrons in the midlatitude nighttime E region

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    Nike Apache 14.439 was launched from Wallops Island at 0003 EST on 1 November 1972, a very disturbed night (K sub P = 8). A Geiger counter in the payload detected electrons ( keV) with a maximum flux of 1086 + or -261/sq cm/sec/ster. The height-averaged ionization rate in the upper E region is calculated from the measured electron density profile and has a value of 35 1/cu/cm/sec. The ionization rate can be reconciled with the observed flux of electrons ( 70 2 keV) if the spectrum ( keV) is of the form J ( E) = J sub O exp(-E/E sub O) with E sub O equal to 8.3 keV. The ionization rate on this and other nights is found to be strongly dependent on geomagnetic activity. It is suggested that energetic electrons are the principal source of ionization at midlatitudes in the upper E region near midnight, even under rather quiet geomagnetic conditions

    Population synthesis of classical low-mass X-ray binaries in the Galactic Bulge

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    Aims. We model the present-day population of 'classical' low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with neutron star accretors, which have hydrogen-rich donor stars. Their population is compared with that of hydrogen-deficient LMXBs, known as ultracompact X-ray binaries (UCXBs). We model the observable LMXB population and compare it to observations. Methods. We combine the binary population synthesis code SeBa with detailed LMXB evolutionary tracks to model the size and properties of the present-day LMXB population in the Galactic Bulge. Whether sources are persistent or transient, and what their instantaneous X-ray luminosities are, is predicted using the thermal-viscous disk instability model. Results. We find a population of ~2.1 x 10^3 LMXBs with neutron star accretors. Of these about 15 - 40 are expected to be persistent (depending on model assumptions), with luminosities higher than 10^35 erg s^-1. About 7 - 20 transient sources are expected to be in outburst at any given time. Within a factor of two these numbers are consistent with the observed population of bright LMXBs in the Bulge. This gives credence to our prediction of the existence of a population of ~1.6 x 10^3 LMXBs with low donor masses that have gone through the period minimum, and have present-day mass transfer rates below 10^-11 Msun yr^-1. Conclusions. Even though the observed population of hydrogen-rich LMXBs in the Bulge is larger than the observed population of (hydrogen-deficient) UCXBs, the latter have a higher formation rate. While UCXBs may dominate the total LMXB population at the present, the majority would be very faint, or may have become detached and produced millisecond radio pulsars. In that case UCXBs would contribute significantly more to the formation of millisecond radio pulsars than hydrogen-rich LMXBs. [abridged]Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics. v2: minor language correction

    Energetic particles and ionization in the nighttime middle and low latitude ionosphere

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    Seven Nike Apache rockets, each equipped with an energetic particle spectrometer (12 E 80 keV) and electron-density experiments, were launched from Wallops Island, Virginia and Chilca, Peru, under varying geomagnetic conditions near midnight. At Wallops Island the energetic particle flux (E 40 keV) is found to be strongly dependent on Kp. The pitch-angle distribution is asymmetrical about a peak at 90 D signifying a predominately quasi-trapped flux and explaining the linear increase of count rate with altitute in the altitude region 120 to 200 km. The height-averaged ionization rates derived from the electron-density profiles are consistent with the rates calculated from the observed total particle flux for magnetic index Kp 3. In the region 90 to 110 km it is found that the nighttime ionization is primarily a result of Ly-beta radiation from the geocorona and interplanetary hydrogen for even very disturbed conditions. Below 90 km during rather disturbed conditions energetic electrons can be a significant ionization source. Two energetic particle precipitation zones have been identified at midlatitudes

    Parameter Mismatches and Perfect Anticipating Synchronization in bi-directionally coupled external cavity laser diodes

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    We study perfect chaos synchronization between two bi-directionally coupled external cavity semiconductor lasers and demonstrate for the first time that mismatches in laser photon decay rates can explain the experimentally observed anticipating time in synchronization.Comment: Latex 4 page

    Pre-discovery observations of CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b with the BEST survey

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    The BEST wide-angle telescope installed at the Observatoire de Haute-Provence and operated in remote control from Berlin by the Institut fuer Planetenforschung, DLR, has observed the CoRoT target fields prior to the mission. The resulting archive of stellar photometric lightcurves is used to search for deep transit events announced during CoRoT's alarm-mode to aid in fast photometric confirmation of these events. The "initial run" field of CoRoT (IRa01) has been observed with BEST in November and December 2006 for 12 nights. The first "long run" field (LRc01) was observed from June to September 2005 for 35 nights. After standard CCD data reduction, aperture photometry has been performed using the ISIS image subtraction method. About 30,000 lightcurves were obtained in each field. Transits of the first detected planets by the CoRoT mission, CoRoT-1b and CoRoT-2b, were found in archived data of the BEST survey and their lightcurves are presented here. Such detections provide useful information at the early stage of the organization of follow-up observations of satellite alarm-mode planet candidates. In addition, no period change was found over ~4 years between the first BEST observation and last available transit observations.Comment: AJ, accepte
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