132 research outputs found

    Nondestructive measurement of intensity of optical fields using spontaneous parametric down conversion

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    Results of nondestructive measurements of intensity (photons per mode) of light from different sources are discussed. The procedure of measurement does not destroy the state of the optical field. The method is based on using the second order nonlinearity of crystal media lacking a center of symmetry and the nonclassical properties of the process of Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion (SPDC)

    Terahertz generation in Czochralski grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 via optical rectification

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    Using a canonical pump-probe experimental technique, we studied the terahertz (THz) waves generation and detection via optical rectification and mixing in Czochralski-grown periodically poled Mg:Y:LiNbO3 (PPLN) crystals. THz waves with frequencies at 1.37 THz and 0.68 THz as well as 1.8 THz were obtained for PPLN with nonlinear grating periods of 0.03 and 0.06 mm, respectively. A general theoretical model was developed by considering the dispersion and damping of low frequency phonon-polariton mode. Our results show that THz waves are generated in forward and backward directions via pumping pulse rectification. The generated THz waves depend on the spectral shape of the laser pulses, quasi-phase mismatches and dispersion characteristics of a crystal.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Mapping of periodically poled crystals via spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    A new method for characterization of periodically poled crystals is developed based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion. The method is demonstrated on crystals of Y:LiNbO3, Mg:Y:LiNbO3 with non-uniform periodically poled structures, obtained directly under Czochralski growth procedure and designed for application of OPO in the mid infrared range. Infrared dispersion of refractive index, effective working periods and wavelengths of OPO were determined by special treatment of frequency-angular spectra of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the visible range. Two-dimensional mapping via spontaneous parametric down-conversion is proposed for characterizing spatial distribution of bulk quasi-phase matching efficiency across the input window of a periodically poled sample.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Single-photon excitation of a coherent state: catching the elementary step of stimulated light emission

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    When a single quantum of electromagnetic field excitation is added to the same spatio-temporal mode of a coherent state, a new field state is generated that exhibits intermediate properties between those of the two parents. Such a single-photon-added coherent state is obtained by the action of the photon creation operator on a coherent state and can thus be regarded as the result of the most elementary excitation process of a classical light field. Here we present and describe in depth the experimental realization of such states and their complete analysis by means of a novel ultrafast, time-domain, quantum homodyne tomography technique clearly revealing their non-classical character.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Biphoton compression in standard optical fiber: exact numerical calculation

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    Generation of two-photon wavepackets, produced by spontaneous parametric down conversion in crystals with linearly chirped quasi-phase matching grating, is analyzed. Although being spectrally broad, two-photon wavepackets produced this way are not Fourier transform limited. In the paper we discuss the temporal compression of the wavepackets, exploiting the insertion of a standard optical fiber in the path of one of the two photons. The effect is analyzed by means of full numerical calculation and the exact dispersion dependencies in both the crystal and the fiber are considered. The study opens the way to the practical realization of this idea.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Twin-photon techniques for photo-detector calibration

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    The aim of this review paper is to enlighten some recent progresses in quantum optical metrology in the part of quantum efficiency measurements of photo-detectors performed with bi-photon states. The intrinsic correlated nature of entangled photons from Spontaneous Parametric Down Conversion phenomenon has opened wide horizons to a new approach for the absolute measurement of photo-detector quantum efficiency, outgoing the requirement for conventional standards of optical radiation; in particular the simultaneous feature of the creation of conjugated photons led to a well known technique of coincidence measurement, deeply understood and implemented for standard uses. On the other hand, based on manipulation of entanglement developed for Quantum Information protocols implementations, a new method has been proposed for quantum efficiency measurement, exploiting polarisation entanglement in addition to energy-momentum and time ones, that is based on conditioned polarisation state manipulation. In this review, after a general discussion on absolute photo-detector calibration, we compare these different methods, in order to give an accurate operational sketch of the absolute quantum efficiency measurement state of the art

    Revisiting Pushchino RRAT search using neural network

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    The search for rotating radio transients (RRAT) at declination from -9o to +42o was carried out in the semi-annual monitoring data obtained on the Large Phased Array (LPA) radio telescope at the frequency of 111 MHz. A neural network was used to search for candidates. 4 new RRATs were detected, having dispersion measures (DM) 5-16 pc/cm3. A comparison with an earlier RRAT search conducted using the same data shows that the neural network reduced the amount of interference by 80 times, down to 1.3% of the initial amount of interferences. The loss of real pulsar pulses does not exceed 6% of their total number.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&

    Photoinduced dynamics in ferroelectric semiconductor Sn2P2S6

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    This work was partly supported by the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education (grant 3.7500.2017/9.10) and Russian Foundation of Basic Research (grant 18-32-20047). The studies were performed using the equipment of the Joint Center for Collective Use RTU MIREA

    Perturbative regime of terahertz high-harmonics generation in topological insulators

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    In this Letter, terahertz high harmonic generation processes in topological insulators of the bismuth and antimony chalcogenides family are investigated. Field conversion efficiencies are determined and clean cubic and quintic power-law scaling is observed for third and fifth harmonics, up to driving terahertz fields of 140 kV/cm. This is in contrast to all previous experiments on terahertz harmonics generation in Dirac materials where a non-perturbative regime has been observed already at few 10s kV/cm driving fields. Our nonlinear THz spectroscopy experiments are complemented by THz pump - optical probe measurements showing distinctly different relaxation dynamics of the carriers in the topologically-protected Dirac states at the surfaces and the bulk. The THz-induced dynamics of surface states reveal ultrafast relaxation that prevents accumulation effects, and results in a clear perturbative regime of THz harmonics generation that is different to graphene or Dirac semimetals with their slower relaxation times in the few ps regime