2,528 research outputs found

    The Fermi surface of CeCoIn5: dHvA

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    Measurements of the de Haas - van Alphen effect in the normal state of the heavy Fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 have been carried out using a torque cantilever at temperatures ranging from 20 to 500 mK and in fields up to 18 tesla. Angular dependent measurements of the extremal Fermi surface areas reveal a more extreme two dimensional sheet than is found in either CeRhIn5 or CeIrIn5. The effective masses of the measured frequencies range from 9 to 20 m*/m0.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PRB Rapid

    A weight-efficient design strategy for cutouts in composite transport structures

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    Two design procedures for composite panels with cutouts are described and illustrated by example applications. One of these procedures uses a specialized cutout analysis code to obtain preliminary sizing information for the panel laminate, cutout padup, and cutout stiffener reinforcements. The other procedure uses a finite element based structural optimization code to develop a minimum weight panel design. The best features of both procedures form the basis of a design strategy for weight-efficient cutout panels

    Magnetic field induced lattice anomaly inside the superconducting state of CeCoIn5_5: evidence of the proposed Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state

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    We report high magnetic field linear magnetostriction experiments on CeCoIn5_5 single crystals. Two features are remarkable: (i) a sharp discontinuity in all the crystallographic axes associated with the upper superconducting critical field Bc2B_{c2} that becomes less pronounced as the temperature increases; (ii) a distinctive second order-like feature observed only along the c-axis in the high field (10 T BBc2 \lesssim B \leq B_{c2}) low temperature (TT \lesssim 0.35 K) region. This second order transition is observed only when the magnetic field lies within 20o^o of the ab-planes and there is no signature of it above Bc2B_{c2}, which raises questions regarding its interpretation as a field induced magnetically ordered phase. Good agreement with previous results suggests that this anomaly is related to the transition to the Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconducting state.Comment: 3 figures, 5 page

    Multiple regions of quantum criticality in YbAgGe

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    Dilation and thermopower measurements on YbAgGe, a heavy-fermion antiferromagnet, clarify and refine the magnetic field-temperature (H-T) phase diagram and reveal a field-induced phase with T-linear resistivity. On the low-H side of this phase we find evidence for a first-order transition and suggest that YbAgGe at 4.5 T may be close to a quantum critical end point. On the high-H side our results are consistent with a second-order transition suppressed to a quantum critical point near 7.2 T. We discuss these results in light of global phase diagrams proposed for Kondo lattice systems

    Unusual metamagnetism in CeIrIn5_5

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    We report a high field investigation (up to 45 T) of the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn5_5 with resistivity and de-Haas-van-Alphen (dHvA) effect measurements in the temperature range 0.03-1 K. As the magnetic field is increased the resistivity increases, reaches a maximum at the metamagnetic critical field, and falls precipitously for fields just above the transition, while the amplitude of all measurable dHvA frequencies are significantly attenuated near the metamagnetic critical field. However, the dHvA frequencies and cyclotron masses are not substantially altered by the transition. In the low field state, the resistivity is observed to increase toward low temperatures in a singular fashion, a behavior that is rapidly suppressed above the transition. Instead, in the high field state, the resistivity monotonically increases with temperature with a dependence that is more singular than the iconic Fermi-liquid, temperature-squared, behavior. Both the damping of the dHvA amplitudes and the increased resistivity near the metamagnetic critical field indicate an increased scattering rate for charge carriers consistent with critical fluctuation scattering in proximity to a phase transition. The dHvA amplitudes do not uniformly recover above the critical field, with some hole-like orbits being entirely suppressed at high fields. These changes, taken as a whole, suggest that the metamagnetic transition in CeIrIn5_5 is associated with the polarization and localization of the heaviest of quasiparticles on the hole-like Fermi surface.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Quantum mechanical polar surface area

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    A correlation has been established between the absorbed fraction of training-set molecules after oral administration in humans and the Quantum Mechanical Polar Surface Area (QMPSA). This correlation holds for the QMPSA calculated with structures where carboxyl groups are deprotonated. The correlation of the absorbed fraction and the QMPSA calculated on the neutral gas phase optimized structures is much less pronounced. This suggests that the absorption process is mainly determined by polar interactions of the drug molecules in water solution. Rules are given to derive the optimal polar/apolar ranges of the electrostatic potential

    Anomalous Superconducting Properties and Field Induced Magnetism in CeCoIn5

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    In the heavy fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 (Tc=2.3K) the critical field is large, anisotropic and displays hysteresis. The magnitude of the critical-field anisotropy in the a-c plane can be as large as 70 kOe and depends on orientation. Critical field measurements in the (110) plane suggest 2D superconductivity, whereas conventional effective mass anisotropy is observed in the (100) plane. Two distinct field-induced magnetic phases are observed: Ha appears deep in the superconducting phase, while Hb intersects Hc2 at T=1.4 K and extends well above Tc. These observations suggest the possible realization of a direct transition from ferromagnetism to Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov superconductivity in CeCoIn5.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Network information and connected correlations

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    Entropy and information provide natural measures of correlation among elements in a network. We construct here the information theoretic analog of connected correlation functions: irreducible NN--point correlation is measured by a decrease in entropy for the joint distribution of NN variables relative to the maximum entropy allowed by all the observed N1N-1 variable distributions. We calculate the ``connected information'' terms for several examples, and show that it also enables the decomposition of the information that is carried by a population of elements about an outside source.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure