1,969 research outputs found

    Lattice Green Function (at 0) for the 4d Hypercubic Lattice

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    The generating function for recurrent Polya walks on the four dimensional hypercubic lattice is expressed as a Kampe-de-Feriet function. Various properties of the associated walks are enumerated.Comment: latex, 5 pages, Res. Report 1

    Exact parent Hamiltonians of bosonic and fermionic Moore-Read states on lattices and local models

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    We introduce a family of strongly-correlated spin wave functions on arbitrary spin-1/2 and spin-1 lattices in one and two dimensions. These states are lattice analogues of Moore-Read states of particles at filling fraction 1/q, which are non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall states in 2D. One parameter enables us to perform an interpolation between the continuum limit, where the states become continuum Moore-Read states of bosons (odd q) and fermions (even q), and the lattice limit. We show numerical evidence that the topological entanglement entropy stays the same along the interpolation for some of the states we introduce in 2D, which suggests that the topological properties of the lattice states are the same as in the continuum, while the 1D states are critical states. We then derive exact parent Hamiltonians for these states on lattices of arbitrary size. By deforming these parent Hamiltonians, we construct local Hamiltonians that stabilize some of the states we introduce in 1D and in 2D.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Lattice Green functions in all dimensions

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    We give a systematic treatment of lattice Green functions (LGF) on the dd-dimensional diamond, simple cubic, body-centred cubic and face-centred cubic lattices for arbitrary dimensionality d2d \ge 2 for the first three lattices, and for 2d52 \le d \le 5 for the hyper-fcc lattice. We show that there is a close connection between the LGF of the dd-dimensional hypercubic lattice and that of the (d1)(d-1)-dimensional diamond lattice. We give constant-term formulations of LGFs for all lattices and dimensions. Through a still under-developed connection with Mahler measures, we point out an unexpected connection between the coefficients of the s.c., b.c.c. and diamond LGFs and some Ramanujan-type formulae for 1/π.1/\pi.Comment: 30 page

    Green's function of a finite chain and the discrete Fourier transform

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    A new expression for the Green's function of a finite one-dimensional lattice with nearest neighbor interaction is derived via discrete Fourier transform. Solution of the Heisenberg spin chain with periodic and open boundary conditions is considered as an example. Comparison to Bethe ansatz clarifies the relation between the two approaches.Comment: preprint of the paper published in Int. J. Modern Physics B Vol. 20, No. 5 (2006) 593-60

    Exact results for some Madelung type constants in the finite-size scaling theory

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    A general formula is obtained from which the madelung type constant: C(dν)=0dxxd/2ν1[(l=exl2)d1(πx)d/2] C(d|\nu)=\int_0^\infty dx x^{d/2-\nu-1}[(\sum_{l=-\infty}^\infty e^{-xl^2})^d-1-(\frac\pi x)^{d/2}] extensively used in the finite-size scaling theory is computed analytically for some particular cases of the parameters dd and ν\nu. By adjusting these parameters one can obtain different physical situations corresponding to different geometries and magnitudes of the interparticle interaction.Comment: IOP- macros, 5 pages, replaced with amended version (1 ref. added

    New results on the limit for the width of the exotic Theta^+ resonance

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    We investigate the impact of the \Theta^+(1540) resonance on differential and integrated cross sections for the reaction K^+d{\to}K^0pp, where experimental information is available at kaon momenta below 640 MeV/c. The calculation utilizes the J\"ulich KN model and extensions of it that include contributions from a \Theta^+(1540) state with different widths. The evaluation of the reaction K^+d{\to}K^0pp takes into account effects due to the Fermi motion of the nucleons within the deuteron and the final three-body kinematics. We conclude that the available data constrain the width of the \Theta^+(1540) to be less than 1 MeV.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, updated version, accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Diffusion-Limited One-Species Reactions in the Bethe Lattice

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    We study the kinetics of diffusion-limited coalescence, A+A-->A, and annihilation, A+A-->0, in the Bethe lattice of coordination number z. Correlations build up over time so that the probability to find a particle next to another varies from \rho^2 (\rho is the particle density), initially, when the particles are uncorrelated, to [(z-2)/z]\rho^2, in the long-time asymptotic limit. As a result, the particle density decays inversely proportional to time, \rho ~ 1/kt, but at a rate k that slowly decreases to an asymptotic constant value.Comment: To be published in JPCM, special issue on Kinetics of Chemical Reaction

    Uniform tiling with electrical resistors

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    The electric resistance between two arbitrary nodes on any infinite lattice structure of resistors that is a periodic tiling of space is obtained. Our general approach is based on the lattice Green's function of the Laplacian matrix associated with the network. We present several non-trivial examples to show how efficient our method is. Deriving explicit resistance formulas it is shown that the Kagom\'e, the diced and the decorated lattice can be mapped to the triangular and square lattice of resistors. Our work can be extended to the random walk problem or to electron dynamics in condensed matter physics.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Point vortices on the sphere: a case with opposite vorticities

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    We study systems formed of 2N point vortices on a sphere with N vortices of strength +1 and N vortices of strength -1. In this case, the Hamiltonian is conserved by the symmetry which exchanges the positive vortices with the negative vortices. We prove the existence of some fixed and relative equilibria, and then study their stability with the ``Energy Momentum Method''. Most of the results obtained are nonlinear stability results. To end, some bifurcations are described.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figure