310 research outputs found

    Prototipi di auto idrogeno/elettriche del Politecnico di Milano

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    I due prototipi X-Team (Artemide e Apollo) rappresentano veicoli da corsa studiati appositamente per la Shell Eco-marathon (gara incentrata sulla mobilità sostenibile: protezione dell’ambiente, efficienza energetica e ricerca ) ma le innovazioni introdotte indicano linee di tendenza per tutta l’industria automobilistica. Sono trascorsi venti anni e al Politecnico si continuano a studiare e progettare veicoli innovativi. I prototipi che andiamo ad illustrare non sono utilizzabili sulla rete stradale ma rappresentano il futuro: si inizia sempre con soluzioni “speciali” e “tipizzate” per una specifica evenienza (in questo caso la partecipazione alla Eco Marathon) ma quasi tutte le innovazioni nascono così: pensate per uno specifico scopo e poi, con alcune piccole o grandi modificazioni, utilizzate in larga scala

    Seeking for the rational basis of the median model: the optimal combination of multi-model ensemble results

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    International audienceIn this paper we present an approach for the statistical analysis of multi-model ensemble results. The models considered here are operational long-range transport and dispersion models, also used for the real-time simulation of pollutant dispersion or the accidental release of radioactive nuclides. We first introduce the theoretical basis (with its roots sinking into the Bayes theorem) and then apply this approach to the analysis of model results obtained during the ETEX-1 exercise. We recover some interesting results, supporting the heuristic approach called "median model", originally introduced in Galmarini et al. (2004a, b). This approach also provides a way to systematically reduce (and quantify) model uncertainties, thus supporting the decision-making process and/or regulatory-purpose activities in a very effective manner

    Seeking for the Rational Basis of the Median Model: The Optimal Combination of Multi-model ENSEMBLE Results

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    In this paper we present an approach for the statistical analysis of multi-model ENSEMBLE results. The models considered here are operational long-range transport and dispersion models, also used for the real-time simulation of pollutant dispersion or the accidental release 5 of radioactive nuclides. We first introduce the theoretical basis (with its roots sinking into the Bayes theorem) and then apply this approach to the analysis of model results obtained during the ETEX-1 exercise. We recover some interesting results, supporting the heuristic approach called ‘median model’, originally introduced in Galmarini et al., 2004 a,b. This approach also provides a way to systematically reduce (and quantify) model uncertainties, thus supporting the decision-making process and/or regulatory-purpose activities in a very effective manner.JRC.H.4-Transport and air qualit

    Aplidin (plitidepsin) is a novel anti-myeloma agent with potent anti-resorptive activity mediated by direct effects on osteoclasts

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    Despite recent progress in its treatment, Multiple Myeloma (MM) remains incurable and its associated bone disease persists even after complete remission. Thus, identification of new therapeutic agents that simultaneously suppress MM growth and protect bone is an unmet need. Herein, we examined the effects of Aplidin, a novel anti-cancer marine-derived compound, on MM and bone cells. In vitro, Aplidin potently inhibited MM cell growth and induced apoptosis, effects that were enhanced by dexamethasone (Dex) and bortezomib (Btz). Aplidin modestly reduced osteocyte/osteoblast viability and decreased osteoblast mineralization, effects that were enhanced by Dex and partially prevented by Btz. Further, Aplidin markedly decreased osteoclast precursor numbers and differentiation, and reduced mature osteoclast number and resorption activity. Moreover, Aplidin reduced Dex-induced osteoclast differentiation and further decreased osteoclast number when combined with Btz. Lastly, Aplidin alone, or suboptimal doses of Aplidin combined with Dex or Btz, decreased tumor growth and bone resorption in ex vivo bone organ cultures that reproduce the 3D-organization and the cellular diversity of the MM/bone marrow niche. These results demonstrate that Aplidin has potent anti-myeloma and anti-resorptive properties, and enhances proteasome inhibitors blockade of MM growth and bone destruction

    The runaway taxpayer

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    In order to analyse the determinants of tax evasion, the existing literature on individual tax compliance typically takes a prior-to-audit point of view. This paper focuses on a post-audit, post-detection -so far unexplored- framework, by investigating what happens after tax evasion has been discovered and noncompliant taxpayers are asked to pay their debts. We fi rst develop a two-period dynamic model of individual choice, considering an individual that has been already audited and detected as tax evader, who knows that Tax Authorities are looking for her to cash the due amount. We derive the optimal decision of running away in order to avoid paying the bill, and show that the experience of a prior tax notice reduces the probability to behave as a scofflaw. We then exploit information on post-audit, post-detection tax compliance provided by an Italian collection agency for the period 2004-2007 to empirically test the effectiveness of the prior notice against scofflaws. The evidence from alternative logit model speci cations supports our theoretical prediction: experiencing a tax notice reduces the probability of running away by about 10%. However, this may prove to be insufficient to discourage some individuals to runaway in order to avoid paying their dues

    Hepatic phlebography in liver ailments

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    Hepatic vein pressure determination and phlebography in the evaluation of portal hypertension

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    Paclitaxel resistance in untransformed human mammary epithelial cells is associated with an aneuploidy-prone phenotype

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    Despite its increasing clinical use, almost no data are currently available about paclitaxel effects on non-cancerous mammary epithelial cells. We have previously established paclitaxel-resistant sub-cell lines (paclitaxel-surviving populations, PSPs; n=20), and sensitive controls (control clones, CCs; n=10), from the untransformed human mammary epithelial cell line HME1. In this study, we aimed to establish whether paclitaxel resistance was associated with a modified sensitivity to paclitaxel-induced aneuploidy. For this purpose, we analysed basal and paclitaxel-induced chromosome missegregation, apoptosis and aberrant spindle multipolarisation as well as microtubular network composition for each subline. PSP sublines showed higher basal and paclitaxel-induced chromosome missegregation than the CC sublines. This phenomenon was associated with resistance to paclitaxel-induced apoptosis. No significant difference in paclitaxel-induced spindle pole abnormalities between CC and PSP sublines was found. Besides, we showed that a majority of PSPs display a constitutively disrupted microtubular network composition due to aberrant tubulin expression and post-translational modifications. These results clearly indicate that paclitaxel resistance in untransformed human mammary epithelial cells is related to an increased susceptibility to acquire aneuploidy in response to this agent. The consequences of these paclitaxel-associated alterations could be deleterious as they can potentially trigger tumorigenesis