18,763 research outputs found

    Energetics of ion competition in the DEKA selectivity filter of neuronal sodium channels

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    The energetics of ionic selectivity in the neuronal sodium channels is studied. A simple model constructed for the selectivity filter of the channel is used. The selectivity filter of this channel type contains aspartate (D), glutamate (E), lysine (K), and alanine (A) residues (the DEKA locus). We use Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulations to compute equilibrium binding selectivity in the selectivity filter and to obtain various terms of the excess chemical potential from a particle insertion procedure based on Widom's method. We show that K+^{+} ions in competition with Na+^{+} are efficiently excluded from the selectivity filter due to entropic hard sphere exclusion. The dielectric constant of protein has no effect on this selectivity. Ca2+^{2+} ions, on the other hand, are excluded from the filter due to a free energetic penalty which is enhanced by the low dielectric constant of protein.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Droplet mixer based on siphon-induced flow discretization and phase shifting

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    We present a novel mixing principle for centrifugal microfluidic platforms. Siphon structures are designed to disrupt continuous flows in a controlled manner into a sequence of discrete droplets, displaying individual volumes as low as 60 nL. When discrete volumes of different liquids are alternately issued into a common reservoir, a striation pattern of alternating liquid layers is obtained. In this manner diffusion distances are drastically decreased and a fast and homogeneous mixing is achieved. Efficient mixing is demonstrated for a range of liquid combinations of varying fluid properties such as aqueous inks or saline solutions and human plasma. Volumes of 5 muL have been mixed in less than 20 s to a high mixing quality. One-step dilutions of plasma in a standard phosphate buffer solution up to 1:5 are also demonstrated

    Estrutura Genética do Marsupial Marmosops Incanus em Paisagens de Mata Atlântica no Espírito Santo

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    A estrutura, a configuração e a quantidade de hábitat disponível no ambiente ajudam a determinar a viabilidade genética de uma população ou espécie. Em genética da paisagem, conceitos de ecologia da paisagem e genética de populações são utilizados em conjunto para avaliar a conectividade estrutural do ambiente de modo a permitir o entendimento da conectividade funcional de populações na paisagem. Marmosops incanus é um marsupial didelfídeo dependente de floresta com ampla distribuição no bioma Mata Atlântica que é encontrada em maior abundância em ambiente de floresta contínua em algumas regiões, mas em ambientes mais fragmentados em outras regiões, como no Espírito Santo. Nesse trabalho, comparamos a estrutura genética de M. incanus em paisagens de Mata Atlântica do Espírito Santo através de técnicas de isolamento por resistência com o objetivo de se identificar a conectividade genética e possíveis rotas de fluxo gênico entre as populações. Utilizamos oito loci de marcadores microssatélite para avaliar a estrutura, divergência e diversidade genética em 13 localidades. Também testamos a hipótese de que a quantidade de floresta nas diferentes paisagens é determinante para a diversidade e distinção genética da espécie. Marmosops incanus está estruturada em seis agrupamentos genéticos distintos: quatro ao norte do rio Doce que apresentaram maior isolamento genético, e dois ao sul, incluindo o maior agrupamento (denominado Centro-Sul), formado por seis localidades com grande fluxo gênico e valores altos de riqueza alélica. Os resultados obtidos apontam para respostas genéticas diferenciadas da espécie à fragmentação ao norte e ao sul do Rio Doce. No geral, populações de M. incanus em ambientes de floresta contínua ao norte estão mais isoladas geneticamente do que populações em hábitats mais fragmentadas no sul estado. Os mapas das possíveis rotas de fluxo gênico indicam que isso se deve principalmente à configuração dos fragmentos remanescentes. Deve-se exercer cautela ao extrapolar resultados de genética da paisagem encontrados em uma região para outra e que a configuração do hábitat na paisagem é mais determinante para a saúde genética de espécies florestais do que a quantidade de hábitat. Palavras-chave: conectividade, Didelphidae, isolamento por resistência, genética da paisagem, microssatélites

    High-dimensional neutrino masses

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    For Majorana neutrino masses the lowest dimensional operator possible is the Weinberg operator at d=5d=5. Here we discuss the possibility that neutrino masses originate from higher dimensional operators. Specifically, we consider all tree-level decompositions of the d=9d=9, d=11d=11 and d=13d=13 neutrino mass operators. With renormalizable interactions only, we find 18 topologies and 66 diagrams for d=9d=9, and 92 topologies plus 504 diagrams at the d=11d=11 level. At d=13d=13 there are already 576 topologies and 4199 diagrams. However, among all these there are only very few genuine neutrino mass models: At d=(9,11,13)d=(9,11,13) we find only (2,2,2) genuine diagrams and a total of (2,2,6) models. Here, a model is considered genuine at level dd if it automatically forbids lower order neutrino masses {\em without} the use of additional symmetries. We also briefly discuss how neutrino masses and angles can be easily fitted in these high-dimensional models.Comment: Coincides with published version in JHE

    Conditions for the onset of the current filamentation instability in the laboratory

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    Current Filamentation Instability (CFI) is capable of generating strong magnetic fields relevant to explain radiation processes in astrophysical objects and lead to the onset of particle acceleration in collisionless shocks. Probing such extreme scenarios in the laboratory is still an open challenge. In this work, we investigate the possibility of using neutral ee^{-} e+e^{+} beams to explore the CFI with realistic parameters, by performing 2D particle-in-cell simulations. We show that CFI can occur unless the rate at which the beam expands due to finite beam emittance is larger than the CFI growth rate and as long as the role of competing electrostatic two-stream instability (TSI) is negligible. We also show that the longitudinal energy spread, typical of plasma based accelerated electron-positron fireball beams, plays a minor role in the growth of CFI in these scenarios

    Cavity cooling a single charged nanoparticle

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    The development of laser cooling coupled with the ability to trap atoms and ions in electromagnetic fields, has revolutionised atomic and optical physics, leading to the development of atomic clocks, high-resolution spectroscopy and applications in quantum simulation and processing. However, complex systems, such as large molecules and nanoparticles, lack the simple internal resonances required for laser cooling. Here we report on a hybrid scheme that uses the external resonance of an optical cavity, combined with radio frequency (RF) fields, to trap and cool a single charged nanoparticle. An RF Paul trap allows confinement in vacuum, avoiding instabilities that arise from optical fields alone, and crucially actively participates in the cooling process. This system offers great promise for cooling and trapping a wide range of complex charged particles with applications in precision force sensing, mass spectrometry, exploration of quantum mechanics at large mass scales and the possibility of creating large quantum superpositions.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures Updated version includes additional references, new title, and supplementary information include