6,969 research outputs found
Scalar Dark Matter Models with Significant Internal Bremsstrahlung
There has been interest recently on particle physics models that may give
rise to sharp gamma ray spectral features from dark matter annihilation.
Because dark matter is supposed to be electrically neutral, it is challenging
to build weakly interacting massive particle models that may accommodate both a
large cross section into gamma rays at, say, the Galactic center, and the right
dark matter abundance. In this work, we consider the gamma ray signatures of a
class of scalar dark matter models that interact with Standard Model dominantly
through heavy vector-like fermions (the vector-like portal). We focus on a real
scalar singlet S annihilating into lepton-antilepton pairs. Because this
two-body final-state annihilation channel is d-wave suppressed in the chiral
limit, we show that virtual internal bremsstrahlung emission of a gamma ray
gives a large correction, both today and at the time of freeze-out. For the
sake of comparison, we confront this scenario to the familiar case of a
Majorana singlet annihilating into light lepton-antilepton pairs, and show that
the virtual internal bremsstrahlung signal may be enhanced by a factor of (up
to) two orders of magnitude. We discuss the scope and possible generalizations
of the model.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures, typos corrected, added references, matching
version accepted by JCA
Non-Gaussian states by conditional measurements
We address realistic schemes for the generation of non-Gaussian states of
light based on conditional intensity measurements performed on correlated
bipartite states. We consider both quantum and classically correlated states
and different kind of detection, comparing the resulting non Gaussianity
parameters upon varying the input energy and the detection efficiency. We find
that quantum correlations generally lead to higher non Gaussianity, at least in
the low energy regime. An experimental implementation feasible with current
technology is also suggested.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure
Signatures from Scalar Dark Matter with a Vector-like Quark Mediator
We present a comprehensive study of a model where the dark matter is composed
of a singlet real scalar that couples to the Standard Model predominantly via a
Yukawa interaction with a light quark and a colored vector-like fermion. A
distinctive feature of this scenario is that thermal freeze-out in the early
universe may be driven by annihilation both into gluon pairs at one-loop ()
and by virtual internal Bremsstrahlung of a gluon (). Such a dark
matter candidate may also be tested through direct and indirect detection and
at the LHC; viable candidates have either a mass nearly degenerate with that of
the fermionic mediator or a mass above about 2 TeV.Comment: 30 pages, 10 figures. Matches published versio
Top-philic Vector-Like Portal to Scalar Dark Matter
We investigate the phenomenology of scalar singlet dark matter candidates
that couple dominantly to the Standard Model via a Yukawa interaction with the
top quark and a colored vector-like fermion. We estimate the viability of this
vector-like portal scenario with respect to the most recent bounds from dark
matter direct and indirect detection, as well as to dark matter and vector-like
mediator searches at colliders. Moreover, we take QCD radiative corrections
into account in all our theoretical calculations. This work complements
analyses related both to models featuring a scalar singlet coupled through a
vector-like portal to light quarks, and to scenarios in which the dark matter
is a Majorana singlet coupled to the Standard Model through scalar colored
particles (akin to simplified models inspired by supersymmetry). Our study puts
especially forward the complementarity of different search strategies from
different contexts, and we show that current experiments allow for testing dark
matter masses ranging up to 700 GeV and mediator masses ranging up to 6 TeV.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures; version accepted by PR
A macroscopic quantum state analysed particle by particle
Explaining how microscopic entities collectively produce macroscopic
phenomena is a fundamental goal of many-body physics. Theory predicts that
large-scale entanglement is responsible for exotic macroscopic phenomena, but
observation of entangled particles in naturally occurring systems is extremely
challenging. Synthetic quantum systems made of atoms in optical lattices have
been con- structed with the goal of observing macroscopic quantum phenomena
with single-atom resolution. Serious challenges remain in producing and
detecting long-range quantum correlations in these systems, however. Here we
exploit the strengths of photonic technology, including high coherence and
efficient single-particle detection, to study the predicted large-scale
entanglement underlying the macroscopic quantum phenomenon of polarization
squeezing. We generate a polarization-squeezed beam, extract photon pairs at
random, and make a tomographic reconstruction of their joint quantum state. We
present experimental evidence showing that all photons arriving within the
squeezing coherence time are entangled, that entanglement monogamy dilutes
entanglement with increasing photon density and that, counterintuitively,
increased squeezing can reduce bipartite entanglement. The results provide
direct evidence for entanglement of macroscopic numbers of particles and
introduce micro-analysis to the study of macroscopic quantum phenomena
Local seismic response studies in the north-western portion of the August 24th, 2016 Mw 6.0 earthquake affected area. The case of Visso village (Central Apennines).
In this work, we investigate the possible causes of the differential damaging observed in Visso village (Central Apennines, about 28 km north from the August 24th, 2016 Mw 6.0 earthquake epicenter). Following insights from the available geological cartography at 1:10.000 scale, a preliminary geophysical survey has been performed in the damaged area in order to constrain geometries and extent of the subsoil lithotypes. Then, these results have been used to retrieve a Vs profile close to the most heavily damaged buildings. This latter has been used as input for a numerical analysis aimed at deriving the motion at the ground level in the study area. In particular, a linear equivalent simulation has been performed by means of EERA code and the waveform has been obtained convolving the time history recorded during the August 24th, 2016 mainshock at Spoleto Monteluco (SPM) site. Our preliminary results indicate a possible correlation of damaging to the thickness and shape of the geological units. Nevertheless, further analyses are necessary to highlight any 2D basin and / non- linear soil behaviour effects in order to compare them to the intrinsic buildings vulnerability, according to the EMS98 guidelines
Anomalous suppression of the shot noise in a nanoelectromechanical system
In this paper we report a relaxation-induced suppression of the noise for a
single level quantum dot coupled to an oscillator with incoherent dynamics in
the sequential tunneling regime. It is shown that relaxation induces
qualitative changes in the transport properties of the dot, depending on the
strength of the electron-phonon coupling and on the applied voltage. In
particular, critical thresholds in voltage and relaxation are found such that a
suppression below 1/2 of the Fano factor is possible. Additionally, the current
is either enhanced or suppressed by increasing relaxation, depending on bias
being greater or smaller than the above threshold. These results exist for any
strength of the electron-phonon coupling and are confirmed by a four states toy
model.Comment: 7 pages, 7 eps figures, submitted to PRB; minor changes in the
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