63 research outputs found

    The curvature of the QCD phase transition line

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    We determine the curvature of the phase transition line in the mu-T plane through an analysis of various observables, including the Polyakov loop, the quark number susceptibilities and the susceptibility of the chiral condensate. The second derivative of these quantities with respect to mu was calculated. The measurements were carried out on N_T = 4,6,8 and 10 lattices generated with a Symanzik improved gauge and stout-link improved 2+1 flavour staggered fermion action using physical quark masses.Comment: Talk presented at the XXVI International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, July 14 - 19, 2008, Williamsburg, Virginia, USA. 7 pages, 6 figure

    Magnetized baryons and the QCD phase diagram: NJL model meets the lattice

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    We determine the baryon spectrum of 1 + 1 + 1-flavor QCD in the presence of strong background magnetic fields using lattice simulations at physical quark masses for the first time. Our results show a splitting within multiplets according to the electric charge of the baryons and reveal, in particular, a reduction of the nucleon masses for strong magnetic fields. This first-principles input is used to define constituent quark masses and is employed to set the free parameters of the Polyakov loop-extended Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model in a magnetic field-dependent manner. The so constructed model is shown to exhibit inverse magnetic catalysis at high temperatures and a reduction of the transition temperature as the magnetic field grows - in line with non-perturbative lattice results. This is contrary to the naive variant of this model, which gives incorrect results for this fundamental phase diagram. Our findings demonstrate that the magnetic field dependence of the PNJL model can be reconciled with the lattice findings in a systematic way, employing solely zero-temperature first-principles input.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, updatet some figures, included new references and a table of key result

    Thermal QCD in a non-uniform magnetic background

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    Off-central heavy-ion collisions are known to feature magnetic fields with magnitudes and characteristic gradients corresponding to the scale of the strong interactions. In this work, we employ equilibrium lattice simulations of the underlying theory, QCD, involving similar inhomogeneous magnetic field profiles to achieve a better understanding of this system. We simulate three flavors of dynamical staggered quarks with physical masses at a range of magnetic fields and temperatures, and extrapolate the results to the continuum limit. Analyzing the impact of the field on the quark condensate and the Polyakov loop, we find non-trivial spatial features that render the QCD medium qualitatively different as in the homogeneous setup, especially at temperatures around the transition. In addition, we construct leading-order chiral perturbation theory for the inhomogeneous background and compare its prediction to our lattice results at low temperature. Our findings will be useful to benchmark effective theories and low-energy models of QCD for a better description of peripheral heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figure

    Meson masses in electromagnetic fields with Wilson fermions

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    We determine the light meson spectrum in QCD in the presence of background magnetic fields using quenched Wilson fermions. Our continuum extrapolated results indicate a monotonous reduction of the connected neutral pion mass as the magnetic field grows. The vector meson mass is found to remain nonzero, a finding relevant for the conjectured rho-meson condensation at strong magnetic fields. The continuum extrapolation was facilitated by adding a novel magnetic field-dependent improvement term to the additive quark mass renormalization. Without this term, sizable lattice artifacts that would deceptively indicate an unphysical rise of the connected neutral pion mass for strong magnetic fields are present. We also investigate the impact of these lattice artifacts on further observables like magnetic polarizabilities and discuss the magnetic field-induced mixing between rho-mesons and pions. We also derive Ward-Takashi identities for QCD thorn QED both in the continuum formulation and for ( order a-improved) Wilson fermions

    Weak Decay of Magnetized Pions

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    The leptonic decay of charged pions is investigated in the presence of background magnetic fields. In this situation, Lorentz symmetry is broken, and new fundamental decay constants need to be introduced, associated with the decay via the vector part of the electroweak current. We calculate the magnetic field dependence of both the usual and a new decay constant nonperturbatively on the lattice. We employ both Wilson and staggered quarks and extrapolate the results to the continuum limit. With this nonperturbative input, we calculate the tree level electroweak amplitude for the full decay rate in strong magnetic fields. We find that the muonic decay of the charged pion is enhanced drastically by the magnetic field. We comment on possible astrophysical implications

    The order of the quantum chromodynamics transition predicted by the standard model of particle physics

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    We determine the nature of the QCD transition using lattice calculations for physical quark masses. Susceptibilities are extrapolated to vanishing lattice spacing for three physical volumes, the smallest and largest of which differ by a factor of five. This ensures that a true transition should result in a dramatic increase of the susceptibilities.No such behaviour is observed: our finite-size scaling analysis shows that the finite-temperature QCD transition in the hot early Universe was not a real phase transition, but an analytic crossover (involving a rapid change, as opposed to a jump, as the temperature varied). As such, it will be difficult to find experimental evidence of this transition from astronomical observations.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    QCD equation of state at nonzero chemical potential: continuum results with physical quark masses at order mu^2

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    We determine the equation of state of QCD for nonzero chemical potentials via a Taylor expansion of the pressure. The results are obtained for N_f=2+1 flavors of quarks with physical masses, on various lattice spacings. We present results for the pressure, interaction measure, energy density, entropy density, and the speed of sound for small chemical potentials. At low temperatures we compare our results with the Hadron Resonance Gas model. We also express our observables along trajectories of constant entropy over particle number. A simple parameterization is given (the Matlab/Octave script parameterization.m, submitted to the arXiv along with the paper), which can be used to reconstruct the observables as functions of T and mu, or as functions of T and S/N.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, version accepted for publication in JHE