852 research outputs found

    Sun-like Stars Shed Light on Solar Climate Forcing

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    Recently published, precise stellar photometry of 72 Sun-like stars obtained at the Fairborn Observatory between 1993 and 2017 is used to set limits on the solar forcing of Earth's atmosphere of ±\pm 4.5 W m−2^{-2} since 1750. This compares with the +2.2 ±\pm 1.1 W m−2^{-2} IPCC estimate for anthropogenic forcing. Three critical assumptions are made. In decreasing order of importance they are: (a) most of the brightness variations occur within the average time-series length of ≈\approx17 years; (b) the Sun seen from the ecliptic behaves as an ensemble of middle-aged solar-like stars; and (c) narrow-band photometry in the Str\"omgren bb and yy bands are linearly proportional to the total solar irradiance. Assumption (a) can best be relaxed and tested by obtaining more photometric data of Sun-like stars, especially those already observed. Eight stars with near-solar parameters have been observed from 1999, and two since 1993. Our work reveals the importance of continuing and expanding ground-based photometry, to complement expensive solar irradiance measurements from space.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Impact of Rubin Observatory LSST Template Acquisition Strategies on Early Science from the Transients and Variable Stars Science Collaboration: Non-time-critical Science Cases

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    Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time, LSST, will revolutionize modern astronomy by producing an extremely deep (coadded depth ~27 mag) depth-limited survey of the entire southern sky (LSST Science Collaboration et al. 2009). The 8.4 m large-aperture, wide-field telescope, which is based in Cerro Pachón, will image the entire Southern sky every three nights in multiple bands (SDSS-u, g, r, i, z, y) and produce a fire-hose of data, 20 Tb each night, concluding in a 60 petabyte data set as the legacy of the 10 yr survey. Extracting meaningful light curves from variable objects requires difference imaging to both identify variability and calibrate light curve data products. Templates, co-added groups of visits that act as an image of the "static" sky, are a key component of Difference Imaging Analysis (DIA) and as such are of paramount importance for all science that involves variable objects. As the "non-time-critical" science cases discussed here are mostly periodic, they generally do not depend upon the survey alert stream; however, templates are still crucial for performing science and calibrations during the first year. We provide recommendations for observing strategies for template acquisition starting from commissioning and through Year 1 of the survey

    The spherical probe electric field and wave experiment

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    The experiment is designed to measure the electric field and density fluctuations with sampling rates up to 40,000 samples/sec. The description includes Langmuir sweeps that can be made to determine the electron density and temperature, the study of nonlinear processes that result in acceleration of plasma, and the analysis of large scale phenomena where all four spacecraft are needed

    The role of (de-)essentialisation within siting conflicts: an interdisciplinary approach

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    Large-scale renewable energy and associated technologies (RET), such as high voltage power lines (HVPL), often meet opposition from the local communities living nearby. Research has suggested that one of the main aspects that might contribute to this is the fact that RET are represented as industrial and urban, and thus, as having a different essence from rural landscapes, where they are usually deployed and which are represented as natural and unspoilt. However, this 'hypothesis' of landscape essentialisation shaping people's responses to RET has not been explicitly examined. By drawing upon research from Social Psychology and Human Geography on essentialisation, we will examine if and how landscape (de-)essentialisation plays a role in people's responses to RET. Namely, by examining it as a rhetorical construction that can be strategically used to negotiate and legitimize given relations with place and associated responses to RET.Focus groups were conducted in the UK and Norway with members of local communities to be affected by the construction of HVPLs that will connect to new low carbon energy technologies. Analyses show that participants present British and Norwegian rural landscapes in general and HVPL as having two different essences, which justifies opposition to those infrastructures. However, analyses also show that essentialisation of the countryside is strategically used. Namely, participants also present the countryside in the place where they live as having more of the essence of the British or Norwegian countryside than other areas of the UK and Norway. In turn, this allows them to legitimize claims that whereas HVPL are 'out of place' in the countryside in general, they are more so in the place where they live.The implications of these results for the definition of acceptable locations for RET and for research on people-place relations and responses to place change, are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Photospheric and chromospheric magnetic activity of seismic solar analogs. Observational inputs on the solar/stellar connection from Kepler and Hermes

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    We identify a set of 18 solar analogs among the seismic sample of solar-like stars observed by the Kepler satellite rotating between 10 and 40 days. This set is constructed using the asteroseismic stellar properties derived using either the global oscillation properties or the individual acoustic frequencies. We measure the magnetic activity properties of these stars using observations collected by the photometric Kepler satellite and by the ground-based, high-resolution Hermes spectrograph mounted on the Mercator telescope. The photospheric (Sph) and chromospheric (S index) magnetic activity levels of these seismic solar analogs are estimated and compared in relation to the solar activity. We show that the activity of the Sun is comparable to the activity of the seismic solar analogs, within the maximum-to-minimum temporal variations of the 11-year solar activity cycle 23. In agreement with previous studies, the youngest stars and fastest rotators in our sample are actually the most active. The activity of stars older than the Sun seems to not evolve much with age. Furthermore, the comparison of the photospheric, Sph, with the well-established chromospheric, S index, indicates that the Sph index can be used to provide a suitable magnetic activity proxy which can be easily estimated for a large number of stars from space photometric observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Lars Vegard:key communicator and pioneer crystallographer

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    The Norwegian physicist Lars Vegard studied with William H. Bragg in Leeds and then with Wilhelm Wien in Würzburg. There, in 1912, he heard a lecture by Max Laue describing the first X-ray diffraction experiments and took accurate notes which he promptly sent to Bragg. Although now remembered mainly for his work on the physics of the aurora borealis, Vegard also did important pioneering work in three areas of crystallography. He derived chemical insight from a series of related crystal structures that he determined, Vegard's Law relates the unit-cell dimensions of mixed crystals to those of the pure components, and he determined some of the first crystal structures of gases solidified at cryogenic temperatures

    Magnetic variability in the young solar analog KIC 10644253: Observations from the Kepler satellite and the HERMES spectrograph

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    The continuous photometric observations collected by the Kepler satellite over 4 years provide a whelm of data with an unequalled quantity and quality for the study of stellar evolution of more than 200000 stars. Moreover, the length of the dataset provide a unique source of information to detect magnetic activity and associated temporal variability in the acoustic oscillations. In this regards, the Kepler mission was awaited with great expectation. The search for the signature of magnetic activity variability in solar-like pulsations still remained unfruitful more than 2 years after the end of the nominal mission. Here, however, we report the discovery of temporal variability in the low-degree acoustic frequencies of the young (1 Gyr-old) solar analog KIC 10644253 with a modulation of about 1.5 years with significant temporal variations along the duration of the Kepler observations. The variations are in agreement with the derived photometric activity. The frequency shifts extracted for KIC 10644253 are shown to result from the same physical mechanisms involved in the inner sub-surface layers as in the Sun. In parallel, a detailed spectroscopic analysis of KIC 10644253 is performed based on complementary ground-based, high-resolution observations collected by the HERMES instrument mounted on the MERCATOR telescope. Its lithium abundance and chromospheric activity S-index confirm that KIC 10644253 is a young and more active star than the Sun.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 12 pages, 8 figure

    In situ oligonucleotide synthesis on poly(dimethylsiloxane): a flexible substrate for microarray fabrication

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    In this paper, we demonstrate in situ synthesis of oligonucleotide probes on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) microchannels through use of conventional phosphoramidite chemistry. PDMS polymer was moulded into a series of microchannels using standard soft lithography (micro-moulding), with dimensions <100 μm. The surface of the PDMS was derivatized by exposure to ultraviolet/ozone followed by vapour phase deposition of glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane and reaction with poly(ethylene glycol) spacer, resulting in a reactive surface for oligonucleotide coupling. High, reproducible yields were achieved for both 6mer and 21mer probes as assessed by hybridization to fluorescent oligonucleotides. Oligonucleotide surface density was comparable with that obtained on glass substrates. These results suggest PDMS as a stable and flexible alternative to glass as a suitable substrate in the fabrication and synthesis of DNA microarrays

    Covariations of chromospheric and photometric variability of the young Sun analogue HD 30495: evidence for and interpretation of mid-term periodicities

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    This study reports the synchronization between the chromospheric and photometric variability at time-scale of about 1.6–1.8 yr as observed for the young, rapidly rotating solar analogue HD 30495. In addition, HD 30495 may be presenting evidence of surface differential rotation at time-scales of about 11 d and 21 d, as well as the sunspot-like decadal cycles at 11–12 yr or so. We apply a new gapped wavelet method of time–frequency analysis for studying the variability in a new composite of the chromospheric S-index (1967–2018) and the longest photometric Δ(b + y)/2 index (1993–2018). We discuss and interpret our results in relation to other observed mid-term periodicities roughly of the same time-scales that had been found recently from not only chromospheric and photospheric activity indices but also from coronal X-ray emissions as observed in a considerably large set of stellar samples including those young Sun analogues from the Kepler satellite project. Thus, there is an apparent universality of such mid-term activity modulation time-scales as this solar-stellar magnetic phenomenon is well observed directly for a host of solar activity related indices covering the photopsheric, chromospheric, coronal, and even the heliospheric (utilizing the measures of incoming galactic cosmic rays as a probe of activity variations) activity records. This is why we made a further attempt to interpret the results in search of a realistic generation mechanism as well as spatio-temporal persistency of the phenomenon under a wide scenario of dynamo simulations
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