292 research outputs found

    A lattice model for the line tension of a sessile drop

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    Within a semi--infinite thre--dimensional lattice gas model describing the coexistence of two phases on a substrate, we study, by cluster expansion techniques, the free energy (line tension) associated with the contact line between the two phases and the substrate. We show that this line tension, is given at low temperature by a convergent series whose leading term is negative, and equals 0 at zero temperature

    Pemberian Motivasi Berwirausaha Online Kepada Siswa-siswi SMA Perguruan Advent Bogor

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    Toko online adalah suatu tempat kita bisa menjual, memajang, dan memperlihatkan barang dagangan diinternet. Konsep Toko online ini memungkinkan kita selaku konsumen membeli barang sesuai dengankebutuhan tanpa perlu datang ke tempat penjualnya langsung, disamping itu para pelajar diharuskan untuk dapatmengikuti perkembangan zaman dimana segala sesuatu yang rumit sudah berubah menjadi instan. Tokopediamerupakan salah satu bentuk toko online yang berhasil menarik banyak penjual dan pembeli untuk bertransaksiTujuan dari pelatihan ini adalah untuk memotivasi para pelajar untuk memahami peluang berjualan online danmampu mengimplementasikan dalam dunia nyata. Metode dilakukan dengan ceramah terhadap peserta di kelasatau ruangan tertentu dan menyampaikan materi serta tindakan nyata yang telah dilaksanakan sebelumnya dalamdunia/bisnis toko online

    Djelovanje per- i polifluoroalkilnih tvari na okolišne i ljudske mikroorganizme i njihov potencijal za bioremedijaciju

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    Utilised in a variety of consumer products, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are major environmental contaminants that accumulate in living organisms due to their highly hydrophobic, lipophobic, heat-resistant, and non-biodegradable properties. This review summarizes their effects on microbial populations in soils, aquatic and biogeochemical systems, and the human microbiome. Specific microbes are insensitive to and even thrive with PFAS contamination, such as Escherichia coli and the Proteobacteria in soil and aquatic environments, while some bacterial species, such as Actinobacteria and Chloroflexi, are sensitive and drop in population. Some bacterial species, in turn, have shown success in PFAS bioremediation, such as Acidimicrobium sp. and Pseudomonas parafulva.Budući da se koriste u izradi raznih potrošačkih proizvoda, per- i polifluoroalkilne tvari (engl. per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, krat. PFAS) veliki su zagađivači okoliša koji se nakupljaju u živim organizmima zbog svoje izrazite hidrofobičnosti, lipofobičnosti, otpornosti na topline i biološke nerazgradljivosti. Ovaj članak donosi sažeti pregled njihova djelovanja na populacije mikroba u tlu, vodnim i biogeokemijskim sustavima te na humanom mikrobiomu. Pojedini su mikrobi neosjetljivi na zagađenje PFAS-om, čak i napreduju, poput bakterije Escherichia coli i proteobakterija u tlu i vodi, a osjetljive su pojedine bakterijske vrste, poput rodova Actinobacteria i Chloroflexi, pa im se smanjuje populacija u takvom okružju. Neke su se, pak, bakterije pokazale uspješnima u bioremedijaciji, poput vrsta Acidimicrobium sp. i Pseudomonas parafulva

    Acoustic and perceptual evaluation of Mandarin tone productions before and after perceptual training

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    This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/asa/journal/jasa/113/2/10.1121/1.1531176.Training American listeners to perceive Mandarin tones has been shown to be effective, with trainees’ identification improving by 21%. Improvement also generalized to new stimuli and new talkers, and was retained when tested six months after training [Y. Wang et al., J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 106, 3649–3658 (1999)]. The present study investigates whether the tonecontrasts gained perceptually transferred to production. Before their perception pretest and after their post-test, the trainees were recorded producing a list of Mandarin words. Their productions were first judged by native Mandarin listeners in an identification task. Identification of trainees’ post-test tone productions improved by 18% relative to their pretest productions, indicating significant tone production improvement after perceptual training. Acoustic analyses of the pre- and post-training productions further reveal the nature of the improvement, showing that post-training tone contours approximate native norms to a greater degree than pretraining tone contours. Furthermore, pitch height and pitch contour are not mastered in parallel, with the former being more resistant to improvement than the latter. These results are discussed in terms of the relationship between non-native tone perception and production as well as learning at the suprasegmental level

    Detection of hidden structures for arbitrary scales in complex physical systems

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    Recent decades have experienced the discovery of numerous complex materials. At the root of the complexity underlying many of these materials lies a large number of contending atomic- and largerscale configurations. In order to obtain a more detailed understanding of such systems, we need tools that enable the detection of pertinent structures on all spatial and temporal scales. Towards this end, we suggest a new method that applies to both static and dynamic systems which invokes ideas from network analysis and information theory. Our approach efficiently identifies basic unit cells, topological defects, and candidate natural structures. The method is particularly useful where a clear definition of order is lacking, and the identified features may constitute a natural point of departure for further analysis

    Dental calculus and isotopes provide direct evidence of fish and plant consumption in Mesolithic Mediterranean

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    In this contribution we dismantle the perceived role of marine resources and plant foods in the subsistence economy of Holocene foragers of the Central Mediterranean using a combination of dental calculus and stable isotope analyses. The discovery of fish scales and flesh fragments, starch granules and other plant and animal micro-debris in the dental calculus of a Mesolithic forager dated to the end of the 8th millenium BC and buried in the Vlakno Cave on Dugi Otok Island in the Croatian Archipelago demonstrates that marine resources were regularly consumed by the individual together with a variety of plant foods. Since previous stable isotope data in the Eastern Adriatic and the Mediterranean region emphasises that terrestrial-based resources contributed mainly to Mesolithic diets in the Mediterranean Basin, our results provide an alternative view of the dietary habits of Mesolithic foragers in the Mediterranean region based on a combination of novel methodologies and data

    The repulsive lattice gas, the independent-set polynomial, and the Lov\'asz local lemma

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    We elucidate the close connection between the repulsive lattice gas in equilibrium statistical mechanics and the Lovasz local lemma in probabilistic combinatorics. We show that the conclusion of the Lovasz local lemma holds for dependency graph G and probabilities {p_x} if and only if the independent-set polynomial for G is nonvanishing in the polydisc of radii {p_x}. Furthermore, we show that the usual proof of the Lovasz local lemma -- which provides a sufficient condition for this to occur -- corresponds to a simple inductive argument for the nonvanishing of the independent-set polynomial in a polydisc, which was discovered implicitly by Shearer and explicitly by Dobrushin. We also present some refinements and extensions of both arguments, including a generalization of the Lovasz local lemma that allows for "soft" dependencies. In addition, we prove some general properties of the partition function of a repulsive lattice gas, most of which are consequences of the alternating-sign property for the Mayer coefficients. We conclude with a brief discussion of the repulsive lattice gas on countably infinite graphs.Comment: LaTex2e, 97 pages. Version 2 makes slight changes to improve clarity. To be published in J. Stat. Phy

    Structural Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Rule out Comorbid Pathology in the Assessment of Alzheimer\u27s Disease Dementia: Findings from the Ontario Neurodegenerative Disease Research Initiative (ONDRI) Study and Clinical Trials over the Past 10 Years

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    Background/Objective: Structural brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is not mandatory in Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) research or clinical guidelines. We aimed to explore the use of structural brain MRI in AD/mild cognitive impairment (MCI) trials over the past 10 years and determine the frequency with which inclusion of standardized structural MRI acquisitions detects comorbid vascular and non-vascular pathologies. Methods: We systematically searched ClinicalTrials.gov for AD clinical trials to determine their neuroimaging criteria and then used data from an AD/MCI cohort who underwent standardized MRI protocols, to determine type and incidence of clinically relevant comorbid pathologies. Results: Of 210 AD clinical trials, 105 (50%) included structural brain imaging in their eligibility criteria. Only 58 (27.6%) required MRI. 16,479 of 53,755 (30.7%) AD participants were in trials requiring MRI. In the observational AD/MCI cohort, 141 patients met clinical criteria; 22 (15.6%) had relevant MRI findings, of which 15 (10.6%) were exclusionary for the study. Discussion: In AD clinical trials over the last 10 years, over two-thirds of participants could have been enrolled without brain MRI and half without even a brain CT. In a study sample, relevant comorbid pathology was found in 15% of participants, despite careful screening. Standardized structural MRI should be incorporated into NIA-AA diagnostic guidelines (when available) and research frameworks routinely to reduce diagnostic heterogeneity

    Dietary protein safety and resistance exercise: what do we really know?

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    Resistance trainers continue to receive mixed messages about the safety of purposely seeking ample dietary protein in their quest for stimulating protein synthesis, improving performance, or maintaining health. Despite protein's lay popularity and the routinely high intakes exhibited by strength athletes, liberal and purposeful protein consumption is often maligned by "experts". University textbooks, instructors, and various forms of literature from personal training groups and athletic organizations continue to use dissuasive language surrounding dietary protein. Due to the widely known health benefits of dietary protein and a growing body of evidence on its safety profile, this is unfortunate. In response, researchers have critiqued unfounded educational messages. As a recent summarizing example, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) Position Stand: Protein and Exercise reviewed general literature on renal and bone health. The concluding remark that "Concerns that protein intake within this range [1.4 – 2.0 g/kg body weight per day] is unhealthy are unfounded in healthy, exercising individuals." was based largely upon data from non-athletes due to "a lack of scientific evidence". Future studies were deemed necessary. This assessment is not unique in the scientific literature. Investigators continue to cite controversy, debate, and the lack of direct evidence that allows it. This review discusses the few existing safety studies done specific to athletes and calls for protein research specific to resistance trainers. Population-specific, long term data will be necessary for effective education in dietetics textbooks and from sports governing bodies