311 research outputs found

    Assessment of the evolution of the redox conditions in a low and intermediate level nuclear waste repository (SFR1, Sweden)

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    The evaluation of the redox conditions in an intermediate and low level radioactive waste repository such as SFR1 (Sweden) is of high relevance in the assessment of its future performance. The SFR1 repository contains heterogeneous types of wastes, of different activity levels and with very different materials, both in the waste itself and as immobilisation matrices and packaging. The level of complexity also applies to the different reactivity of the materials, so that an assessment of the uncertainties in the study of how the redox conditions would evolve must consider different processes, materials and parameters. This paper provides an assessment of the evolution of the redox conditions in the SFR1. The approach followed is based on the evaluation of the evolution of the redox conditions and the reducing capacity in 15 individual waste package types, selected as being representative of most of the different waste package types present or planned to be deposited in the SFR1. The model considers different geochemical processes of redox relevance in the system. The assessment of the redox evolution of the different vaults of the repository is obtained by combining the results of the modelled individual waste package types. According to the model results, corrosion of the steel-based material present in the repository keeps the system under reducing conditions for long time periods. The simulations have considered both the presence and the absence of microbial activity. In the initial step after the repository closure, the microbial mediated oxidation of organic matter rapidly causes the depletion of oxygen in the system. The system is afterwards kept under reducing conditions, and hydrogen is generated due to the anoxic corrosion of steel. The times for exhaustion of the steel contained in the vaults vary from 5 ky to more than 60 ky in the different vaults, depending on the amount and the surface area of steel. After the complete corrosion of steel, the system still keeps a high reducing capacity, due to the magnetite formed as steel corrosion product. The redox potential in the vaults is calculated to evolve from oxidising at very short times, due the initial oxygen content, to very reducing at times shorter than 5 years after repository closure. The redox potential imposed by the anoxic corrosion of steel and hydrogen production is on the order of -0.75 V at pH 12.5. In case of assuming that the system responds to the Fe(III)/Magnetite system, and considering the uncertainty in the pH due to the degradation of the concrete barriers, the redox potential would be in the range -0.7 to -0.01V. A Monte-Carlo probabilistic analysis on the rate of corrosion of steel shows that the reducing capacity of the system provided by magnetite is not exhausted at the end of the assessment period, even assuming the highest corrosion rates for steel. Simulations assuming presence of oxic water due to glacial melting, intruding the system 60 ky after repository closure, indicate that magnetite is progressively oxidised, forming Fe(III) oxides. The time at which magnetite is completely oxidised varies depending on the amount of steel initially present in the waste package. The behaviour of Np, Pu, Tc and Se under the conditions foreseen for this repository is discussed

    Massive Pions, Anomalies and Baryons in Holographic QCD

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    We consider a holographic model of QCD, obtained by a very simple modification of the original construction, which describes at the same time the pion mass, the QCD anomalies and the baryons as topological solitons. We study in detail its phenomenological implications in both the mesonic and baryonic sectors and compare with the observations.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures; v2: Version published in Nucl. Phys.

    Projecte Enginyeria Gràfica Motor Montesa

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    La Montesa Enduro 250 es presentava al mercat derivada del model Cappra VR 250 de cros que després de diversos prototips i proves van anar perfilant el model d’Enduro, oferint els mateix 36cv que la seva equivalent de cros. Amb el llançament de la Enduro l’any 1974, Montesa treia al mercat la primera tot terreny fabricada per la marca amb aspiracions netament competitives, encara que mai va pretendre ser una moto de carreres. L’objectiu era fer una moto tot terreny. Va ser tant exitosa la Enduro 250, que Montesa la va comercialitzar durant dos anys amb una producció de 4.000 unitats, fins que el 1976 van treure la versió “H” que es el motor sobre el que s’ha realitzat aquest treball. Després de la Montesa Enduro 250H, va néixer la 250H6, en diferents versions i la 250H7 els anys 80.Preprin

    Resilience of temperate peatland vegetation communities to wildfire depends upon burn severity and pre-fire species composition

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    Peatland ecosystems are of global conservation and environmental importance storing globally significant amounts of ancient carbon, regulating regional temperatures and hydrological regimes, and supporting unique biodiversity. Livestock grazing, land-use change, drainage, nutrient and acid deposition, and wildfire threaten the composition and function of many peatlands including those in the uplands of the United Kingdom. Presently, little is known about either the short- or long-term effects of wildfires within these systems in the UK. Our study aimed to evaluate how plant communities respond to wildfires across a range of vegetation communities, soil types, and burn severities. We evaluated wildfire burn severity using the ground-based Composite Burn Index adapted for treeless peatlands. Using paired burned–unburned plots, we quantified differences in the abundance of plant families and functional groups, vegetation diversity, and community composition. Multivariate differences in composition between burned and unburned areas were used as an index of community resilience to fire. Plots in heathland communities with shallow organic soils burned at the highest severities and had the greatest reductions in plant diversity and richness. There were significant declines in plot-scale species richness and diversity with increasing burn severity. Graminoids were resilient to fire whilst Ericaceae tended to increase with higher severity. Bryophyte composition was substantially altered—pleurocarpous species declined and acrocarpous species increased with greater burn severity. Community resilience was related to ground layer burn severity with higher burn severity driving greater changes in communities. Wildfire effects on temperate peatlands are a function of fire weather and site environmental and ecological characteristics. Management policy should ensure that the risk of severe wildfires is mitigated to protect ecosystem function and biodiversity. This will require system-specific fire management prescriptions across the gradient of peatland soil and vegetation types

    F-bearing sediments and rocks in the East African Rift: characterization and evaluation of F release capacity

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    Fluoride represents one of the most severe natural contaminant that affects groundwater as well as rivers and soils. More than 200 million people worldwide consume water with fluoride concentration exceeding the WHO guideline of 1.5 mg L-1 (WHO, 2008)

    Feasibility of two low-cost organic substrates for unducing denitrification in artificial recharge ponds:batch and flow-through experiments.

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    Anaerobic batch and flow-through experiments were performed to assess the capacity of two organic substrates to promote denitrification of nitrate-contaminated groundwater within managed artificial recharge systems (MAR) in arid or semi-arid regions. Denitrification in MAR systems can be achieved through artificial recharge ponds coupled with a permeable reactive barrier in the form of a reactive organic layer. In arid or semi-arid re- gions, short-term efficient organic substrates are required due to the short recharge periods. We examined the effectiveness of two low-cost, easily available and easily handled organic substrates, commercial plant-based compost and crushed palm tree leaves, to determine the feasibility of using them in these systems. Chemical and multi-isotopic monitoring (δ15NNO3, δ18ONO3, δ34SSO4, δ18OSO4) of the laboratory experiments confirmed that both organic substrates induced denitrification. Complete nitrate removal was achieved in all the experi- ments with a slight transient nitrite accumulation. In the flow-through experiments, ammonium release was ob- served at the beginning of both experiments and lasted longer for the experiment with palm tree leaves. Isotopic characterisation of the released ammonium suggested ammonium leaching from both organic substrates at the beginning of the experiments and pointed to ammonium production by DNRA for the palm tree leaves experi- ment, which would only account for a maximum of 15% of the nitrate attenuation. Sulphate reduction was achieved in both column experiments. The amount of organic carbon consumed during denitrification and sul- phate reduction was 0.8¿ of the total organic carbon present in commercial compost and 4.4% for the palm tree leaves. The N and O isotopic fractionation values obtained (εN and εO) were −10.4¿ and −9.0¿ for the commercial compost (combining data from both batch and column experiments), and −9.9¿ and −8.6¿ for the palm tree column, respectively. Both materials showed a satisfactory capacity for denitrification, but the palm tree leaves gave a higher denitrification rate and yield (amount of nitrate consumed per amount of available C) than commercial compost

    (Des)encuentros : las retóricas delirantes y las cosas

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    Este (Des)encuentros pretende pensar las condiciones de aparición de las narrativas delirantes en nuestra cultura visual hoy. Concretamente, en el cine, la dislocación formal que antes definía un gesto de vanguardia ha sido asimilada e integrada en el cine mainstream contemporáneo. El debate también busca explorar las consecuencias de este fenómeno nuevo y complejo mediante el cruce poco habitual de distintos discursos (filosofía, psicoanálisis, física, neurofisiología, teoría cinematográfica y cultura visual)