8 research outputs found

    Specification and Verification of Synchronous Hardware using LOTOS

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    This paper investigates specification and verification of synchronous circuits using DILL (Digital Logic in LOTOS). After an overview of the DILL approach, the paper focuses on the characteristics of synchronous circuits. A more constrained model is presented for specifying digital components and verifying them. Two standard benchmark circuits are specified using this new model, and analysed by the CADP toolset (Cæsar/Aldébaran Development Package)

    Formal Analysis of the ACE Specification for Cache Coherent Systems-on-Chip

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    Abstract. System-on-Chip (SoC) architectures integrate now many different components, such as processors, accelerators, memory, and I/O blocks, some but not all of which may have caches. Because the validation effort with simulation-based validation techniques, as currently used in industry, grows exponentially with the complexity of the SoC, we investigate in this paper the use of formal verification techniques. More precisely, we use the CADP toolbox to develop and validate a generic formal model of an SoC compliant with the recent ACE specification proposed by ARM to implement system-level coherency.

    Evaluación de hemerotecas de prensa digital: indicadores y ejemplos de buenas prácticas

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    La gran mayoría de los diarios digitales facilitan el acceso a la información retrospectiva mediante servicios de hemerotecas o archivos de prensa, un producto de notable interés para bibliotecas y otros servicios de información. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar cuáles son los indicadores fundamentales para la evaluación de hemerotecas digitales y, además, señalar ejemplos de buenas prácticas en España para cada uno de ellos. Se propone una relación de veintisiete indicadores agrupados en cuatro grandes apartados (aspectos generales, contenidos, sistema de consulta, y presentación de resultados), se describe cada uno de ellos y se incluye algún ejemplo de buena aplicación. Metodológicamente, se ha partido de la revisión de la bibliografía especializada en evaluación de recursos web, bases de datos y hemerotecas digitales, así como del análisis de hemerotecas de diarios de España y Catalunya. La utilización de estos indicadores puede ser de utilidad para que bibliotecas y otros servicios de información puedan orientar a sus usuarios en la consulta retrospectiva de información de prensa

    Ten Years of Performance Evaluation for Concurrent Systems Using CADP

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    International audienceThis article comprehensively surveys the work accomplished during the past decade on an approach to analyze concurrent systems qualitatively and quantitatively, by combining functional verification and performance evaluation. This approach lays its foundations on semantic models, such as Imc (Interactive Markov Chain) and Ipc (Interactive Probabilistic Chain), at the crossroads of concurrency theory and mathematical statistics. To support the approach, a number of software tools have been devised and integrated within the Cadp (Construction and Analysis of Distributed Processes) toolbox. These tools provide various functionalities, ranging from state space generation (Cæsar and Exp.Open), state space minimization (Bcg Min and Determinator), numerical analysis (Bcg Steady and Bcg Transient), to simulation (Cunctator). Several applications of increasing complexity have been successfully handled using these tools, namely the Hubble telescope lifetime prediction, performance comparison of mutual exclusion protocols, the Scsi-2 bus arbitration protocol, the Send/Receive and Barrier primitives of Mpi (Message Passing Interface) implemented on a cache-coherent multiprocessor architecture, and the xSTream multiprocessor data-flow architecture for embedded multimedia streaming applications

    Transformations in Reconfigurable Place/Transition Systems

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    Reconfigurable place/transition systems are Petri nets with initial markings and a set of rules which allow the modification of the net during runtime in order to adapt the net to new requirements. For the transformation of Petri nets in the double pushout approach, the categorical framework of adhesive high-level replacement systems has been instantiated to Petri nets. In this paper, we show that also place/transition systems form a weak adhesive high-level replacemen