59 research outputs found

    Marine Virus-Like Particles and Microbes: A Linear Interpretation

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    Viruses are key players in ocean ecology and biogeochemistry, not only because of their functional roles but also partially due to their sheer abundance (Fuhrman, 1999; Wilhelm and Suttle, 1999). Because viruses cannot replicate without their hosts’ machinery, their abundance is inextricably related to that of their (mostly microbial) hosts. The relationship between viral and microbial abundances is thus of great interest

    Time of steady climate change

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    Under an emission scenario where atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations are stabilized, previous work suggests that on centennial time scales the rate of global temperature increases would steady at significantly lower rates than those of the 21st century. As climate change is not globally uniform, regional differences in achieving this steady rate of warming can be expected. Here, we define a “Time of Steady Change” (TSC) as the time of reaching this steady rate of warming, and we present a method for estimating TSC with the use of General Circulation Model experiments run under greenhouse gas stabilization scenarios. We find that TSC occurs latest in low latitudes and in the Arctic, despite these areas steadying at very different absolute warming rates. These broad patterns are robust across multiple General Circulation Model ensembles and alternative definitions of TSC. These results indicate large regional differences in the trajectory of climate change in coming centuries

    Temperate infection in a virus–host system previously known for virulent dynamics

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    The blooming cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and its viruses (EhVs) are a model for density-dependent virulent dynamics. EhVs commonly exhibit rapid viral reproduction and drive host death in high-density laboratory cultures and mesocosms that simulate blooms. Here we show that this system exhibits physiology-dependent temperate dynamics at environmentally relevant E. huxleyi host densities rather than virulent dynamics, with viruses switching from a long-term non-lethal temperate phase in healthy hosts to a lethal lytic stage as host cells become physiologically stressed. Using this system as a model for temperate infection dynamics, we present a template to diagnose temperate infection in other virus–host systems by integrating experimental, theoretical, and environmental approaches. Finding temperate dynamics in such an established virulent host–virus model system indicates that temperateness may be more pervasive than previously considered, and that the role of viruses in bloom formation and decline may be governed by host physiology rather than by host–virus densities

    Viruses affect picocyanobacterial abundance and biogeography in the North Pacific Ocean

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    The photosynthetic picocyanobacteria Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus are models for dissecting how ecological niches are defined by environmental conditions, but how interactions with bacteriophages affect picocyanobacterial biogeography in open ocean biomes has rarely been assessed. We applied single-virus and single-cell infection approaches to quantify cyanophage abundance and infected picocyanobacteria in 87 surface water samples from five transects that traversed approximately 2,200 km in the North Pacific Ocean on three cruises, with a duration of 2–4 weeks, between 2015 and 2017. We detected a 550-km-wide hotspot of cyanophages and virus-infected picocyanobacteria in the transition zone between the North Pacific Subtropical and Subpolar gyres that was present in each transect. Notably, the hotspot occurred at a consistent temperature and displayed distinct cyanophage-lineage composition on all transects. On two of these transects, the levels of infection in the hotspot were estimated to be sufficient to substantially limit the geographical range of Prochlorococcus. Coincident with the detection of high levels of virally infected picocyanobacteria, we measured an increase of 10–100-fold in the Synechococcus populations in samples that are usually dominated by Prochlorococcus. We developed a multiple regression model of cyanophages, temperature and chlorophyll concentrations that inferred that the hotspot extended across the North Pacific Ocean, creating a biological boundary between gyres, with the potential to release organic matter comparable to that of the sevenfold-larger North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. Our results highlight the probable impact of viruses on large-scale phytoplankton biogeography and biogeochemistry in distinct regions of the oceans

    Contribution of oxic methane production to surface methane emission in lakes and its global importance

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    Recent discovery of oxic methane production in sea and lake waters, as well as wetlands demands re-thinking of the global methane cycle and re-assessment of the contribution of oxic waters to atmospheric methane emission. Here we analysed system-wide sources and sinks of surface-water methane in a temperate lake. Using a mass balance analysis, we show that internal methane production in well-oxygenated surface water is an important source for surface-water methane during the stratified period. Combining our results and literature reports, oxic methane contribution to emission follows a predictive function of littoral sediment area and surface mixed layer volume. The contribution of oxic methane source(s) is predicted to increase with lake size, accounting for the majority (>50 %) of surface methane emission for lakes with surface areas >1 km2

    Reviews and syntheses: Abrupt ocean biogeochemical change under human-made climatic forcing – warming, acidification, and deoxygenation

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    Abrupt changes in ocean biogeochemical variables occur as a result of human-induced climate forcing as well as those which are more gradual and occur over longer timescales. These abrupt changes have not yet been identified and quantified to the same extent as the more gradual ones. We review and synthesise abrupt changes in ocean biogeochemistry under human-induced climatic forcing. We specifically address the ocean carbon and oxygen cycles because the related processes of acidification and deoxygenation provide important ecosystem hazards. Since biogeochemical cycles depend also on the physical environment, we also describe the relevant changes in warming, circulation, and sea ice. We include an overview of the reversibility or irreversibility of abrupt marine biogeochemical changes. Important implications of abrupt biogeochemical changes for ecosystems are also discussed. We conclude that there is evidence for increasing occurrence and extent of abrupt changes in ocean biogeochemistry as a consequence of rising greenhouse gas emissions

    Time of Steady Climate Change

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    Climate nonlinearities: selection, uncertainty, projections, & damages

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    Climate projections 1 are uncertain; this uncertainty is costly and impedes progress on climate policy. This uncertainty is primarily parametric (what numbers do we plug into our equations?), structural (what equations do we use in the first place?), and due to internal variability (natural variability intrinsic to the climate system). The former and latter are straightforward to characterise in principle, though may be computationally intensive for complex climate models. The secondis more challenging to characterise and is therefore often ignored. We developed a Bayesian approach to quantify structural uncertainty in climate projections, using the idealised energy-balance model representations of climate physics that underpin many economists’ integrated assessment models (and therefore their policy recommendations). We define a model selection parameter, which switches on one of a suite of proposed climate nonlinearities and multidecadal climate feedbacks. We find that a model with a temperature-dependent climate feedback is most consistent with global mean surface temperature observations, but that the sign of the temperature dependence is opposite of what Earth system models suggest. This difference of sign is likely due to the assumption that the recent pattern effect can be represented as a temperature dependence. Moreover, models other than the most likely one contain a majority of the posterior probability, indicating that structural uncertainty is important for climate projections. Indeed, in projections using shared socioeconomic pathways similar to current emissions reductions targets, structural uncertainty dwarfs parametric uncertainty in temperature. Consequently, structural uncertainty dominates overall non-socioeconomic uncertainty in economic projections of climate change damages, as estimated from a simple temperature-to-damages calculation. These results indicate that considering structural uncertainty is crucial for integrated assessment models in particular, and for climate projections in general
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