7,981 research outputs found

    A generic framework for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs

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    Context-sensitive analysis provides information which is potentially more accurate than that provided by context-free analysis. Such information can then be applied in order to validate/debug the program and/or to specialize the program obtaining important improvements. Unfortunately, context-sensitive analysis of modular programs poses important theoretical and practical problems. One solution, used in several proposals, is to resort to context-free analysis. Other proposals do address context-sensitive analysis, but are only applicable when the description domain used satisfies rather restrictive properties. In this paper, we argüe that a general framework for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs, Le., one that allows using all the domains which have proved useful in practice in the non-modular setting, is indeed feasible and very useful. Driven by our experience in the design and implementation of analysis and specialization techniques in the context of CiaoPP, the Ciao system preprocessor, in this paper we discuss a number of design goals for context-sensitive analysis of modular programs as well as the problems which arise in trying to meet these goals. We also provide a high-level description of a framework for analysis of modular programs which does substantially meet these objectives. This framework is generic in that it can be instantiated in different ways in order to adapt to different contexts. Finally, the behavior of the different instantiations w.r.t. the design goals that motivate our work is also discussed

    Elementos estruturadores da química orgânica implícitos na argumentação de professor e alunos de graduação

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    Mullins (2008) propõe que o bom desempenho em tópicos de Química Orgânica seria consequência do domínio adequado de elementos fundamentais quais sejam, eletronegatividade, ligação covalente polar, efeito estérico, efeito indutivo, ressonância e aromaticidade pois teriam valor instrumental na resolução de tarefas. O presente trabalho tem como foco investigar como estes elementos estruturantes estão presentes na argumentação desenvolvida por alunos e professores de graduação sob a luz da psicologia cognitiva. Como resultado propomos a estereoquímica como mais um elemento estruturador ao modelo de Mullins

    The influence of coronal EUV irradiance on the emission in the He I 10830 A and D3 multiplets

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    Two of the most attractive spectral windows for spectropolarimetric investigations of the physical properties of the plasma structures in the solar chromosphere and corona are the ones provided by the spectral lines of the He I 10830 A and 5876 A (or D3) multiplets, whose polarization signals are sensitive to the Hanle and Zeeman effects. However, in order to be able to carry out reliable diagnostics, it is crucial to have a good physical understanding of the sensitivity of the observed spectral line radiation to the various competing driving mechanisms. Here we report a series of off-the-limb non-LTE calculations of the He I D3 and 10830 A emission profiles, focusing our investigation on their sensitivity to the EUV coronal irradiation and the model atmosphere used in the calculations. We show in particular that the intensity ratio of the blue to the red components in the emission profiles of the He I 10830 A multiplet turns out to be a good candidate as a diagnostic tool for the coronal irradiance. Measurements of this observable as a function of the distance to the limb and its confrontation with radiative transfer modeling might give us valuable information on the physical properties of the solar atmosphere and on the amount of EUV radiation at relevant wavelengths penetrating the chromosphere from above.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures (pre-print format). Accepted for publication in Ap

    Direct detection of Earth matter effects (MSW) in flavor oscillations at neutrino beams from stored muon decays

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    We explore the possibility of a neutrino oscillation experiment with a very long baseline in the range of 6500 km6500\ \rm km and a neutrino beam produced by the decays of muons circulating in a storage ring. The recent developments in view of muon colliders allow us to envisage neutrino sources of a sufficiently high intensity. We first consider \nue\leftrightarrow\numu oscillations within a three flavor oscillation framework. Evidence for this oscillation implies that the (1-3) mixing is non-zero. We study the effect of the neutrino propagation through matter (MSW effect). Given the density of the Earth, the existence of the MSW resonance can be experimentally proven by comparing the oscillated spectra of neutrinos obtained from the decays of muons of positive and negative charges. Moreover, a precision study of the oscillations of all three flavors could be performed since neutrinos are above the tau production threshold (appearance searches)

    Underground Neutrino Detectors for Particle and Astroparticle Science: the Giant Liquid Argon Charge Imaging ExpeRiment (GLACIER)

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    The current focus of the CERN program is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), however, CERN is engaged in long baseline neutrino physics with the CNGS project and supports T2K as recognized CERN RE13, and for good reasons: a number of observed phenomena in high-energy physics and cosmology lack their resolution within the Standard Model of particle physics; these puzzles include the origin of neutrino masses, CP-violation in the leptonic sector, and baryon asymmetry of the Universe. They will only partially be addressed at LHC. A positive measurement of sin22θ13>0.01\sin^22\theta_{13}>0.01 would certainly give a tremendous boost to neutrino physics by opening the possibility to study CP violation in the lepton sector and the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy with upgraded conventional super-beams. These experiments (so called ``Phase II'') require, in addition to an upgraded beam power, next generation very massive neutrino detectors with excellent energy resolution and high detection efficiency in a wide neutrino energy range, to cover 1st and 2nd oscillation maxima, and excellent particle identification and π0\pi^0 background suppression. Two generations of large water Cherenkov detectors at Kamioka (Kamiokande and Super-Kamiokande) have been extremely successful. And there are good reasons to consider a third generation water Cherenkov detector with an order of magnitude larger mass than Super-Kamiokande for both non-accelerator (proton decay, supernovae, ...) and accelerator-based physics. On the other hand, a very massive underground liquid Argon detector of about 100 kton could represent a credible alternative for the precision measurements of ``Phase II'' and aim at significantly new results in neutrino astroparticle and non-accelerator-based particle physics (e.g. proton decay).Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Influência do uso nas características físico químicas de um latossolo amarelo, textura muito argilosa, Manaus, AM.

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi: verificar alterações em algumas propriedades físico-químicas do solos provocadas pelo uso; a que profundidade ocorre e verificar o efeito da cobertura do solo com kudzu. As áreas em que foram feitas as amostragens se localizam no Campo Experimental da EMBRAPA-CPAA, Km 29 da AM-010, no município de Manaus, AM

    Observations of solar scattering polarization at high spatial resolution

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    The weak, turbulent magnetic fields that supposedly permeate most of the solar photosphere are difficult to observe, because the Zeeman effect is virtually blind to them. The Hanle effect, acting on the scattering polarization in suitable lines, can in principle be used as a diagnostic for these fields. However, the prediction that the majority of the weak, turbulent field resides in intergranular lanes also poses significant challenges to scattering polarization observations because high spatial resolution is usually difficult to attain. We aim to measure the difference in scattering polarization between granules and intergranules. We present the respective center-to-limb variations, which may serve as input for future models. We perform full Stokes filter polarimetry at different solar limb positions with the CN band filter of the Hinode-SOT Broadband Filter Imager, which represents the first scattering polarization observations with sufficient spatial resolution to discern the granulation. Hinode-SOT offers unprecedented spatial resolution in combination with high polarimetric sensitivity. The CN band is known to have a significant scattering polarization signal, and is sensitive to the Hanle effect. We extend the instrumental polarization calibration routine to the observing wavelength, and correct for various systematic effects. The scattering polarization for granules (i.e., regions brighter than the median intensity of non-magnetic pixels) is significantly larger than for intergranules. We derive that the intergranules (i.e., the remaining non-magnetic pixels) exhibit (9.8 \pm 3.0)% less scattering polarization for 0.2<u<0.3, although systematic effects cannot be completely excluded. These observations constrain MHD models in combination with (polarized) radiative transfer in terms of CN band line formation, radiation anisotropy, and magnetic fields.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    High-Temperature Superconducting Level Meter for Liquid Argon Detectors

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    Capacitive devices are customarily used as probes to measure the level of noble liquids in detectors operated for neutrino studies and dark matter searches. In this work we describe the use of a high-temperature superconducting material as an alternative to control the level of a cryogenic noble liquid. Lab measurements indicate that the superconductor shows a linear behaviour, a high degree of stability and offers a very accurate determination of the liquid volume. This device is therefore a competitive instrument and shows several advantages over conventional level meters.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in JINS