321 research outputs found

    Catatonia: demographic, clinical and laboratory associations

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    Background: Catatonia, a severe neuropsychiatric syndrome, has few studies of sufficient scale to clarify its epidemiology or pathophysiology. We aimed to characterise demographic associations, peripheral inflammatory markers and outcome of catatonia. / Methods: Electronic healthcare records were searched for validated clinical diagnoses of catatonia. In a case–control study, demographics and inflammatory markers were compared in psychiatric inpatients with and without catatonia. In a cohort study, the two groups were compared in terms of their duration of admission and mortality. / Results: We identified 1456 patients with catatonia (of whom 25.1% had two or more episodes) and 24 956 psychiatric inpatients without catatonia. Incidence was 10.6 episodes of catatonia per 100 000 person-years. Patients with and without catatonia were similar in sex, younger and more likely to be of Black ethnicity. Serum iron was reduced in patients with catatonia [11.6 v. 14.2 μmol/L, odds ratio (OR) 0.65 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.45–0.95), p = 0.03] and creatine kinase was raised [2545 v. 459 IU/L, OR 1.53 (95% CI 1.29–1.81), p < 0.001], but there was no difference in C-reactive protein or white cell count. N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies were significantly associated with catatonia, but there were small numbers of positive results. Duration of hospitalisation was greater in the catatonia group (median: 43 v. 25 days), but there was no difference in mortality after adjustment. / Conclusions: In the largest clinical study of catatonia, we found catatonia occurred in approximately 1 per 10 000 person-years. Evidence for a proinflammatory state was mixed. Catatonia was associated with prolonged inpatient admission but not with increased mortality

    Triangulation network of 1929-1944 of the first 1:500 urban map of València

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    [EN] Triangulation is a surveying method on which earlier maps made were based. Although the origins of the method can be traced back to the 16th century, it is still used today, with minor changes, to adjust networks observed with modern geodetic techniques. In this paper we present the geodetic survey work that was carried out for the primary triangulation network of the first 1:500 urban map of the city of València (Spain). It spanned from 1929 to 1944 and resulted in 421 maps covering about 174 square kilometres. We focus on four key elements to define the geometric framework of a map: (1) the geodetic network, (2) the cartographic projection, (3) the baseline measurements, and (4) the primary triangulation. The paper is based on the interpretation of original documents and field books recovered from the archives of the València City Council. In order to check the accuracy and consistency of the survey work, we recomputed all calculations directly from the field data, following the mathematical procedures of the time. We obtained a set of transformation parameters to convert the coordinates of 1929 to current coordinates based on the European Terrestrial Reference System of 1989 (ETRS89). Results showed that the 1929 primary triangulation angles and coordinates are accurate to 8 s of arc and 35 cm respectively, and that the coordinates transform well into the current reference system with average residuals of 26 cm across nine control points, demonstrating the high quality of the 1929 work.Villar-Cano, M.; Marqués-Mateu, Á.; Jiménez-Martínez, MJ. (2020). Triangulation network of 1929-1944 of the first 1:500 urban map of València. Survey Review (Online). 52(373):317-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/00396265.2018.1564599S31732952373Bitelli, G., Cremonini, S., & Gatta, G. (2014). Cartographic heritage: Toward unconventional methods for quantitative analysis of pre-geodetic maps. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 15(2), 183-195. doi:10.1016/j.culher.2013.04.003Blachut, T. J., Chrzanowski, A., & Saastamoinen, J. H. (1979). Urban Surveying and Mapping. doi:10.1007/978-1-4612-6145-2Brinker, R. C., & Minnick, R. (Eds.). (1987). The Surveying Handbook. doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-1188-2Gatta, G. 2010. Valorizzazione di cartografia storica attraverso moderne tecniche geomatiche: recupero metrico, elaborazione e consultazione in ambiente digitale [Valuation of historic cartography using modern geomatics techniques: metric recovering, making and use in digital environment]. Doctoral thesis. Bologna: Universitá di Bologna. 295 pages. (In Italian).Gorse, C., Johnston, D., & Pritchard, M. (2012). A Dictionary of Construction, Surveying and Civil Engineering. doi:10.1093/acref/9780199534463.001.0001Hotine, M. (1939). THE RE-TRIANGULATION OF GREAT BRITAIN IV—BASE MEASUREMENT. Empire Survey Review, 5(34), 211-225. doi:10.1179/sre.1939.5.34.211Kahmen, H., & Faig, W. (1988). Surveying. doi:10.1515/9783110845716Leick, A., Rapoport, L., & Tatarnikov, D. (2015). GPS Satellite Surveying. doi:10.1002/9781119018612Murdin, P. (2009). Full Meridian of Glory. doi:10.1007/978-0-387-75534-2Schofield, W., & Breach, M. (2007). Engineering Surveying. doi:10.1201/b12847Seeber, G. (2003). Satellite Geodesy. doi:10.1515/9783110200089Snyder, J. P. (1987). Map projections: A working manual. Professional Paper. doi:10.3133/pp139

    Mutual Validation of GNSS Height Measurements and High-precision Geometric-astronomical Leveling

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    The method of geometric-astronomical leveling is presented as a suited technique for the validation of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) heights. In geometric-astronomical leveling, the ellipsoidal height differences are obtained by combining conventional spirit leveling and astronomical leveling. Astronomical leveling with recently developed digital zenith camera systems is capable of providing the geometry of equipotential surfaces of the gravity field accurate to a few 0.1 mm per km. This is comparable to the accuracy of spirit leveling. Consequently, geometric-astronomical leveling yields accurate ellipsoidal height differences that may serve as an independent check on GNSS height measurements at local scales. A test was performed in a local geodetic network near Hanover. GPS observations were simultaneously carried out at five stations over a time span of 48 h and processed considering state-of-the-art techniques and sophisticated new approaches to reduce station-dependent errors. The comparison of GPS height differences with those from geometric-astronomical leveling shows a promising agreement of some millimeters. The experiment indicates the currently achievable accuracy level of GPS height measurements and demonstrates the practical applicability of the proposed approach for the validation of GNSS height measurements as well as the evaluation of GNSS height processing strategies

    Measuring sub-mm structural displacements using QDaedalus: a digital clip-on measuring system developed for total stations

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    The monitoring of rigid structures of modal frequencies greater than 5 Hz and sub-mm displacement is mainly based so far on relative quantities from accelerometers, strain gauges etc. Additionally geodetic techniques such as GPS and Robotic Total Stations (RTS) are constrained by their low accuracy (few mm) and their low sampling rates. In this study the application of QDaedalus is presented, which constitutes a measuring system developed at the Geodesy and Geodynamics Lab, ETH Zurich and consists of a small CCD camera and Total Station, for the monitoring of the oscillations of a rigid structure. In collaboration with the Institute of Structural Engineering of ETH Zurich and EMPA, the QDaedalus system was used for monitoring of the sub-mm displacement of a rigid prototype beam and the estimation of its modal frequencies up to 30 Hz. The results of the QDaedalus data analysis were compared to those of accelerometers and proved to hold sufficient accuracy and suitably supplementing the existing monitoring techniques

    Predicting Invasive Fungal Pathogens Using Invasive Pest Assemblages: Testing Model Predictions in a Virtual World

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    Predicting future species invasions presents significant challenges to researchers and government agencies. Simply considering the vast number of potential species that could invade an area can be insurmountable. One method, recently suggested, which can analyse large datasets of invasive species simultaneously is that of a self organising map (SOM), a form of artificial neural network which can rank species by establishment likelihood. We used this method to analyse the worldwide distribution of 486 fungal pathogens and then validated the method by creating a virtual world of invasive species in which to test the SOM. This novel validation method allowed us to test SOM's ability to rank those species that can establish above those that can't. Overall, we found the SOM highly effective, having on average, a 96–98% success rate (depending on the virtual world parameters). We also found that regions with fewer species present (i.e. 1–10 species) were more difficult for the SOM to generate an accurately ranked list, with success rates varying from 100% correct down to 0% correct. However, we were able to combine the numbers of species present in a region with clustering patterns in the SOM, to further refine confidence in lists generated from these sparsely populated regions. We then used the results from the virtual world to determine confidences for lists generated from the fungal pathogen dataset. Specifically, for lists generated for Australia and its states and territories, the reliability scores were between 84–98%. We conclude that a SOM analysis is a reliable method for analysing a large dataset of potential invasive species and could be used by biosecurity agencies around the world resulting in a better overall assessment of invasion risk

    Determinação de função covariância local para a predição de anomalias da gravidade Bouguer e valores da gravidade visando à obtenção de números geopotenciais

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    Considerando as dimensões de um país como o Brasil, realizar observações gravimétricas sobre todas as linhas de nivelamento do país ainda constitui-se um problema pertinente quando o objetivo é a determinação de números geopotenciais e/ou quantidades relacionadas ao campo da gravidade (e.g. anomalias da gravidade). Funções de covariância locais foram construídas a partir de valores da gravidade disponibilizados pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Estes valores foram digitalizados e anexados à base de dados do Laboratório de Referenciais Geodésicos e Altimetria por Satélites (LARAS) da UFPR, a qual já contém dados da rede gravimétrica argentina. Estas funções de covariância foram desenvolvidas para anomalias da gravidade Bouguer na região fronteiriça Brasil/Argentina. Estudos com funções polinomiais e de Fourier foram avaliadas utilizando dez por cento dos pontos originais para checagem. Os resultados obtidos em termos de Erro Médio Quadrático (RMS) para a função polinomial de quarta ordem e para a função de Fourier de terceira ordem foram do nível do mGal

    The Clacton Spear: the last one hundred years

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    In 1911 an eminent amateur prehistorian pulled the broken end of a pointed wooden shaft from Palaeolithic-age sediments at a seaside town in Essex. This artefact, still the earliest worked wood to be discovered in the world, became known as the Clacton Spear. Over the past 100 years it has variously been interpreted as a projectile weapon, a stave, a digging stick, a snow probe, a lance, a game stake and a prod to ward off rival scavengers. These perspectives have followed academic fashions, as the popular views of early hominins have altered. Since discovery the Clacton spear has also been replicated twice, has undergone physical transformations due to preservation treatments, and has featured in two public exhibitions. Within this article the changing context of the spear, its parallels, and all previous conservation treatments and their impacts are assessed.© 2015 Royal Archaeological Institute. This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in The Archaeological Journal on 3rd March 2015, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi.org/10.1080/00665983.2015.1008839.The attached document is the author(’s’) final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Error sources and data limitations for the prediction ofsurface gravity: a case study using benchmarks

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    Gravity-based heights require gravity values at levelled benchmarks (BMs), whichsometimes have to be predicted from surrounding observations. We use EGM2008 andthe Australian National Gravity Database (ANGD) as examples of model and terrestrialobserved data respectively to predict gravity at Australian national levelling network(ANLN) BMs. The aim is to quantify errors that may propagate into the predicted BMgravity values and then into gravimetric height corrections (HCs). Our results indicatethat an approximate ±1 arc-minute horizontal position error of the BMs causesmaximum errors in EGM2008 BM gravity of ~ 22 mGal (~55 mm in the HC at ~2200 melevation) and ~18 mGal for ANGD BM gravity because the values are not computed atthe true location of the BM. We use RTM (residual terrain modelling) techniques toshow that ~50% of EGM2008 BM gravity error in a moderately mountainous regioncan be accounted for by signal omission. Non-representative sampling of ANGDgravity in this region may cause errors of up to 50 mGals (~120 mm for the Helmertorthometric correction at ~2200 m elevation). For modelled gravity at BMs to beviable, levelling networks need horizontal BM positions accurate to a few metres, whileRTM techniques can be used to reduce signal omission error. Unrepresentative gravitysampling in mountains can be remedied by denser and more representative re-surveys,and/or gravity can be forward modelled into regions of sparser gravity