1,578 research outputs found

    Temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillar laser

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    Neuromimetic systems are systems mimicking the functionalities orarchitecture of biological neurons and may present an alternativepath for efficient computing and information processing. We demonstratehere experimentally temporal summation in a neuromimetic micropillarlaser with integrated saturable absorber. Temporal summation is theproperty of neurons to integrate delayed input stimuli and to respondby an all-or-none kind of response if the inputs arrive in a sufficientlysmall time window. Our system alone may act as a fast optical coincidence detector and paves the way to fast photonic spike processing networks

    Group-wise 3D registration based templates to study the evolution of ant worker neuroanatomy

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    The evolutionary success of ants and other social insects is considered to be intrinsically linked to division of labor and emergent collective intelligence. The role of the brains of individual ants in generating these processes, however, is poorly understood. One genus of ant of special interest is Pheidole, which includes more than a thousand species, most of which are dimorphic, i.e. their colonies contain two subcastes of workers: minors and majors. Using confocal imaging and manual annotations, it has been demonstrated that minor and major workers of different ages of three species of Pheidole have distinct patterns of brain size and subregion scaling. However, these studies require laborious effort to quantify brain region volumes and are subject to potential bias. To address these issues, we propose a group-wise 3D registration approach to build for the first time bias-free brain atlases of intra- and inter-subcaste individuals and automatize the segmentation of new individuals.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, preprint for conference (not reviewed

    Spatiotemporal chaos induces extreme events in an extended microcavity laser

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    Extreme events such as rogue wave in optics and fluids are often associated with the merging dynamics of coherent structures. We present experimental and numerical results on the physics of extreme events appearance in a spatially extended semiconductor microcavity laser with intracavity saturable absorber. This system can display deterministic irregular dynamics only thanks to spatial coupling through diffraction of light. We have identified parameter regions where extreme events are encountered and established the origin of this dynamics in the emergence of deterministic spatiotemporal chaos, through the correspondence between the proportion of extreme events and the dimension of the strange attractor

    Estimation of Sounding Uncertainty from Measurements of Water Mass Variability

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    Analysis techniques are introduced that allow for estimation of potential sounding uncertainty due to water mass variability from reconnaissance campaigns in which oceanographic parameters are measured at a high temporal and spatial resolution. The analysis techniques do not require sounding data, thus analyses can be tailored to match any survey system; this allows for pre-analysis campaigns to optimize survey instrumentation and sound speed profiling rates such that a desired survey specification can be maintained. Additionally, the output of the analysis methods can potentially provide a higher fidelity estimation of sounding uncertainty due to water mass variability than uncertainty models in common use.Se presentan análisis técnicos que permiten una estimación de posibles incertidumbres en los sondeos, debidas a la variabilidad de la masa de agua, procedentes de campañas de reconocimiento en las que los parámetros oceanográficos son medidos con una resolución temporal y espacial elevada. Los análisis técnicos no requieren los datos de sondeos, así pues dichos análisis pueden adaptarse a cualquier sistema hidrográfico. Esto permite campañas de análisis previos para optimizar la instrumentación hidrográfica y los niveles de descripción de la velocidad del sonido, para que pueda mantenerse una especificación hidrográfica deseada. Además, el resultado de los métodos analíticos puede proporcionar potencialmente una estimación de la fidelidad de las incertidumbres en los sondeos, debidas a una variabilidad de la masa de agua mayor que la de los modelos de incertidumbres que se utilizan corrientemente.Des techniques d’analyse sont introduites afin de permettre l’estimation de l’incertitude potentielle des sondes due à la variabilité de la masse d’eau à partir de campagnes de reconnaissance dans lesquelles les paramètres océanographiques sont mesurés avec une haute résolution temporelle et spatiale. Les techniques d’analyse ne nécessitant pas de données de sondes, les analyses peuvent donc être ajustées pour s’adapter à tout système de levés ; ceci permet aux campagnes de pré-analyse d’optimiser l’instrumentation hydrographique ainsi que les niveaux de profilage de la vitesse du son de manière à conserver une spécification de levé souhaitée. En outre, le résultat des méthodes d’analyse peut potentiellement fournir une estimation à plus haute fidélité, en ce qui concerne les incertitudes des sondes du fait de la variabilité de la masse d’eau, que les modèles d’incertitude en usage

    Serial diverse imagining task: A new remedy for bedtime complaints of worrying and other sleep-disruptive mental activity

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    Introduction: A racing mind, worries, and uncontrollable thoughts are common bedtime complaints among poor sleepers. Beaudoin created a Serial Diverse Imagining task (SDIT) that can be used at bedtime to divert attention away from sleep interfering thoughts, An app randomly presents recordings of relatively concrete words one at a time with an 8-second interval between recordings during which the person creates and maintains a mental image of the word until the next recording prompts the next image and so on. Our study is an experimental test of SDIT compared to the standard treatment of Structured Problem-solving (SP) and to the combination of both treatments. A key feature of SP is that it must be done earlier than bedtime and requires about 15 minutes to do it.  SDIT, which is done at bedtime, does not have those constraints.  Method: 154 university students (137 female) who complained of excessive cognitive pre-sleep arousal were randomly assigned to receive SDIT, SP, or both.  At baseline, they completed Pre-Sleep Arousal Scale (Somatic and Cognitive), Sleep Quality Scale, Glasgow Sleep Effort Scale and Sleep Hygiene Index.  Depending on the measure, participants redid it one week and/or one month after starting the intervention.  (They also completed sleep diaries and appraisals of the interventions, which are omitted due to space). Results: Repeated measures ANOVAs indicated that cognitive and somatic pre-sleep arousal , sleep effort, and sleep quality improved significantly relative to baseline (p  < .001; Partial η2 = .43 to .71) even though sleep hygiene worsened ( p  < .001; Partial η2 =  .23). The latter finding is not unexpected because the baseline was done at the start of the academic term before the onset of academic pressures. The fact that we found sleep and arousal improvements in this context are notable. Conclusion: Beaudoin’s Serial Diverse  Imagining Task (SDIT) was as effective as Structured Problem-Solving (SP) in reducing pre-sleep arousal, sleep effort, and poor sleep quality.  One advantage of SDIT is that it can be done at bedtime, unlike SP.&nbsp

    Observation of slow light in the noise spectrum of a vertical external cavity surface emitting laser

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    The role of coherent population oscillations is evidenced in the noise spectrum of an ultra-low noise lasers. This effect is isolated in the intensity noise spectrum of an optimized single-frequency vertical external cavity surface emitting laser. The coherent population oscillations induced by the lasing mode manifest themselves through their associated dispersion that leads to slow light effects probed by the spontaneous emission present in the non-lasing side modes.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    DES2 is a fatty acid Delta 11 desaturase capable of synthesizing palmitvaccenic acid in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizophagus irregularis

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi are oleaginous organisms, and the most abundant fatty acyl moiety usually found in their lipids is palmitvaccenic acid (16:1Δ11cis). However, it is not known how this uncommon fatty acid species is made. Here, we have cloned two homologs of Lepidopteran fatty acyl-CoenzymeA Δ11 desaturases from the AM fungus Rhizophagus irregularis. Both enzymes, DES1 and DES2, are expressed in intraradicle mycelium and can complement the unsaturated fatty acid-requiring auxotrophic growth phenotype of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ole1Δ mutant. DES1 expression leads almost exclusively to oleic acid (18:1Δ9cis) production, whereas DES2 expression results in the production of 16:1Δ11cis and vaccenic acid (18:1Δ11cis). DES2 therefore encodes a Δ11 desaturase that is likely to be responsible for the synthesis of 16:1Δ11cis in R. irregularis

    Metazoans of redoxcline sediments in Mediterranean deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basins

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    Background: The deep-sea hypersaline anoxic basins (DHABs) of the Mediterranean (water depth similar to 3500 m) are some of the most extreme oceanic habitats known. Brines of DHABs are nearly saturated with salt, leading many to suspect they are uninhabitable for eukaryotes. While diverse bacterial and protistan communities are reported from some DHAB haloclines and brines, loriciferans are the only metazoan reported to inhabit the anoxic DHAB brines. Our goal was to further investigate metazoan communities in DHAB haloclines and brines. Results: We report observations from sediments of three DHAB (Urania, Discovery, L'Atalante) haloclines, comparing these to observations from sediments underlying normoxic waters of typical Mediterranean salinity. Due to technical difficulties, sampling of the brines was not possible. Morphotype analysis indicates nematodes are the most abundant taxon; crustaceans, loriciferans and bryozoans were also noted. Among nematodes, Daptonema was the most abundant genus; three morphotypes were noted with a degree of endemicity. The majority of rRNA sequences were from planktonic taxa, suggesting that at least some individual metazoans were preserved and inactive. Nematode abundance data, in some cases determined from direct counts of sediments incubated in situ with CellTracker (TM) Green, was patchy but generally indicates the highest abundances in either normoxic control samples or in upper halocline samples; nematodes were absent or very rare in lower halocline samples. Ultrastructural analysis indicates the nematodes in L'Atalante normoxic control sediments were fit, while specimens from L'Atalante upper halocline were healthy or had only recently died and those from the lower halocline had no identifiable organelles. Loriciferans, which were only rarely encountered, were found in both normoxic control samples as well as in Discovery and L'Atalante haloclines. It is not clear how a metazoan taxon could remain viable under this wide range of conditions. Conclusions: We document a community of living nematodes in normoxic, normal saline deep-sea Mediterranean sediments and in the upper halocline portions of the DHABs. Occurrences of nematodes in mid-halocline and lower halocline samples did not provide compelling evidence of a living community in those zones. The possibility of a viable metazoan community in brines of DHABs is not supported by our data at this time

    2D photonic-crystal optomechanical nanoresonator

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    We present the optical optimization of an optomechanical device based on a suspended InP membrane patterned with a 2D near-wavelength grating (NWG) based on a 2D photonic-crystal geometry. We first identify by numerical simulation a set of geometrical parameters providing a reflectivity higher than 99.8 % over a 50-nm span. We then study the limitations induced by the finite value of the optical waist and lateral size of the NWG pattern using different numerical approaches. The NWG grating, pierced in a suspended InP 265 nm-thick membrane, is used to form a compact microcavity involving the suspended nano-membrane as end mirror. The resulting cavity has a waist size smaller than 10 ÎĽ\mum and a finesse in the 200 range. It is used to probe the Brownian motion of the mechanical modes of the nanomembrane
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