255 research outputs found

    A prospective observational study to evaluate prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy

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    Background: Asymptomatic bacteriuria is under-diagnosed condition in pregnancy. Prompt recognition of asymptomatic bacteriuria and its treatment is necessary as this condition can be associated with adverse maternal and foetal complications. Screening of asymptomatic bacteriuria is easy and replicable and goes a long way in promoting safer maternal and foetal outcomes. The aim of the study was to determine (a) prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnant women attending antenatal care and determine its association with age, parity and socio-economic status, and (b) microbiological patterns of the causative organism.Methods: This was a prospective, observational study that evaluated 200 pregnant women visiting antenatal care in tertiary care hospital, SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre, Davangere, India. A study was conducted in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Subjects having fever, symptoms of urinary tract infection, underlying co-morbid conditions were excluded from the study. Those willing to give a valid consent with no signs of urinary tract infection were included in the study.Results: The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria was noted to be 19% in our study. The most common organism noted to cause asymptomatic bacteriuria was noted to be E. coli followed by Staphylococcus aureus. The prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria was noted to be highest in the second trimester followed by those in first trimester.Conclusions: Asymptomatic bacteriuria is widely prevalent in pregnancy. Pregnant women should be screened every trimester for presence of asymptomatic bacteriuria.

    Detection of Compromised Accounts in Online Social Networks

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    Social behavioral profile appropriately reflects a user’s OSN activity patterns. People get right of entry to OSNs using both conventional computer PCs and new emerging cellular devices. With multiple billion customers global, OSNs are a brand new venue of innovation with many difficult studies issues. In this paper, we look at the social behaviors of OSN customers, i.e., their utilization of OSN offerings, and the utility of which in detecting the compromised accounts. We capture user conduct with the subsequent metrics: user connectivity, user hobby and user reactions. We validate and represent the person social hobby on OSN. The take a look at is based totally on distinct ClickStream data, the ClickStream data reveals key features of the social network workloads, consisting of how frequently humans connect to social networks and for a way lengthy, in addition to the kinds and sequences of activities that users conduct on those websites. We take note of the traits of social behaviors were view malicious behaviors of OSN users and show the social behavioral profiles can correctly differentiate man or woman OSN users and discover compromised account

    Clinical indications of Hingwashtaka Choorna an experiential and scientific view

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    Choorna preparations are the pulverized products of Ayurveda medicine which are widely used by Ayurveda physicians in Indian subcontinent. Avipattikara Choorna, Lavana Bhaskara Choorna,  Gangadhara Choorna,  Swadishta Virechana Choorna,  Pancha Sakara Choorna,  Shatsakara Choorna,  Talisadi Choorna,  Sitopaladi Choorna,  and Triphala Choorna are few formulations which are commonly used in Ayurveda practice.  Choornas are easy to prepare and easy to administer also. However, they should be stored after airtight packing.  Otherwise, they get spoiled and their pharmacological action is lost. Hingwashtaka Choorna is one such preparation which is generally used as appetizer, digestant and carminative also. In diseases like Agnimandya, Ajirna, Atisara, Malabandha, Udarashoola, Kukshi Shoola,  Anaha, Adhmana and Atopa, Hingwashtaka Choorna gives good results. The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Hingwashtaka Choorna in an experiential and scientific view

    Pyogenic Granuloma in a Patient of Sturge-Weber Syndrome with Bilateral Port Wine Stain- A Rare Case Report

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    Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) also known as encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis. It is a neurocutaneous syndrome, characterized by a facial vascular birthmark and neurological abnormalities. An ipsilateral or bilateral facial cutaneous vascular malformation Port Wine Stain (PWS) usually affects the upper face. Other clinical manifestations are seizures, glaucoma, hemiparesis, mental retardation and delayed developmental milestones. The main objective of this case report is to unravel such a rarest syndrome with bilateral port-wine stain, which has intraoral manifestation of pyogenic granuloma involving gingiva in an 11 year old boy

    Clinical indications of Hinguleshwara Rasa an experiential and scientific view

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    Herbo mineral formulations are commonly used in general practice in modern India by Ayurveda physicians. These formulations are effective even when they are given with small quantity, does not produce distaste and having quick actions. Most of the formulations contain purified and processed mercurial compounds and Shuddha Vatsanabha (Aconite). Mrityunjaya Rasa, Tribhuvana Kirti Rasa, Ananda Bhairava Rasa, Kaphaketu Rasa, Siddha Makaradhwaja Rasa, makaradhwaja gutika, Poornachandrodaya Rasa, Panchamrita Parpati, Rasa Parpati, and Hemagarbha Pottali are few formulations which are frequently used in general practice. These formulations are having the ingredients which usually possess actions like Dipana, Pachana, Rasayana, immunomodulator, anti-infective, antibacterial, bactericidal, immunity booster, strength promoting and antioxidant properties. They are given in chronic debilitating diseases with suitable adjuvant therapy. The present paper highlights about the clinical indications of Hinguleshwara Rasa in an experiential and scientific view

    Evaluation of spot urinary albumin - creatinine ratio as a screening tool in the prediction of pre-eclampsia in early pregnancy: a pilot study

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    Background: Pre-eclampsia is one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in India. Objective of this study was to establish whether a spot urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) measured between 18-28 weeks of gestation can predict subsequent pre-eclampsia in asymptomatic pregnant women.Methods: A prospective observational study involving 50 registered antenatal cases visiting the obstetrics outpatient department between 18-28 weeks of singleton pregnancy with nil proteinuria upon dipstick measurement were included. ACR was determined from random single midstream urine sample. Statistical analysis was performed using Chi square test and Student’s t-test.Results: Of the study group, 10 patients had high ACR value, with 8(80%) developed pre-eclampsia and 2(20%) remained normotensive. ACR had a sensitivity of 80%, specificity 97.56%, positive predictive value of 88.89%, diagnostic accuracy of the test being 94.12%.Conclusions: The spot urinary protein creatinine ratio is a reliable predictor for pre-eclampsia in pregnancy

    To investigate the role of Memantine as anxiolytic in elevated plus maze test and as antidepressant in tail suspension test in Swiss albino mice

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    Background: The magnitude of improvement seen with present conventional medicines for anxiety and depression remain disappointing thereby providing a scope for the study of newer drugs. In the literature, there is evidence demonstrating the modulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)receptors in anxiety and depression. The present study is undertaken to evaluate the antianxiety effect of memantine in elevated plus maze (EPZ) test and its antidepressant effect in tail suspension test (TST)in Swiss albino mice.Methods: Animals were divided into six groups (n=6). First group mice were given normal saline (10 ml/kg), second group were administered lorazepam (0.5 mg/kg), third group with memantine (3 mg/kg) and fourth group with memantine plus lorazepam, fifth group was administered amitriptyline (10 mg/kg)and sixth group received memantine plus amitriptyline. All drugs were administered by intraperitoneal route daily for 7 consecutive days. Results were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey’s test.Results: Memantine treated mice showed significant increase (p<0.001)in time spent and number of entries in open arm and significant decrease in time spent and number of entries in closed arm in EPZ when compared to control group. Duration of immobility was significantly (p<0.001)reduced in animals treated with memantine when compared to the control group in TST.Conclusions: NMDA antagonist, memantine has showed significant antianxiety effect in EPZ test and antidepressant effect in TST

    Clinical indications of Saraswatarishta an experiential and scientific view

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    Asavarishtas are commonly used by Ayurveda physicians in general practice. Arjunarishta, Abhayarishta, Ashokarishta, Amritarishta, Ashwagandharishta, Balarishta, Bhrungarajasava, Chandanasava, Chavikasava, Draksharishta, Dashamoolarishta, Dhatyarishta, Eladyarishta, Jeerakarishta, Kutajarishta, Kanakasava, Lodhrasava, Lohasava, Punarnavasava, Pushkaramoolasava and Sarivadyasava are few Sandhaniya preparations which are commonly used in clinical practice. Asavarishtas contain 9.5% self-generated alcohol content and can be preserved for prolonged period also. Saraswatarishta is one such preparation which is given in insomnia, mental retardation, and mental disorders, mania, depression, psychosis, anxiety disorders. It contains mainly Brahmi (Bacopa monirei) which is Medhya Rasayana, antistress, adaptogenic, antidepressant, hypnotic, also. In this paper, a clinical indication of Saraswatarishta is described in detail

    Analysis of incidence of caesarean sections in primigravida

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    Background: Current study was conducted to determine the incidence of caesarean sections in primigravida.Methods: A total number of 1698 primigravidas were admitted in the department of DNB district hospital Ballari, out of which 501 primigravidas who underwent caesarean section were included in the study.Results: Caesarean section rate in primigravida was observed to be 29.5%, 55% of women were from rural areas and 45% from urban areas, 69.9% women belonged to lower class 31.1% belonged to upper middle class, 25% were illiterate while 75% were literate.Conclusions: Meta-analysis suggests that the occurrence of pregnancy complications differ according to fetal sex with a higher cardiovascular and metabolic load for the mother in the presence of a male fetus.

    Management of Janu Sandhigata Vata (Osteoarthritis of the Knee Joint)

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    Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is a common degenerative joint disorder seen in modern India. Either due to faulty lifestyle, poor quality and deficient food or due to age related changes in bone and joints, incidence of this disease has risen. Ayurveda medicine has a better role in the management of degenerative joint disorder. Maha Yogaraja Guggulu, Kaishora Guggulu, Maha Rasnadi Kwatha, Narayana Taila are few formulations which are commonly used in this disease. These formulations are having actions like regenerative, Rasayana, Vedana Sthapana, Vatahara, etc. Ayurveda treatment has better result on osteoarthritis patients. The present paper highlights the role of Ayurveda Medicine in the management of osteoarthritis of the knee joint
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