8,823 research outputs found

    Effective Classification using a small Training Set based on Discretization and Statistical Analysis

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    This work deals with the problem of producing a fast and accurate data classification, learning it from a possibly small set of records that are already classified. The proposed approach is based on the framework of the so-called Logical Analysis of Data (LAD), but enriched with information obtained from statistical considerations on the data. A number of discrete optimization problems are solved in the different steps of the procedure, but their computational demand can be controlled. The accuracy of the proposed approach is compared to that of the standard LAD algorithm, of Support Vector Machines and of Label Propagation algorithm on publicly available datasets of the UCI repository. Encouraging results are obtained and discusse

    The fluidization behaviour of ignimbrite at high temperature and with mechanical agitation

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    Experiments were carried out to study the fluidization behaviour of ignimbrite at high temperature and while being mechanically agitated. Geldart group C behaviour occurs up to 565 degreesC when the material is subjected to increasing gas flow ( without agitation) from the loosely packed state. In contrast, even gentle mechanical agitation inhibits channelling and results in group-A type behaviour with homogeneous (non-bubbling) expansions of up to 30 - 40%. Bed collapse tests exhibit group-C behaviour at room temperature, group-A behaviour at 200 - 565 degreesC, and transitional behaviour at 55 degreesC. Both elevated temperature and mechanical agitation greatly increase the fluidizability of ignimbrite. It is inferred that a combination of high temperature and shear during transport will promote Geldart group A behaviour in pyroclastic flows

    Chaotic dynamics in a storage-ring Free Electron Laser

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    The temporal dynamics of a storage-ring Free Electron Laser is here investigated with particular attention to the case in which an external modulation is applied to the laser-electron beam detuning. The system is shown to produce bifurcations, multi-furcations as well as chaotic regimes. The peculiarities of this phenomenon with respect to the analogous behavior displayed by conventional laser sources are pointed out. Theoretical results, obtained by means of a phenomenological model reproducing the evolution of the main statistical parameters of the system, are shown to be in a good agreement with experiments carried out on the Super-ACO Free Electron Laser.Comment: submitted to Europ Phys. Journ.

    The central structure of Broad Absorption Line QSOs: observational characteristics in the cm-mm wavelength domain

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    Accounting for ~20% of the total QSO population, Broad Absorption Line QSOs are still an unsolved problem in the AGN context. They present wide troughs in the UV spectrum, due to material with velocities up to 0.2 c toward the observer. The two models proposed in literature try to explain them as a particular phase of the evolution of QSOs or as normal QSOs, but seen from a particular line of sight. We built a statistically complete sample of Radio-Loud BAL QSOs, and carried out an observing campaign to piece together the whole spectrum in the cm wavelength domain, and highlight all the possible differences with respect to a comparison sample of Radio-Loud non-BAL QSOs. VLBI observations at high angular resolution have been performed, to study the pc-scale morphology of these objects. Finally, we tried to detect a possible dust component with observations at mm-wavelengths. Results do not seem to indicate a young age for all BAL QSOs. Instead a variety of orientations and morphologies have been found, constraining the outflows foreseen by the orientation model to have different possible angles with respect to the jet axis

    An Algebra of Hierarchical Graphs

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    We define an algebraic theory of hierarchical graphs, whose axioms characterise graph isomorphism: two terms are equated exactly when they represent the same graph. Our algebra can be understood as a high-level language for describing graphs with a node-sharing, embedding structure, and it is then well suited for defining graphical representations of software models where nesting and linking are key aspects

    Dependencies and Simultaneity in Membrane Systems

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    Membrane system computations proceed in a synchronous fashion: at each step all the applicable rules are actually applied. Hence each step depends on the previous one. This coarse view can be refined by looking at the dependencies among rule occurrences, by recording, for an object, which was the a rule that produced it and subsequently (in a later step), which was the a rule that consumed it. In this paper we propose a way to look also at the other main ingredient in membrane system computations, namely the simultaneity in the rule applications. This is achieved using zero-safe nets that allows to synchronize transitions, i.e., rule occurrences. Zero-safe nets can be unfolded into occurrence nets in a classical way, and to this unfolding an event structure can be associated. The capability of capturing simultaneity of zero-safe nets is transferred on the level of event structure by adding a way to express which events occur simultaneously
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