210 research outputs found

    Solar Chameleons

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    We analyse the creation of chameleons deep inside the sun and their subsequent conversion to photons near the magnetised surface of the sun. We find that the spectrum of the regenerated photons lies in the soft X-ray region, hence addressing the solar corona problem. Moreover, these back-converted photons originating from chameleons have an intrinsic difference with regenerated photons from axions: their relative polarisations are mutually orthogonal before Compton interacting with the surrounding plasma. Depending on the photon-chameleon coupling and working in the strong coupling regime of the chameleons to matter, we find that the induced photon flux, when regenerated resonantly with the surrounding plasma, coincides with the solar flux within the soft X-ray energy range. Moreover, using the soft X-ray solar flux as a prior, we find that with a strong enough photon-chameleon coupling the chameleons emitted by the sun could lead to a regenerated photon flux in the CAST pipes, which could be within the reach of CAST with upgraded detector performance. Then, axion helioscopes have thus the potential to detect and identify particles candidates for the ubiquitous dark energy in the universe.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures

    KWISP: an ultra-sensitive force sensor for the Dark Energy sector

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    An ultra-sensitive opto-mechanical force sensor has been built and tested in the optics laboratory at INFN Trieste. Its application to experiments in the Dark Energy sector, such as those for Chameleon-type WISPs, is particularly attractive, as it enables a search for their direct coupling to matter. We present here the main characteristics and the absolute force calibration of the KWISP (Kinetic WISP detection) sensor. It is based on a thin Si3N4 micro-membrane placed inside a Fabry-Perot optical cavity. By monitoring the cavity characteristic frequencies it is possible to detect the tiny membrane displacements caused by an applied force. Far from the mechanical resonant frequency of the membrane, the measured force sensitivity is 5.0e-14 N/sqrt(Hz), corresponding to a displacement sensitivity of 2.5e-15 m/sqrt(Hz), while near resonance the sensitivity is 1.5e-14 N/sqrt(Hz), reaching the estimated thermal limit, or, in terms of displacement, 7.5e-16 N/sqrt(Hz). These displacement sensitivities are comparable to those that can be achieved by large interferometric gravitational wave detectors.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures in colo

    Detecting solar chameleons through radiation pressure

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    Light scalar fields can drive the accelerated expansion of the universe. Hence, they are obvious dark energy candidates. To make such models compatible with tests of General Relativity in the solar system and "fifth force" searches on Earth, one needs to screen them. One possibility is the so-called "chameleon" mechanism, which renders an effective mass depending on the local matter density. If chameleon particles exist, they can be produced in the sun and detected on Earth exploiting the equivalent of a radiation pressure. Since their effective mass scales with the local matter density, chameleons can be reflected by a dense medium if their effective mass becomes greater than their total energy. Thus, under appropriate conditions, a flux of solar chameleons may be sensed by detecting the total instantaneous momentum transferred to a suitable opto-mechanical force/pressure sensor. We calculate the solar chameleon spectrum and the reach in the chameleon parameter space of an experiment using the preliminary results from a force/pressure sensor, currently under development at INFN Trieste, to be mounted in the focal plane of one of the X-Ray telescopes of the CAST experiment at CERN. We show, that such an experiment signifies a pioneering effort probing uncharted chameleon parameter space.Comment: revised versio

    Background study for the pn-CCD detector of CERN Axion Solar Telescope

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    The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) experiment searches for axions from the Sun converted into photons with energies up to around 10 keV via the inverse Primakoff effect in the high magnetic field of a superconducting Large Hadron Collider (LHC) prototype magnet. A backside illuminated pn-CCD detector in conjunction with an X-ray mirror optics is one of the three detectors used in CAST to register the expected photon signal. Since this signal is very rare and different background components (environmental gamma radiation, cosmic rays, intrinsic radioactive impurities in the set-up, ...) entangle it, a detailed study of the detector background has been undertaken with the aim to understand and further reduce the background level of the detector. The analysis is based on measured data taken during the Phase I of CAST and on Monte Carlo simulations of different background components. This study will show that the observed background level (at a rate of (8.00+-0.07)10^-5 counts/cm^2/s/keV between 1 and 7 keV) seems to be dominated by the external gamma background due to usual activities at the experimental site, while radioactive impurities in the detector itself and cosmic neutrons could make just smaller contribution.Comment: Comments: 10 pages, 9 figures and images, submitted to Astroparticle Physic

    A Fast Algorithm for Robust Regression with Penalised Trimmed Squares

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    The presence of groups containing high leverage outliers makes linear regression a difficult problem due to the masking effect. The available high breakdown estimators based on Least Trimmed Squares often do not succeed in detecting masked high leverage outliers in finite samples. An alternative to the LTS estimator, called Penalised Trimmed Squares (PTS) estimator, was introduced by the authors in \cite{ZiouAv:05,ZiAvPi:07} and it appears to be less sensitive to the masking problem. This estimator is defined by a Quadratic Mixed Integer Programming (QMIP) problem, where in the objective function a penalty cost for each observation is included which serves as an upper bound on the residual error for any feasible regression line. Since the PTS does not require presetting the number of outliers to delete from the data set, it has better efficiency with respect to other estimators. However, due to the high computational complexity of the resulting QMIP problem, exact solutions for moderately large regression problems is infeasible. In this paper we further establish the theoretical properties of the PTS estimator, such as high breakdown and efficiency, and propose an approximate algorithm called Fast-PTS to compute the PTS estimator for large data sets efficiently. Extensive computational experiments on sets of benchmark instances with varying degrees of outlier contamination, indicate that the proposed algorithm performs well in identifying groups of high leverage outliers in reasonable computational time.Comment: 27 page

    Response-suggestion to The XENON1T excess: an overlooked dark matter signature?

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    The main alternatives of the recent XENON1T observation are solar axions, neutrino magnetic moment and tritium. In this short note we suggest to crosscheck whether the observation is related or not to dark matter (DM) streams, by searching for planetary dependence of the observed excess. If such a correlation is derived, this hint (<3.5sigma) can become the overlooked direct DM discovery. To do this it is necessary to analyze the time distribution of all the XENON1T data, and in particular the electronic events with their time stamp and energy. Notably, the velocities of the dark sector allow for planetary focusing effects towards the earth either by a single celestial body or combined by the whole solar system. Surprisingly, as yet this possibility has not been applied in the field of direct dark matter search, even though DM velocities fit-in well planetary gravitational lensing effects. The widely used signature of a direct dark matter search needs to be redefined, while, with luck, such an analysis might confirm or exclude the solar origin of the observed excess. Therefore, we suggest that XENON1T and DAMA release the data.Comment: 1 pag

    Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axions in theories of low-scale quantum gravity

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    We explore the physics potential of a terrestrial detector for observing axionic Kaluza-Klein excitations coming from the Sun within the context of higher-dimensional theories of low-scale quantum gravity. In these theories, the heavier Kaluza-Klein axions are relatively short-lived and may be detected by a coincidental triggering of their two-photon decay mode. Because of the expected high multiplicity of the solar axionic excitations, we find experimental sensitivity to a fundamental Peccei-Quinn axion mass up to 10−210^{-2} eV (corresponding to an effective axion-photon coupling gaγγ≈2.×10−12g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 2.\times 10^{-12} GeV−1^{-1}) in theories with 2 extra dimensions and a fundamental quantum-gravity scale MFM_{\rm F} of order 100 TeV, and up to 3.×10−33.\times 10^{-3} eV (corresponding to gaγγ≈6.×10−13g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 6.\times 10^{-13} GeV−1^{-1}) in theories with 3 extra dimensions and MF=1M_{\rm F}=1 TeV. For comparison, based on recent data obtained from lowest level underground experiments, we derive the experimental limits: gaγγ∼<2.5×10−11g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 2.5\times 10^{-11} GeV−1^{-1} and gaγγ∼<1.2×10−11g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 1.2\times 10^{-11} GeV−1^{-1} in the aforementioned theories with 2 and 3 large compact dimensions, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, extended version, as to appear in Physical Review

    Search for axions in streaming dark matter

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    A new search strategy for the detection of the elusive dark matter (DM) axion is proposed. The idea is based on streaming DM axions, whose flux might get temporally enormously enhanced due to gravitational lensing. This can happen if the Sun or some planet (including the Moon) is found along the direction of a DM stream propagating towards the Earth location. The experimental requirements to the axion haloscope are a wide-band performance combined with a fast axion rest mass scanning mode, which are feasible. Once both conditions have been implemented in a haloscope, the axion search can continue parasitically almost as before. Interestingly, some new DM axion detectors are operating wide-band by default. In order not to miss the actually unpredictable timing of a potential short duration signal, a network of co-ordinated axion antennae is required, preferentially distributed world-wide. The reasoning presented here for the axions applies to some degree also to any other DM candidates like the WIMPs.Comment: 5 page
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