76 research outputs found

    Providing packages of relevant ATM information: An ontology-based approach

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    ATM information providers publish reports and notifications of different types using standardized information exchange models. For a typical information user, e.g., an aircraft pilot, only a fraction of the published information is relevant for a particular task. Filtering out irrelevant information from different information sources is in itself a challenging task, yet it is only a first step in providing relevant information, the challenges concerning maintenance, auditability, availability, integration, comprehensibility, and traceability. This paper presents the Semantic Container approach, which employs ontology-based faceted information filtering and allows for the packaging of filtered information and associated metadata in semantic containers, thus facilitating reuse of filtered information at different levels. The paper formally defines an abstract model of ontology-based information filtering and the structure of semantic containers, their composition, versioning, discovery, and replicated physical allocation. The paper further discusses different usage scenarios, the role of semantic containers in SWIM, an architecture for a semantic container management system, as well as a proof-of-concept prototype. Finally the paper discusses a blockchain-based notary service to realize tamper-proof version histories for semantic containers.acceptedVersio

    Оптимизация конструкции захвата для детали «Барабан»

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    Грузозахватные приспособления обычно применяются при производстве работ по подъему и перемещению грузов с применением грузоподъемных машин. Использование приспособлений позволяет реализовать максимальное удобство и безопасность производственного процесса. Грузозахватные приспособления конструируются для определенного этапа технологического процесса, для конкретного изделия. При проектировании таких приспособлений необходимо учитывать основные показатели оптимальности конструкции: прочность, надежность, простота, удобство и безопасность при эксплуатации, эргономичность. Кроме того, нужно стремиться к наименьшей массе и, соответственно, металлоемкости захвата. Конструкция грузозахватного приспособления, в основном, будет зависеть от назначенных технологом поверхностей, за которые можно крепиться и от максимальной высоты подъема крюка крана. В статье описана задача по конструированию захвата для детали «Барабан¬ в новом технологическом процессе. Рассмотрена конструкция существующего захвата, взятого за прототип. Приведен анализ различных вариантов конструктивных решений, созданных в процессе проектирования. Выбран вариант конструкции захвата, который в наибольшей степени соответствует требованиям технического задания. Конструкция этого модернизированного приспособления представляет собой захват с тремя лапами, удерживающими деталь, и подвес в виде траверсы. Разработанная конструкторская документация утверждена производством и отделом промышленной безопасности

    Semantic data containers for realizing the full potential of system wide information management

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    In order to unleash the full potential of System Wide Information Management (SWIM), the BEST project (Achieving the Benefits of SWIM by Making Smart Use of Semantic Technologies) proposes the semantic container approach which shields service and application developers from the complexities of data provisioning in Air Traffic Management (ATM). In combination with SWIM, semantic containers facilitate the emergence of a marketplace of value-added information services, and allow for complex derivation chains of data sets. Along these derivation chains, existing data are intelligently filtered and prioritized as well as combined and annotated with additional information.acceptedVersio

    Evaluation of zinc sulfate electrolytes by cyclic voltammetry and electron microscopy

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    A cyclic voltammetric technique has been developed for approximating the quantities of active chemical species present in zinc sulfate electrolytes. The experimental apparatus consisted of a Pyrex H cell, an aluminum cathode encased in a Teflon holder, a carbon anode and a mercurous sulfate reference electrode. Voltammograms were obtained using industrial, purified neutral leach solution (Cominco Ltd., Trail, BC) acidified to give a final concentration of 0.77 M Zn++ and 1 M H2SO4. The polarization curves were then evaluated and used as reference standards to compare with results obtained when various organic and inorganic additions were made. The deposit morphologies obtained for short-time cathodic cycles were also studied with the aid of a Scanning Electron Microscope. Changes in concentrations of glue in the 5 to 10 ppm range and of antimony in the 5 to 10 ppb range were detected using the techniques described. © 1976 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society - ASM International - The Materials Information Society

    Photooxidative inhibition of nitrate reductase during chilling

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    The effect of a temperature close to the freezing point (chilling) on the nitrate reductase system of leaf discs of Cucumis sativus L. cv. Kleine Groene Scherpe was determined in the absence and presence of light. The capacity of leaf discs in the light (250 μE m−2s−1) at 20°C to increase in vivo and in vitro nitrate reductase activity, was unaffected by chilling pretreatment in the dark, but 4 h of chilling pretreatment in the light (250 μE m−2s−1) decreased the capacity to less than 50% of the unchilled control. The chilling inhibition of the capacity to increase nitrate reductase activity was of a photooxidative nature since it only occurred in the presence of light and oxygen. Plants grown at a low light intensity (65 μE m−2s−1) lost 95% of their capacity to increase nitrate reductase activity, while plants grown at 195 μE m−2s−1 retained 80% of their nitrate reducing capacity after 6 h chilling pretreatment in the 250 μE m−2s−1 light. Previously induced nitrate reductase activity was also affected by light during chilling. A lag phase of 7 h preceded a fast phase of decrease in activity. Both in vivo and in vitro activity decreased to 15% of the control value after 18 h of chilling in the light. It is concluded that the induction mechanism of nitrate reductase is primarily affected by photooxidation during chilling. The decrease in nitrate reductase activity is attributed to a decrease in the amount of activity enzyme