172 research outputs found

    ANS hard X-ray experiment development program

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    The hard X-ray (HXX) experiment is one of three experiments included in the Dutch Astronomical Netherlands Satellite, which was launched into orbit on 30 August 1974. The overall objective of the HXX experiment is the detailed study of the emission from known X-ray sources over the energy range 1.5-30keV. The instrument is capable of the following measurements: (1) spectral content over the full energy range with an energy resolution of approximately 20% and time resolution down to 4 seconds; (2) source time variability down to 4 milliseconds; (3) silicon emission lines at 1.86 and 2.00keV; (4) source location to a limit of one arc minute in ecliptic latitude; and (5) spatial structure with angular resolution of the arc minutes. Scientific aspects of experiment, engineering design and implementation of the experiment, and program history are included

    Scleroderma: features of the current and possibility treatments. Review references

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    Data from various references about features of a current limited склеродермии (OS) is presented interfaced. The hypothesis that OS and system scleroderma (SSD) represent versions of one pathological process that proves to be true presence an one-orientation of metabolic shifts, a generality skin changes at both forms of illness, and also cases of transformation of the localised process in a progressing system sclerosis Is discussed. Frequency of occurrence, prevalence of those or other forms of OS, longevity of patients, clinical displays and duration of a current of OS and its communication with other pathological processes is discussed. Various schemes of treatment of OS which have multicourse and multicomponent character are considered

    The study of the negative pion production in neutron-proton collisions at beam momenta below 1.8 GeV/c

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    A detailed investigation of the reaction np -> pp\pi^{-} has been carried out using the data obtained with the continuous neutron beam produced by charge exchange scattering of protons off a deuterium target. A partial wave event-by-event based maximum likelihood analysis was applied to determine contributions of different partial waves to the pion production process. The combined analysis of the np -> pp\pi^{-} and pp -> pp\pi^{0} data measured in the same energy region allows us to determine the contribution of isoscalar partial waves (I=0) in the momentum range from 1.1 up to 1.8 GeV/c. The decay of isoscalar partial waves into (^1S_0)_{pp}\pi$ channel provides a good tool for a determination of the pp S-wave scalar scattering length in the final state which was found to be a_{pp}=-7.5\pm 0.3 fm.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Терагерцовый сканирующий рефлектометр для визуализации строения полимерных конструкций в аддитивном производстве

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    The results of the development and practical application of a quasi-optical system for reflectometry of objects in the terahertz frequency range for analyzing the structure in additive manufacturing of objects are presented. A backward-wave oscillator is used for continuous generation of electromagnetic radiation; an acousto-optic converter (Golay cell) is applied as a detector. The reflectometer is controlled by personal computer through the L-card E 154 input-output module and the standard digital-to-analog converter of the STD-21 spectrometer. The system is tested at the frequency of 874 GHz on the 3D-printed composite structure sample. Our paper is terahertz reflectometer with a source of continuous monochromatic electromagnetic radiation based on a backward wave oscillator is presented. The purpose of this work in creating a scanning THz reflectometer is considered to have been achieved. At the same time, the following tasks are solved: a quasi-optical scheme of the reflectometer is selected and assembled; the hardware part of the system (all mechanisms and components) is implemented; a program for controlling the radiation intensity registration system is adapted for this task; the test sample is manufactured using 3D printing technology, the THz reflectometer is tested. The obtained practical results of registration of the two-dimensional distribution of the reflection coefficient show that the use of THz radiation is promising for visualizing the structure of structures obtained by additive technology. Further development of the project is planned by changing the construction of the positioning mechanism, which will provide micrometric calibration of the sample holder relative to the diaphragm. The use of the quasi-optical scheme of the two-beam interferometer for recording the phase distribution and amplitude of reflected THz radiation will allow obtaining information about the spatial location of defects (inhomogeneities) of products obtained by additive technology. Представлены результаты разработки и практического применения в аддитивном производстве системы рефлектометрии объектов в терагерцовом диапазоне частот для анализа структуры. Для непрерывной генерации электромагнитного излучения применялась лампа обратной волны, в качестве детектора использовался акустооптический преобразователь (Ячейка Голея). Управление рефлектометром реализовано с персонального компьютера через модуль ввода-вывода Lcard E154 и штатный цифро-аналоговый преобразователь спектрометра СТД-21. Тестирование системы произведено на частоте 874 ГГц на образце композиционной конструкции, изготовленной методом 3D-печати. Бердюгин А. И., Бадьин А. В., Гурский Р. П., Трофимов Е. А., Кулешов Г. Е. Терагерцовый сканирующий рефлектометр для визуализации строения полимерных конструкций в аддитивном производстве. Ural Radio Engineering Journal. 2021;5(3):207–224. DOI: 10.15826/urej.2021.5.3.001.

    Discrete molecular dynamics simulations of peptide aggregation

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    We study the aggregation of peptides using the discrete molecular dynamics simulations. At temperatures above the alpha-helix melting temperature of a single peptide, the model peptides aggregate into a multi-layer parallel beta-sheet structure. This structure has an inter-strand distance of 0.48 nm and an inter-sheet distance of 1.0 nm, which agree with experimental observations. In this model, the hydrogen bond interactions give rise to the inter-strand spacing in beta-sheets, while the Go interactions among side chains make beta-strands parallel to each other and allow beta-sheets to pack into layers. The aggregates also contain free edges which may allow for further aggregation of model peptides to form elongated fibrils.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Shadowing in Inelastic Scattering of Muons on Carbon, Calcium and Lead at Low XBj

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    Nuclear shadowing is observed in the per-nucleon cross-sections of positive muons on carbon, calcium and lead as compared to deuterium. The data were taken by Fermilab experiment E665 using inelastically scattered muons of mean incident momentum 470 GeV/c. Cross-section ratios are presented in the kinematic region 0.0001 < XBj <0.56 and 0.1 < Q**2 < 80 GeVc. The data are consistent with no significant nu or Q**2 dependence at fixed XBj. As XBj decreases, the size of the shadowing effect, as well as its A dependence, are found to approach the corresponding measurements in photoproduction.Comment: 22 pages, incl. 6 figures, to be published in Z. Phys.

    Colloquium: Nonlinear collective interactions in quantum plasmas with degenerate electron fluids

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    The current understanding of some important nonlinear collective processes in quantum plasmas with degenerate electrons is presented. After reviewing the basic properties of quantum plasmas, we present model equations (e.g. the quantum hydrodynamic and effective nonlinear Schr\"odinger-Poisson equations) that describe collective nonlinear phenomena at nanoscales. The effects of the electron degeneracy arise due to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Pauli's exclusion principle for overlapping electron wavefunctions that result in tunneling of electrons and the electron degeneracy pressure. Since electrons are Fermions (spin-1/2), there also appears an electron spin current and a spin force acting on electrons due to the Bohr magnetization. The quantum effects produce new aspects of electrostatic (ES) and electromagnetic (EM) waves in a quantum plasma that are summarized in here. Furthermore, we discuss nonlinear features of ES ion waves and electron plasma oscillations (ESOs), as well as the trapping of intense EM waves in quantum electron density cavities. Specifically, simulation studies of the coupled nonlinear Schr\"odinger (NLS) and Poisson equations reveal the formation and dynamics of localized ES structures at nanoscales in a quantum plasma. We also discuss the effect of an external magnetic field on the plasma wave spectra and develop quantum magnetohydrodynamic (Q-MHD) equations. The results are useful for understanding numerous collective phenomena in quantum plasmas, such as those in compact astrophysical objects, in plasma-assisted nanotechnology, and in the next-generation of intense laser-solid density plasma interaction experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures. To be published in Reviews of Modern Physic

    Mechanisms of gap gene expression canalization in the Drosophila blastoderm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Extensive variation in early gap gene expression in the <it>Drosophila </it>blastoderm is reduced over time because of gap gene cross regulation. This phenomenon is a manifestation of canalization, the ability of an organism to produce a consistent phenotype despite variations in genotype or environment. The canalization of gap gene expression can be understood as arising from the actions of attractors in the gap gene dynamical system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to better understand the processes of developmental robustness and canalization in the early <it>Drosophila </it>embryo, we investigated the dynamical effects of varying spatial profiles of Bicoid protein concentration on the formation of the expression border of the gap gene <it>hunchback</it>. At several positions on the anterior-posterior axis of the embryo, we analyzed attractors and their basins of attraction in a dynamical model describing expression of four gap genes with the Bicoid concentration profile accounted as a given input in the model equations. This model was tested against a family of Bicoid gradients obtained from individual embryos. These gradients were normalized by two independent methods, which are based on distinct biological hypotheses and provide different magnitudes for Bicoid spatial variability. We showed how the border formation is dictated by the biological initial conditions (the concentration gradient of maternal Hunchback protein) being attracted to specific attracting sets in a local vicinity of the border. Different types of these attracting sets (point attractors or one dimensional attracting manifolds) define several possible mechanisms of border formation. The <it>hunchback </it>border formation is associated with intersection of the spatial gradient of the maternal Hunchback protein and a boundary between the attraction basins of two different point attractors. We demonstrated how the positional variability for <it>hunchback </it>is related to the corresponding variability of the basin boundaries. The observed reduction in variability of the <it>hunchback </it>gene expression can be accounted for by specific geometrical properties of the basin boundaries.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We clarified the mechanisms of gap gene expression canalization in early <it>Drosophila </it>embryos. These mechanisms were specified in the case of <it>hunchback </it>in well defined terms of the dynamical system theory.</p

    Traces of past activity in the Galactic Centre

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    The Milky Way centre hosts a supermassive Black Hole (BH) with a mass of ~4*10^6 M_Sun. Sgr A*, its electromagnetic counterpart, currently appears as an extremely weak source with a luminosity L~10^-9 L_Edd. The lowest known Eddington ratio BH. However, it was not always so; traces of "glorious" active periods can be found in the surrounding medium. We review here our current view of the X-ray emission from the Galactic Center (GC) and its environment, and the expected signatures (e.g. X-ray reflection) of a past flare. We discuss the history of Sgr A*'s past activity and its impact on the surrounding medium. The structure of the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) has not changed significantly since the last active phase of Sgr A*. This relic torus provides us with the opportunity to image the structure of an AGN torus in exquisite detail.Comment: Invited refereed review. Chapter of the book: "Cosmic ray induced phenomenology in star forming environments" (eds. Olaf Reimer and Diego F. Torres

    Terahertz Scanning Reflectometer for Structure Visualization of Polymer Constructions in Additive Manufacturing

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    Поступила: 29.07.2021. Принята в печать: 01.09.2021.Received: 29.07.2021.Accepted: 01.09.2021.Представлены результаты разработки и практического применения в аддитивном производстве системы рефлектометрии объектов в терагерцовом диапазоне частот для анализа структуры. Для непрерывной генерации электромагнитного излучения применялась лампа обратной волны, в качестве детектора использовался акустооптический преобразователь (Ячейка Голея). Управление рефлектометром реализовано с персонального компьютера через модуль ввода-вывода L-card E154 и штатный цифро-аналоговый преобразователь спектрометра СТД-21. Тестирование системы произведено на частоте 874 ГГц на образце композиционной конструкции, изготовленной методом 3D-печати.The results of the development and practical application of a quasioptical system for reflectometry of objects in the terahertz frequency range for analyzing the structure in additive manufacturing of objects are presented. A backward-wave oscillator is used for continuous generation of electromagnetic radiation; an acousto-optic converter (Golay cell) is applied as a detector. The reflectometer is controlled by personal computer through the L-card E154 input-output module and the standard digital-to-analog converter of the STD-21 spectrometer. The system is tested at the frequency of 874 GHz on the 3D-printed composite structure sample. Our paper is terahertz reflectometer with a source of continuous monochromatic electromagnetic radiation based on a backward wave oscillator is presented. The purpose of this work in creating a scanning THz reflectometer is considered to have been achieved. At the same time, the following tasks are solved: a quasi-optical scheme of the reflectometer is selected and assembled; the hardware part of the system (all mechanisms and components) is implemented; a program for controlling the radiation intensity registration system is adapted for this task; the test sample is manufactured using 3D printing technology, the THz reflectometer is tes-ted. The obtained practical results of registration of the two-dimensio-nal distribution of the reflection coefficient show that the use of THz radiation is promising for visualizing the structure of structures obtained by additive technology. Further development of the project is planned by changing the construction of the positioning mechanism, which will provide micrometric calibration of the sample holder relative to the diaphragm. The use of the quasioptical scheme of the two-beam interfe-rometer for recording the phase distribution and amplitude of reflected THz radiation will allow obtaining information about the spatial location of defects (inhomogeneities) of products obtained by additive technology.Исследование выполнено при поддержке совета по грантам Президента РФ для государственной поддержки молодых российских ученых № МК-1709.2020.8.The reported study is founded by grant of the president of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists MK-1709.2020.