354 research outputs found

    The Gp1ba-Cre transgenic mouse::A new model to delineate platelet and leukocyte functions

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    Conditional knockout (KO) mouse models are invaluable for elucidating the physiological roles of platelets. The Platelet factor 4-Cre recombinase (Pf4-Cre) transgenic mouse is the current model of choice for generating megakaryocyte/platelet-specific KO mice. Platelets and leukocytes work closely together in a wide range of disease settings, yet the specific contribution of platelets to these processes remains unclear. This is partially a result of the Pf4-Cre transgene being expressed in a variety of leukocyte populations. To overcome this issue, we developed a Gp1ba-Cre transgenic mouse strain in which Cre expression is driven by the endogenous Gp1ba locus. By crossing Gp1ba-Cre and Pf4-Cre mice to the mT/mG dual-fluorescence reporter mouse and performing a head-to-head comparison, we demonstrate more stringent megakaryocyte lineage-specific expression of the Gp1ba-Cre transgene. Broader tissue expression was observed with the Pf4-Cre transgene, leading to recombination in many hematopoietic lineages, including monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, and dendritic and B and T cells. Direct comparison of phenotypes of Csk, Shp1, or CD148 conditional KO mice generated using either the Gp1ba-Cre or Pf4-Cre strains revealed similar platelet phenotypes. However, additional inflammatory and immunological anomalies were observed in Pf4-Cre-generated KO mice as a result of nonspecific deletion in other hematopoietic lineages. By excluding leukocyte contributions to phenotypes, the Gp1ba-Cre mouse will advance our understanding of the role of platelets in inflammation and other pathophysiological processes in which platelet-leukocyte interactions are involved

    Ion-Mobility Mass Spectrometry for the Rapid Determination of the Topology of Interlocked and Knotted Molecules.

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    A rapid screening method based on traveling-wave ion-mobility spectrometry (TWIMS) combined with tandem mass spectrometry provides insight into the topology of interlocked and knotted molecules, even when they exist in complex mixtures, such as interconverting dynamic combinatorial libraries. A TWIMS characterization of structure-indicative fragments generated by collision-induced dissociation (CID) together with a floppiness parameter defined based on parent- and fragment-ion arrival times provide a straightforward topology identification. To demonstrate its broad applicability, this approach is applied here to six Hopf and two Solomon links, a trefoil knot, and a [3]catenate.Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (CRC 765 “Multivalency”). Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Swiss National Science Foundation (PZ00P2_161270). Fondation Wiener-Anspach

    Resolution and Determination of the Absolute Configuration of a Twisted Bis-Lactam Analogue of Troger's Base: A Comparative Spectroscopic and Computational Study

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    The first reported twisted bis-lactam, a racemic Tröger's base (TB) analogue (2), was resolved into its enantiomers on a chiral stationary phase HPLC column. The absolute configuration of (+)-2 was determined to be (R,R)-2 by comparing experimental and calculated vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra. The absolute configuration of (-)-2 was determined by comparing experimental and calculated electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectra. The corresponding theoretical spectra were calculated using the lowest energy conformation of (R,R)-2 and (S,S)-2 at the B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory. The absolute configuration of (+)-2 was also determined to (R,R)-2 by anomalous X-ray diffraction (AXRD) in a chiral space group P212121 using Cu-irradiation resulting in a very low Flack parameter of -0.06(3), despite the heaviest element being an oxygen atom, thus unambiguously confirming the results from the spectroscopic studies. We conclude that, for the Tröger's base (TB) analogue (2), we may rank the reliability of the individual methods for AC determination as AXRD ≫ VCD > ECD, while the synergy of all three methods provides very strong confidence in the assigned ACs of (+)-(R,R)-2 and (-)-(S,S)-2

    Synthesis of macrocyclic receptors with intrinsic fluorescence featuring quinizarin moieties

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    An unprecedented class of macrocycles with intrinsic fluorescence consisting of phenolic trimers and quinizarin is developed. Though they are lacking strong hydrogen bonds as observed in calixarenes, the two examples introduced here each adopt a vase-like conformation with all four aromatic units pointing in one direction (syn orientation). This “cone” conformation has been confirmed by NMR spectroscopy, molecular modeling, and X-ray crystallography. The laminar, electron-rich fluorophore as part of the macrocycle allows additional contacts to enclosed guest molecules

    18-crown-6-sodium cholate complex: thermochemistry, structure and stability

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    18-crown-6, one of the most relevant crown ethers, and sodium cholate, steroidal surfactant classified as natural bile salt, are components of novel, synthesized coordination complex ; 18-crown-6-sodium cholate (18C6•NaCh). Like crown ethers, bile salts act as building blocks in supramolecular chemistry in order to design new functionalized materials with a desired structure and properties. In order to obtain thermal behavior of this 1:1 coordination complex, thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis were used, as well as microscopic observations and differential scanning calorimetry. Temperature dependent infrared spectroscopy (IR) gave a detailed view into phase transitions. The structures during thermal treatment were observed with powder X-ray diffraction, and molecular models of the phases are made. Hard, glassy, colorless compound 18C6•NaCh goes through crystalline – crystalline polymorphic phase transitions at higher temperatures. The room temperature phase is indexed to a triclinic lattice, while in the high temperature phases molecules take randomly one of the two different configurations in the unit cell, resulting in the 2-fold symmetry. The formation of cholesteric liquid crystalline phase occurs simultaneously with partial decomposition, followed by the isotropisation with simultaneous and complete decomposition at much higher temperature, as obtained by IR. The results provide valuable information about the relationship between molecular structure, thermal properties, and stability of the complex, indicating the importance of an appropriate choice of cation, amphiphilic, and crown ether unit in order to synthesize compounds with desired behavior

    Mechanical Bonds and Topological Effects in Radical Dimer Stabilization

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    While mechanical bonding stabilizes tetrathiafulvalene (TTF) radical dimers, the question arises: what role does topology play in catenanes containing TTF units? Here, we report how topology, together with mechanical bonding, in isomeric [3]- and doubly interlocked [2]catenanes controls the formation of TTF radical dimers within their structural frameworks, including a ring-in-ring complex (formed between an organoplatinum square and a {2+2} macrocyclic polyether containing two 1,5-dioxynaphthalene (DNP) and two TTF units) that is topologically isomeric with the doubly interlocked [2]catenane. The separate TTF units in the two {1+1} macrocycles (each containing also one DNP unit) of the isomeric [3]catenane exhibit slightly different redox properties compared with those in the {2+2} macrocycle present in the [2]catenane, while comparison with its topological isomer reveals substantially different redox behavior. Although the stabilities of the mixed-valence (TTF2)^(•+) dimers are similar in the two catenanes, the radical cationic (TTF^(•+))_2 dimer in the [2]catenane occurs only fleetingly compared with its prominent existence in the [3]catenane, while both dimers are absent altogether in the ring-in-ring complex. The electrochemical behavior of these three radically configurable isomers demonstrates that a fundamental relationship exists between topology and redox properties