170 research outputs found

    Dynamic Pricing with Volume Discounts in Online Settings

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    Experimental evidence of intrabeam scattering in a free-electron laser driver

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    Abstract The effect of multiple small-angle Coulomb scattering, or intrabeam scattering (IBS) is routinely observed in electron storage rings over the typical damping time scale of milliseconds. So far, IBS has not been observed in single pass electron accelerators because charge density orders of magnitude higher than in storage rings would be needed. We show that such density is now available at high brightness electron linacs for free-electron lasers (FELs). We report measurements of the beam energy spread in the FERMI linac in the presence of the microbunching instability, which are consistent with a revisited IBS model for single pass systems. We also show that neglecting the hereby demonstrated effect of IBS in the parameter range typical of seeded VUV and soft x-ray FELs, results in too conservative a facility design, or failure to realise the accessible potential performance. As an example, an optimization of the FERMI parameters driven by an experimentally benchmarked model, opens the door to the extension of stable single spectral line emission to the water window (2.3–4.4 nm), with far-reaching implications for experiments in a variety of disciplines, ranging from physics and chemistry to biology and material sciences, and including nonlinear x-ray optics based on the four-wave-mixing approach.</jats:p

    Human amniotic membrane for myocutaneous dehiscence after a radical surgical treatment of vulvar cancer: A case report

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    Background: The application of the amniotic membrane could have a favourable effect on tissue repair and regeneration. We report the first case of implant of an amniotic membrane in a patient affected by myo-cutaneous dehiscence, after a radical surgical treatment for vulvar cancer. Methods: We describe a case of a 74-years-old patient affected by vulvar cancer. After radiotherapy, the patient underwent to an anterior pelvic exenteration with uretero-ileo-cutaneostomy by Wallace, bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy, omental biopsies, omental flap, bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy, resection of ulcerated left inguinal lesion, reconstruction with left gracilis muscle flap and locoregional V-Y advancement flap. The patient developed a myo-cutaneous dehiscence. Two months after the surgery, following an accurate curettage of the wound and negative pressure therapy, a patch of human amniotic membrane was implanted. Results: The surgical procedure was easy, feasible and did not require long operating room times. No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred. The results obtained were encouraging with a marked improvement in the surgical wound. Conclusion: the use of amniotic membranes was safely and easily performed to promote the healing of complicated surgical wounds

    A comunicação não-verbal enquanto fator iatrogênico

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    O estudo teve como objetivo verificar se os enfermeiros identificam situações nas quais os aspectos não-verbais da comunicação interpessoal entre profissionais de saúde e pacientes constituem fator iatrogênico. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada com oito enfermeiros e analisados segundo a metodologia de análise de conteúdo. Do discurso dos profissionais emergiram três categorias, que evidenciam a percepção da iatrogenia, suas conseqüências e características e a interrelação entre a linguagem não-verbal e o cuidado.El estudio tuvo como objetivo chequear si las enfermeras identifican situaciones en las cuales los aspectos noverbales de la comunicación interpersonal entre los profesionales de la salud y los pacientes, constituyen factor iatrogénico. Los datos habían sido recogidos por medio de entrevistas mitad estructuradas con ocho enfermeras y analizadas de acuerdo con la metodología del análisis del contenido. Del discurso de los profesionales tres categorías habían emergido, que evidencian el factor iatrogénico, sus resultados y características y la interrelación entre la lengua no-verbal y el cuidado.The current study has the purpose of verifying if nurses are able to identify situations in which the nonverbal aspects of interpersonal communication between health professionals and patients constitute an iatrogenic factor. The data were collected through semistructured interviews with eight nurses and were analyzed according to the content analysis methodology. Three categories appeared from the professional discourses, and these categories make evident the perception of iatrogenesis, its consequences and characteristics and the interrelation between non-verbal language and nursing care

    Estabilidade de linhagens de feijoeiro comum de grão preto no ensaio intermediário/2005 da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.

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    O objetivo foi avaliar a estabilidade e adaptabilidade de linhagens de grão preto no ensaio intermediário/2005 do programa de melhoramento genético do feijoeiro comum da Embrapa Arroz e Feijão e identificar as mais promissoras para ambientes favoráveis e desfavoráveis

    Single-shot transverse coherence in seeded and unseeded free-electron lasers: A comparison

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    The advent of x-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) drastically enhanced the capabilities of several analytical techniques, for which the degree of transverse (spatial) coherence of the source is essential. FELs can be operated in self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) or seeded configurations, which rely on a qualitatively different initialization of the amplification process leading to light emission. The degree of transverse coherence of SASE and seeded FELs has been characterized in the past, both experimentally and theoretically. However, a direct experimental comparison between the two regimes in similar operating conditions is missing, as well as an accurate study of the sensitivity of transverse coherence to key working parameters. In this paper, we carry out such a comparison, focusing in particular on the evolution of coherence during the light amplification process