731 research outputs found

    On the spatial structure of the Perseids meteor stream

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    The analysis of radar observations of the Perseid meteor stream conducted in an ionospherical laboratory in the period from 1964 to 1981 is presented. The Perseids meteor rates were determined by the fluctuation method. Analysis of their hourly distributions showed that the stream maximum position is different for different years, i.e., the stream nodal position is constantly changing. The results of the analysis are presented and discussed

    Aspects of optimizing of the educational space of the a student-designer

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    The article considers brief analysis and generalization of practice experience, as well as the substantiation of the possibility of searching for new theoretical ideas, methodological approaches to the process of building a new educational spaceВ статье рассматривается краткий анализ и обобщение опыта практики, а также обоснование возможности поиска новых теоретических идей, методологических подходов к процессу построения нового образовательного пространств

    Application of information technologies in teaching design and computer graphics

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    The article deals with design education, brief analysis and generalization of practice experience, as well as justification of the possibility of finding new theoretical ideas, methodological approaches to the process of building new educational spaceРассматривается дизайн-образование. Приводятся краткий анализ и обобщение опыта практики, а также обоснование возможности поиска новых теоретических идей, методологических подходов к процессу построения нового образовательного пространств

    Yield components in new pear cultivars and breeding forms in the Middle Urals

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    Sverdlovsk Horticultural Breeding Station specializes in the development of fruit and berry cultivars for the Middle Urals. One of its tasks is pear breeding for high winter-hardiness, high yield, and good fruit quality. Ten new pear cultivars and improved forms of local breeding were selected as the material for this study versus the reference cultivars ‘Talitsa’, ripening in summer, and ‘Berezhenaya’, ripening in late autumn. Observations were conducted across the decade of 2009–2019. The cultivars ‘Letnyaya zolotistaya’, ‘Chusovaya’, ‘Berezhenaya’ (ref.), ‘Sultan’, and breeding form DL-33-307 were found to possess resistance of flowers to late spring frosts. Cvs. ‘Letnyaya zolotistaya’, ‘Berezhenaya’ (ref.) and ‘Sultan’ were early-fruiting; cvs. ‘Talitsa’ (ref.) and ‘Chusovaya’, breeding forms ZS-IV-5-11, DL-33-307, DL-II-31n-207, ZS-II-15-18 and ZS-IV-5-19 were mid-fruiting; breeding form ZS-IV-15-38, late-fruiting. An early onset of full fructification at the age of 10–11 years or more, combined with high yield at the same age, was observed in cvs. ‘Berezhenaya’ (ref.), ‘Sultan’, ‘Letnyaya zolotistaya’, and breeding form ZS-II-15-18. New cultivars ‘Letnyaya zolotistaya’ and ‘Sultan’ were highlighted for a combination of valuable traits: earliness, high yield, and high growth rates in the plantlet stage. Cv. ‘Letnyaya zolotistaya’ had attractive good-tasting fruits, weighing 76 g, ripening in summer. Cv. ‘Sultan’ yielded nicelooking and good-tasting fruits, weighing 129 g, ripening in winter. Cv. ‘Chusovaya’ was identified for its nice-looking fruits with a very good taste


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    The purpose of the article is to study the political and legal systems of states on countering international extremism with the use of a systematic approach in the context of certain characteristics of Eastern and Western (European) countries, as well as the United States and Great Britain. The methodological base includes the use of comparative analysis (identifications and differences) and methods for constructing certain typologies of Western and Eastern states, which are grouped according to both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. Findings. In modern conditions, a systematic approach in scientific research has been used since the mid-50s of the 20th century. The article discusses this approach in the political and legal sphere on international issues; Eastern and Western (European) types of states in the context of countering extremism are analyzed as examples. The processes of globalization influenced the 21st century led to the emergence of "transnational extremism." In modern conditions, in order to counter international (transnational) extremism, it is necessary to develop new mechanisms and approaches, taking into account the realities of modern society. The world community has encountered the use of Internet space by extremist organizations, which threatens the security of modern society and individual countries. Countering extremism on an international scale is proposed to be carried out in the following areas: first, the development of an international legal and information base; second, the creation of a favorable social and economic environment in states and regions; third, the development of mechanisms to prevent the financing of extremist activities; fourth, the creation of an international analytical structure involving scientific personnel from different countries to identify the causes of extremism in different regions of the world community and develop forecasts at certain stages in different regions, and develop modern mechanisms to counter transnational extremism.El propósito del artículo es estudiar los sistemas políticos y legales de los estados para contrarrestar el extremismo internacional con el uso de un enfoque sistemático en el contexto de ciertas características de los países orientales y occidentales (europeos), los Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña. . La base metodológica incluye el uso de análisis comparativos (identificaciones y diferencias) y métodos para construir ciertas tipologías de estados occidentales y orientales, que se agrupan de acuerdo con las características cualitativas y cuantitativas. Recomendaciones. En las condiciones modernas, se ha utilizado un enfoque sistemático en la investigación científica desde mediados de los años 50 del siglo XX. El artículo discute este enfoque en la esfera política y legal en asuntos internacionales; Se analizan como ejemplos los tipos de estados del este y del oeste (europeos) en el contexto de la lucha contra el extremismo. Los procesos de globalización que influyeron en el siglo XXI llevaron a la aparición del "extremismo transnacional". En las condiciones modernas, para contrarrestar el extremismo internacional (transnacional), es necesario desarrollar nuevos mecanismos y enfoques, teniendo en cuenta las realidades de la sociedad moderna.La comunidad mundial ha encontrado el uso del espacio de Internet por parte de organizaciones extremistas, lo que amenaza la seguridad de la sociedad moderna y los países individuales. Se propone llevar a cabo la lucha contra el extremismo a escala internacional en las siguientes áreas: primero, el desarrollo de una base legal e informativa internacional; segundo, la creación de un entorno social y económico favorable en los estados y regiones; tercero, el desarrollo de mecanismos para prevenir el financiamiento de actividades extremistas; cuarto, la creación de una estructura analítica internacional con personal científico de diferentes países para identificar las causas del extremismo en diferentes regiones de la comunidad mundial y desarrollar pronósticos en ciertas etapas en diferentes regiones, y desarrollar mecanismos modernos para contrarrestar el extremismo transnacional.Цель исследования–исследование политико-правовые системы государств по вопросам противодействия международному экстремизму с применением системного подхода в контексте определенных особенностей восточных и западных (европейских) стран, а также США и Великобритании.Методологическая база включает применение сравнительного анализа (отождествления и различия) и методы построения определенных типологий западных и восточных государств, которые группируются как по качественным, так и количественным признакам.Выводы. В современных условиях в научных исследованиях применяется системный подход с середины 50-х годов ХХ столетия. В статье этот подход рассматривается в политико-правовой сфере по международным вопросам, а в качестве примеров анализируются восточный и западный (европейских) типы государств мирового сообщества в контексте вопросов противодействия экстремизму.Процессы глобализации повлияли в ХХI веке обусловили появление «транснационального экстремизма». В современных условиях для противодействия международному (транснациональному) экстремизму необходимо разрабатывать новые механизмы и подходы с учетом реалий современного общества.Особую тревогу вызывает религиозный экстремизм, особенно в исламских странах, который постепенно распространяющегося по всему миру. Ислам определяет черты организации и деятельности восточных государств и является частью политического механизма, а также влияет на развитие государств и на общественно-политические и государственно-правовые отношения в них и является политико-идеологической основой.Мировое сообщество столкнулось с использованием интернет-пространства экстремистскими организациями, что угрожает безопасности современного общества и отдельных стран. В международном масштабе вести противодействие экстремизму предлагается в последующих направлениях: первое - разработка международной правовой и информационной баз; второе - создание в государствах и регионах благоприятной социальной и экономической обстановки; третье - выработка механизмов по предотвращению финансирования экстремистской деятельности; четвертое - создание международного аналитической структуры с привлечением научных кадров из разных стран мира для выявления причин, способствующих возникновению экстремизма в разных регионах мирового сообщества и разработки прогнозов на определенных этапах в разных регионах, и выработки современных механизмов противодействия транснациональному экстремизму

    Infective endocarditis: the specific features of its course, the criteria for diagnosis, differential diagnosis (part II)

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    Infective endocarditis (IE) is today characterized by polyetiology due to a wide range of pathogens. The paper describes the specific features of the clinical picture of the disease in relation to the etiological agent, which have, in some cases, a crucial role in the choice of empiric antibiotic therapy. Significant clinical polymorphism, obscure symptoms, and monosyndromic onset as guises all enhance the importance of the differential diagnosis of IE, at its early stages in particular. Basic approaches to differentiating IE from the diseases in which differentially diagnostic problems arise to the utmost are outlined

    Multimedia technology in teaching of bachelors

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    The article discusses the application of multimedia technologies in the teaching of bachelors of the university, analyzes the specifics of using these technologies in the learning process, the need to apply modern technologies in the process of self-development and self-study of students at a universityРассматриваются вопросы применения мультимедийных технологий и особенности их использования в процессе саморазвития и самообучения бакалавро

    To the question about the stimulation of creative activity and support of social innovation

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    The article discusses the interaction of teachers and students creating an acmeological environment when creating children's booksВ статье рассматривается взаимодействие педагогов и студентов, создание акмеологической среды при создании детских кни

    Features of Nickel-Cadmium Batteries Recycling

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    The issue of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling is currently relevant due to a number of aspects: economic, environmental and social. It is most acute across the national corporation JSC Russian Railways. The article deals with some technological features of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries recycling with valuable components being extracted (from the example of nickel-cadmium storage batteries of JSC ”RZD” rolling equipment). The results of leaching in Trilon B synthetic oxides solution, the presence of which is possible in the raw material being processed, are presented in the study. Based on the study of leaching processes of CdO, NiO, FeO, Femet and Fe2O3 in Trilon B solution, the dependence of complexing on the pH of the solution was revealed. The experimental site of the hydrometallurgical processing of the research center (OCGP IC) in the GMO KhMC PJSC ”Uralelectromed” was selected as the testing one for the technology proposed. As a raw material for the tests, a lot of negative lamellae packed in alkaline storage batteries of two different types were used. They were obtained as a result of preliminary drying and cutting at OOO Kursk factory ”Accumulator”. The particle size is 90% - 0.1 mm. The results obtained during the research allowed the author to formulate a hypothesis about the practical use of Trilon B for the processing of operated-off alkaline nickel-cadmium batteries with the extraction of valuable components having greater economic, environmental and social benefits compared to methods based on pyro metallurgy. Keywords: nickel-cadmium batteries, recycling, Trilon B, Russian Railways, hydrometallurgica