363 research outputs found

    Signature of effective mass in crackling noise asymmetry

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    Crackling noise is a common feature in many dynamic systems [1-9], the most familiar instance of which is the sound made by a sheet of paper when crumpled into a ball. Although seemingly random, this noise contains fundamental information about the properties of the system in which it occurs. One potential source of such information lies in the asymmetric shape of noise pulses emitted by a diverse range of noisy systems [8-12], but the cause of this asymmetry has lacked explanation [1]. Here we show that the leftward asymmetry observed in the Barkhausen effect [2] - the noise generated by the jerky motion of domain walls as they interact with impurities in a soft magnet - is a direct consequence of a magnetic domain wall's negative effective mass. As well as providing a means of determining domain wall effective mass from a magnet's Barkhausen noise our work suggests an inertial explanation for the origin of avalanche asymmetries in crackling noise phenomena more generally.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Nature Physic

    Fire and grazing in a mesic tallgrass prairie: impacts on plant species and functional traits

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    Fire is a globally distributed disturbance that impacts terrestrial ecosystems and has been proposed to be a global “herbivore.” Fire, like herbivory, is a top-down driver that converts organic materials into inorganic products, alters community structure, and acts as an evolutionary agent. Though grazing and fire may have some comparable effects in grasslands, they do not have similar impacts on species composition and community structure. However, the concept of fire as a global herbivore implies that fire and herbivory may have similar effects on plant functional traits. Using 22 years of data from a mesic, native tallgrass prairie with a long evolutionary history of fire and grazing, we tested if trait composition between grazed and burned grassland communities would converge, and if the degree of convergence depended on fire frequency. Additionally, we tested if eliminating fire from frequently burned grasslands would result in a state similar to unburned grasslands, and if adding fire into a previously unburned grassland would cause composition to become more similar to that of frequently burned grasslands. We found that grazing and burning once every four years showed the most convergence in traits, suggesting that these communities operate under similar deterministic assembly rules and that fire and herbivory are similar disturbances to grasslands at the trait-group level of organization. Three years after reversal of the fire treatment we found that fire reversal had different effects depending on treatment. The formerly unburned community that was then burned annually became more similar to the annually burned community in trait composition suggesting that function may be rapidly restored if fire is reintroduced. Conversely, after fire was removed from the annually burned community trait composition developed along a unique trajectory indicating hysteresis, or a time lag for structure and function to return following a change in this disturbance regime. We conclude that functional traits and species-based metrics should be considered when determining and evaluating goals for fire management in mesic grassland ecosystems

    Hysteresis and Avalanches in the Random Anisotropy Ising Model

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    The behaviour of the Random Anisotropy Ising model at T=0 under local relaxation dynamics is studied. The model includes a dominant ferromagnetic interaction and assumes an infinite anisotropy at each site along local anisotropy axes which are randomly aligned. Two different random distributions of anisotropy axes have been studied. Both are characterized by a parameter that allows control of the degree of disorder in the system. By using numerical simulations we analyze the hysteresis loop properties and characterize the statistical distribution of avalanches occuring during the metastable evolution of the system driven by an external field. A disorder-induced critical point is found in which the hysteresis loop changes from displaying a typical ferromagnetic magnetization jump to a rather smooth loop exhibiting only tiny avalanches. The critical point is characterized by a set of critical exponents, which are consistent with the universal values proposed from the study of other simpler models.Comment: 40 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    From presentation to paper: gender disparities in oncological research

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    Gender disparities in scientific publications have been identified in oncological research. Oral research presentations at major conferences enhance visibility of presenters. The share of women presenting at such podia is unknown. We aim to identify gender-based differences in contributions to presentations at two major oncological conferences. Abstracts presented at plenary sessions of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meetings and European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congresses were collected. Trend analyses were used to analyze female contribution over time. The association between presenter's sex, study outcome (positive/negative) and journals' impact factors (IFs) of subsequently published papers was assessed using Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests. Of 166 consecutive abstracts presented at ASCO in 2011-2018 (n = 34) and ESMO in 2008-2018 (n = 132), 21% had female presenters, all originating from Northern America (n = 17) or Europe (n = 18). The distribution of presenter's sex was similar over time (p = 0.70). Of 2,425 contributing authors to these presented abstracts, 28% were women. The proportion of female abstract authors increased over time (p <0.05) and was higher in abstracts with female (34%) compared to male presenters (26%; p <0.01). Presenter's sex was not associated with study outcome (p = 0.82). Median journals' IFs were lower in papers with a female first author (p <0.05). In conclusion, there is a clear gender disparity in research presentations at two major oncological conferences, with 28% of authors and 21% of presenters of these studies being female. Lack of visibility of female presenters could impair acknowledgement for their research, opportunities in their academic career and even hamper heterogeneity in research

    A mouse-human phase 1 co-clinical trial of a protease-activated fluorescent probe for imaging cancer

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    Local recurrence is a common cause of treatment failure for patients with solid tumors. Intraoperative detection of microscopic residual cancer in the tumor bed could be used to decrease the risk of a positive surgical margin, reduce rates of reexcision, and tailor adjuvant therapy. We used a protease-activated fluorescent imaging probe, LUM015, to detect cancer in vivo in a mouse model of soft tissue sarcoma (STS) and ex vivo in a first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial. In mice, intravenous injection of LUM015 labeled tumor cells, and residual fluorescence within the tumor bed predicted local recurrence. In 15 patients with STS or breast cancer, intravenous injection of LUM015 before surgery was well tolerated. Imaging of resected human tissues showed that fluorescence from tumor was significantly higher than fluorescence from normal tissues. LUM015 biodistribution, pharmacokinetic profiles, and metabolism were similar in mouse and human subjects. Tissue concentrations of LUM015 and its metabolites, including fluorescently labeled lysine, demonstrated that LUM015 is selectively distributed to tumors where it is activated by proteases. Experiments in mice with a constitutively active PEGylated fluorescent imaging probe support a model where tumor-selective probe distribution is a determinant of increased fluorescence in cancer. These co-clinical studies suggest that the tumor specificity of protease-activated imaging probes, such as LUM015, is dependent on both biodistribution and enzyme activity. Our first-in-human data support future clinical trials of LUM015 and other protease-sensitive probes

    Scaling properties of driven interfaces in disordered media

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    We perform a systematic study of several models that have been proposed for the purpose of understanding the motion of driven interfaces in disordered media. We identify two distinct universality classes: (i) One of these, referred to as directed percolation depinning (DPD), can be described by a Langevin equation similar to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, but with quenched disorder. (ii) The other, referred to as quenched Edwards-Wilkinson (QEW), can be described by a Langevin equation similar to the Edwards-Wilkinson equation but with quenched disorder. We find that for the DPD universality class the coefficient λ\lambda of the nonlinear term diverges at the depinning transition, while for the QEW universality class either λ=0\lambda = 0 or λ0\lambda \to 0 as the depinning transition is approached. The identification of the two universality classes allows us to better understand many of the results previously obtained experimentally and numerically. However, we find that some results cannot be understood in terms of the exponents obtained for the two universality classes {\it at\/} the depinning transition. In order to understand these remaining disagreements, we investigate the scaling properties of models in each of the two universality classes {\it above\/} the depinning transition. For the DPD universality class, we find for the roughness exponent αP=0.63±0.03\alpha_P = 0.63 \pm 0.03 for the pinned phase, and αM=0.75±0.05\alpha_M = 0.75 \pm 0.05 for the moving phase. For the growth exponent, we find βP=0.67±0.05\beta_P = 0.67 \pm 0.05 for the pinned phase, and βM=0.74±0.06\beta_M = 0.74 \pm 0.06 for the moving phase. Furthermore, we find an anomalous scaling of the prefactor of the width on the driving force. A new exponent φM=0.12±0.06\varphi_M = -0.12 \pm 0.06, characterizing the scaling of this prefactor, is shown to relate the values of the roughnessComment: Latex manuscript, Revtex 3.0, 15 pages, and 15 figures also available via anonymous ftp from ftp://jhilad.bu.edu/pub/abms/ (