596 research outputs found

    Hypercompact stellar clusters: morphological renditions and spectro-photometric models

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    Numerical relativity predicts that the coalescence of a black hole-binary causes the newly formed black hole to recoil, and evidence for such recoils has been found in the gravitational waves observed during the merger of stellar-mass black holes. Recoiling (super)massive black holes are expected to reside in hypercompact stellar clusters (HCSCs). Simulations of galaxy assembly predict that hundreds of HCSCs should be present in the halo of a Milky Way-type galaxy, and a fraction of those around the Milky Way should have magnitudes within the sensitivity limit of existing surveys. However, recoiling black holes and their HCSCs are still waiting to be securely identified. With the goal of enabling searches through recent and forthcoming databases, we improve over existing literature to produce realistic renditions of HCSCs bound to black holes with a mass of 105^{5} M⊙_{\odot}. Including the effects of a population of blue stragglers, we simulate their appearance in Pan-STARRS and in forthcoming EuclidEuclid images. We also derive broad-band spectra and the corresponding multi-wavelength colours, finding that the great majority of the simulated HCSCs fall on the colour-colour loci defined by stars and galaxies, with their spectra resembling those of giant K-type stars. We discuss the clusters properties, search strategies, and possible interlopers.Comment: Accepted for publication on MNRAS, 17 pages, 7 figure

    The fast transient sky with Gaia

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    The ESA Gaia satellite scans the whole sky with a temporal sampling ranging from seconds and hours to months. Each time a source passes within the Gaia field of view, it moves over 10 CCDs in 45 s and a lightcurve with 4.5 s sampling (the crossing time per CCD) is registered. Given that the 4.5 s sampling represents a virtually unexplored parameter space in optical time domain astronomy, this data set potentially provides a unique opportunity to open up the fast transient sky. We present a method to start mining the wealth of information in the per CCD Gaia data. We perform extensive data filtering to eliminate known on-board and data processing artefacts, and present a statistical method to identify sources that show transient brightness variations on ~2 hours timescales. We illustrate that by using the Gaia photometric CCD measurements, we can detect transient brightness variations down to an amplitude of 0.3 mag on timescales ranging from 15 seconds to several hours. We search an area of ~23.5 square degrees on the sky, and find four strong candidate fast transients. Two candidates are tentatively classified as flares on M-dwarf stars, while one is probably a flare on a giant star and one potentially a flare on a solar type star. These classifications are based on archival data and the timescales involved. We argue that the method presented here can be added to the existing Gaia Science Alerts infrastructure for the near real-time public dissemination of fast transient events.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures and 5 tables; MNRAS in pres

    The use of respiratory muscle training in patients with pulmonary dysfunction, internal diseases or central nervous system disorders: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Objective: The aim of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to evaluate the effectiveness of RMT in internal and central nervous system disorders, on pulmonary function, exercise capacity and quality of life. Methods: The inclusion criteria were (1) publications designed as Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), with (2) participants being adults with pulmonary dysfunction caused by an internal disease or central nervous system disorder, (3) an intervention defined as RMT (either IMT or EMT) and (4) with the assessment of exercise capacity, respiratory function and quality of life. For the methodological quality assessment of risk of bias, likewise statistical analysis and meta-analysis the RevMan version 5.3 software and the Cochrane Risk of Bias Tool were used. Two authors independently analysed the following databases for relevant research articles: PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Web of Science, and Embase. Results: From a total of 2200 records, the systematic review includes 29 RCT with an overall sample size of 1155 patients. Results suggest that patients with internal and central nervous system disorders who underwent RMT had better quality of life and improved significantly their performance in exercise capacity and in respiratory function assessed with FVC and MIP when compared to control conditions (i.e. no intervention, sham training, placebo or conventional treatments). Conclusion: Respiratory muscle training seems to be more effective than control conditions (i.e. no intervention, sham training, placebo or conventional treatment), in patients with pulmonary dysfunction due to internal and central nervous system disorders, for quality of life, exercise capacity and respiratory function assessed with MIP and FVC, but not with FEV1

    Constraining the nature of the accreting binary in CXOGBS J174623.5-310550

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    We report optical and infrared observations of the X-ray source CXOGBS J174623.5-310550. This Galactic object was identified as a potential quiescent low-mass X-ray binary accreting from an M-type donor on the basis of optical spectroscopy and the broad Halpha emission line. The analysis of X-shooter spectroscopy covering 3 consecutive nights supports an M2/3-type spectral classification. Neither radial velocity variations nor rotational broadening is detected in the photospheric lines. No periodic variability is found in I- and r'-band light curves. We derive r' = 20.8, I = 19.2 and Ks = 16.6 for the optical and infrared counterparts with the M-type star contributing 90% to the I-band light. We estimate its distance to be 1.3-1.8 kpc. The lack of radial velocity variations implies that the M-type star is not the donor star in the X-ray binary. This could be an interloper or the outer body in a hierarchical triple. We constrain the accreting binary to be a < 2.2 hr orbital period eclipsing cataclysmic variable or a low-mass X-ray binary lying in the foreground of the Galactic Bulge.Comment: (9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS

    Discovery of a high state AM CVn binary in the Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We report on the discovery of a hydrogen-deficient compact binary (CXOGBS J175107.6-294037) belonging to the AM CVn class in the Galactic Bulge Survey. Deep archival X-ray observations constrain the X-ray positional uncertainty of the source to 0.57 arcsec, and allow us to uniquely identify the optical and UV counterpart. Optical spectroscopic observations reveal the presence of broad, shallow He i absorption lines while no sign of hydrogen is present, consistent with a high state system. We present the optical lightcurve from Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment monitoring, spanning 15 years. It shows no evidence for outbursts; variability is present at the 0.2 mag level on timescales ranging from hours to weeks. A modulation on a timescale of years is also observed. A Lomb-Scargle analysis of the optical lightcurves shows two significant periodicities at 22.90 and 23.22 min. Although the physical interpretation is uncertain, such timescales are in line with expectations for the orbital and superhump periods. We estimate the distance to the source to be between 0.5 - 1.1 kpc. Spectroscopic follow-up observations are required to establish the orbital period, and to determine whether this source can serve as a verification binary for the eLISA gravitational wave mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Spectroscopic classification of X-ray sources in the Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We present the classification of 26 optical counterparts to X-ray sources discovered in the Galactic Bulge Survey. We use (time-resolved) photometric and spectroscopic observations to classify the X-ray sources based on their multi-wavelength properties. We find a variety of source classes, spanning different phases of stellar/binary evolution. We classify CX21 as a quiescent cataclysmic variable (CV) below the period gap, and CX118 as a high accretion rate (nova-like) CV. CXB12 displays excess UV emission, and could contain a compact object with a giant star companion, making it a candidate symbiotic binary or quiescent low mass X-ray binary (although other scenarios cannot be ruled out). CXB34 is a magnetic CV (polar) that shows photometric evidence for a change in accretion state. The magnetic classification is based on the detection of X-ray pulsations with a period of 81 ±\pm 2 min. CXB42 is identified as a young stellar object, namely a weak-lined T Tauri star exhibiting (to date unexplained) UX Ori-like photometric variability. The optical spectrum of CXB43 contains two (resolved) unidentified double-peaked emission lines. No known scenario, such as an AGN or symbiotic binary, can easily explain its characteristics. We additionally classify 20 objects as likely active stars based on optical spectroscopy, their X-ray to optical flux ratios and photometric variability. In 4 cases we identify the sources as binary stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Where and Why in the UK? The Case of Polish Migrants

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    This article focuses on one of the most controversial issues frequently discussed by many including politicians, academics and the media in the UK and Poland: migration of Polish people to Britain. The main aim is to identify the important factors causing migration of Poles within the UK. In this article, the authors seek to study the pull factors, i.e. level of wages or employment rate, for Polish people between different regions within the UK. By using the data from “Labour Force Surveys” collected by the UK government; and data from Główny Urząd Statystyczny (GUS) in Poland, this paper analyses where and why the Polish migrants live in the UK. The most important factor determining the fraction of Polish people in a given region is the fraction of Polish people in that region in the past. When Polish people move within UK, they tend to choose a region with a higher level of gross pay, and they don’t seem to consider the risk of unemployment. The authors are grateful to providers of survey data discussed in the“Data and methods”section of this paper. LFS data are made available by the UK Data Service. Views reported in this paper do not necessarily reflect opinions of organisations which commissioned or provided access to these surveys
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