1,657 research outputs found


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    Chemical analyses of eighty-three grasses, calculated on the wet and dry basis, are reported. Their composition is discussed from a nutritional point of view. Scientific, English and Spanish common names of the grasses are also given

    Analysis of Ostwald ripening in Ni-rich Ni–Ti alloys by diffusion couples

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    "The coarsening kinetics of gamma' precipitates in Ni-rich Ni-Ti alloys are studied using a Ni-11-5 wt% Ti and pure Ni diffusion couple. The formed concentration gradient allowed to study the aging process at 1023 K (750 degrees C) in Ni-rich Ni Ti alloys with Ti content from 8-62 to 11-15 wt% Ti. In general, during the coarsening of gamma' precipitates, the experimental coarsening kinetics do not fit well to the LSW or TIDC theoretical models and anomalous behaviour of coarsening rate constant (k(r)) associated with gamma' volume-fraction is confirmed at high values.

    A framework for studying behavioral evolution by reconstructing ancestral repertoires

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    Although extensive behavioral changes often exist between closely related animal species, our understanding of the genetic basis underlying the evolution of behavior has remained limited. Here, we propose a new framework to study behavioral evolution by computational estimation of ancestral behavioral repertoires. We measured the behaviors of individuals from six species of fruit flies using unsupervised techniques and identified suites of stereotyped movements exhibited by each species. We then fit a Generalized Linear Mixed Model to estimate the suites of behaviors exhibited by ancestral species, as well as the intra- and inter-species behavioral covariances. We found that much of intraspecific behavioral variation is explained by differences between individuals in the status of their behavioral hidden states, what might be called their "mood." Lastly, we propose a method to identify groups of behaviors that appear to have evolved together, illustrating how sets of behaviors, rather than individual behaviors, likely evolved. Our approach provides a new framework for identifying co-evolving behaviors and may provide new opportunities to study the genetic basis of behavioral evolution

    Incidence of complications in breast reconstruction with autologous tissue in a third level hospital

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    Background: The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of complications after breast reconstruction with pedicled or free flaps at the hospital general de Mexico "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”. Methods: A retrospective, single-center study, including 44 female patients, who underwent immediate or delayed breast reconstruction after breast cancer, between 2019 and 2020, and had at least a 2-year follow up, evaluating the association between patient risk factors (age, history of radiotherapy, presence of overweight or obesity and immediate or delayed reconstruction) with the presence of complications such as seroma, hematoma, wound infection or wound dehiscence. We analyzed data with SPSS software, v23.0. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the presence of complications associated with risk factors studied. Conclusions: We need more prospective, multicenter studies, including larger sample and strict follow up of patients

    Descriptive analysis of histological types in women undergoing post mastectomy breast reconstruction

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    Background: Breast cancer is a pathological entity that widely compromises the life and quality of life of affected women; in addition to the great affectation to the current health services. Therefore, maintaining an accurate and complete cancer registry program is one of the most important factors in implementing national cancer control programs and evaluating the results of screening, diagnosis, and treatment. Among the current limitations in the studies, there is a gap in the study of the population undergoing breast reconstruction. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out at hospital general de México “Dr. Eduardo Licéaga” with the information from the clinical records of the period 2019-2020. Patients undergoing breast reconstruction after mastectomy with histological report were included. Through non-probabilistic sampling, a population of 138 women was formed. For data analysis, frequencies and percentages were calculated for the qualitative variables; while for the quantitative variables, mean and standard deviation were calculated. Results: 138 women who underwent breast reconstruction were included, the mean age was 49.9±10.85 years, the mean BMI was 26.80±4.62 kg/m2, the secondary educational level predominated (34.8%), radiotherapy was applied to 34.1%, reconstruction was late in 75.4%, the most frequent reconstruction technique was TRAM flap (44.2%), the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominated (68.1%). Conclusions: In women undergoing post-mastectomy breast reconstruction, the histological type of invasive ductal carcinoma predominates.

    Evaluación de exportación de pinturas al óleo

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    En este reporte se aborda la exportación de pinturas al óleo de estilo figurativo. Se hizo selección de mercado por medio de análisis PESTEL y una matriz. La decisión final fue de Francia. En el mercado seleccionado se investigaron, las rutas logísticas, cotizaciones, análisis de la competencia, del comportamiento de los clientes. Se hizo una investigación de diferentes ferias y páginas donde la empresa puede darse a conocer, en algunas se hizo el registro y se habilitó la venta de producto. Al tratarse de la primera exportación de la empresa, se le comunicaron y detallaron los requisitos para exportar, agregando anexos con los instructivos de procesos como el registro en VUCEM y adquisición de un certificado de origen. Se identificaron diferentes maneras en la que la empresa podría comercializar como páginas de internet y ferias.ITESO, A.C

    Síntesis y caracterización fisicoquímica de circonia promovida con ácido tungstofosfórico y ácido bórico utilizada como catalizador en la isomerización de n-pentano

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    En este trabajo se muestra la preparación, caracterización y evaluación de la actividad catalítica de materiales del tipo ZrO2 promovida con ácido tungstofosfórico y ácido bórico. El Zr(OH)4 se sintetizó por el método sol-gel utilizando como precursores al n-butóxido de circonio y 1-butanol, manteniendo un pH = 8 durante la síntesis. El Zr(OH)4 se impregnó con un 15% en pesodel agente ácido, calcinado a 600 ºC e impregnado  posteriormente con 0,5% en peso de platino. Se observó que los iones [PW12O40]3– y [BO3]3– permanecen fuertementeenlazados a la superficie de la ZrO2 inhibiendo el crecimiento de la partícula, retardando la sinterización del material y la aparición de la fase monoclínica.Además, con la incorporación de estos dopantes se incrementó la acidez total del material, específicamente la población de sitios ácidos fuertes, siendo este tipo de sitios los predominantes en las muestras acidificadas.La acidez desarrollada por los materiales fue la adecuada para lograr catalizar la reacción de isomerización de n-pentano con conversiones superiores al 20% y selectividades hacia el isopentano que fluctuaron alrededor del 90%

    Searching for the signatures of terrestial planets in solar analogs

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    We present a fully differential chemical abundance analysis using very high-resolution (R >~ 85,000) and very high signal-to-noise (S/N~800 on average) HARPS and UVES spectra of 7 solar twins and 95 solar analogs, 24 are planet hosts and 71 are stars without detected planets. The whole sample of solar analogs provide very accurate Galactic chemical evolution trends in the metalliciy range -0.3<[Fe/H]<0.5. Solar twins with and without planets show similar mean abundance ratios. We have also analysed a sub-sample of 28 solar analogs, 14 planet hosts and 14 stars without known planets, with spectra at S/N~850 on average, in the metallicity range 0.14<[Fe/H]<0.36 and find the same abundance pattern for both samples of stars with and without planets. This result does not depend on either the planet mass, from 7 Earth masses to 17.4 Jupiter masses, or the orbital period of the planets, from 3 to 4300 days. In addition, we have derived the slope of the abundance ratios as a function of the condensation temperature for each star and again find similar distributions of the slopes for both stars with and without planets. In particular, the peaks of these two distributions are placed at a similar value but with opposite sign as that expected from a possible signature of terrestial planets. In particular, two of the planetary systems in this sample, containing each of them a Super-Earth like planet, show slope values very close to these peaks which may suggest that these abundance patterns are not related to the presence of terrestial planets.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa