771 research outputs found

    GLADE: A galaxy catalogue for multimessenger searches in the advanced gravitational-wave detector era

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    We introduce a value-added full-sky catalogue of galaxies, named as Galaxy List for the Advanced Detector Era, or GLADE. The purpose of this catalogue is to (i) help identifications of host candidates for gravitational-wave events, (ii) support target selections for electromagnetic follow-up observations of gravitational-wave candidates, (iii) provide input data on the matter distribution of the local Universe for astrophysical or cosmological simulations, and (iv) help identifications of host candidates for poorly localized electromagnetic transients, such as gamma-ray bursts observed with the InterPlanetary Network. Both being potential hosts of astrophysical sources of gravitational waves, GLADE includes inactive and active galaxies as well. GLADE was constructed by cross-matching and combining data from five separate (but not independent) astronomical catalogues: GWGC, 2MPZ, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, and SDSS-DR12Q. GLADE is complete up to dL=37+3−4Mpc in terms of the cumulative B-band luminosity of galaxies within luminosity distance dL, and contains all of the brightest galaxies giving half of the total B-band luminosity up to dL=91Mpc. As B-band luminosity is expected to be a tracer of binary neutron star mergers (currently the prime targets of joint GW+EM detections), our completeness measures can be used as estimations of completeness for containing all binary neutron star merger hosts in the local Universe

    Target-based optimization of advanced gravitational-wave detector network operations

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    We introduce two novel time-dependent figures of merit for both online and offline optimizations of advanced gravitational-wave (GW) detector network operations with respect to (i) detecting continuous signals from known source locations and (ii) detecting GWs of neutron star binary coalescences from known local galaxies, which thereby have the highest potential for electromagnetic counterpart detection. For each of these scientific goals, we characterize an N-detector network, and all its (N ‑ 1)-detector subnetworks, to identify subnetworks and individual detectors (key contributors) that contribute the most to achieving the scientific goal. Our results show that aLIGO-Hanford is expected to be the key contributor in 2017 to the goal of detecting GWs from the Crab pulsar within the network of LIGO and Virgo detectors. For the same time period and for the same network, both LIGO detectors are key contributors to the goal of detecting GWs from the Vela pulsar, as well as to detecting signals from 10 high interest pulsars. Key contributors to detecting continuous GWs from the Galactic Center can only be identified for finite time intervals within each sidereal day with either the 3-detector network of the LIGO and Virgo detectors in 2017, or the 4-detector network of the LIGO, Virgo, and KAGRA detectors in 2019–2020. Characterization of the LIGO-Virgo detectors with respect to goal (ii) identified the two LIGO detectors as key contributors. Additionally, for all analyses, we identify time periods within a day when lock losses or scheduled service operations could result with the least amount of signal-to-noise or transient detection probability loss for a detector network

    A simple standard technique for labyrinthectomy in the rat: A methodical communication with a detailed description of the surgical process

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    Aims: Labyrinthectomized rats are suitable models to test consequences of vestibular lesion and are widely used to study neural plasticity. We describe a combined microsurgical–chemical technique that can be routinely performed with minimum damage. Methods Caudal leaflet of the parotis is elevated. The tendinous fascia covering the bulla is opened frontally from the sternomastoid muscle’s tendon while sparing facial nerve branches. A 4 mm diameter hole is drilled into the bulla’s hind lower lateral wall to open the common (in rodents) mastoid-tympanic cavity. The cochlear crista (promontory) at the lower posterior part of its medial wall is identified as a bony prominence. A 1 mm diameter hole is drilled into its lower part. The perilymphatic/endolymphatic fluids with tissue debris of the Corti organ are suctioned. Ethanol is injected into the hole. Finally, 10 µL of sodium arsenite solution (50 µM/mL) is pumped into the labyrinth and left in place for 15 min. Simple closure in two layers (fascia and skin) is sufficient. Results and conclusion All rats had neurological symptoms specific for labyrinthectomy (muscle tone, body position, rotatory movements, nystagmus, central deafness). Otherwise, their behavior was unaffected, drinking and eating normally. After a few days, they learned to balance relying on visual and somatic stimuli (neuroplasticity)

    Opportunity to Test non-Newtonian Gravity Using Interferometric Sensors with Dynamic Gravity Field Generators

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    We present an experimental opportunity for the future to measure possible violations to Newton's 1/r^2 law in the 0.1-10 meter range using Dynamic gravity Field Generators (DFG) and taking advantage of the exceptional sensitivity of modern interferometric techniques. The placement of a DFG in proximity to one of the interferometer's suspended test masses generates a change in the local gravitational field that can be measured at a high signal to noise ratio. The use of multiple DFGs in a null experiment configuration allows to test composition independent non-Newtonian gravity significantly beyond the present limits. Advanced and third-generation gravitational-wave detectors are representing the state-of-the-art in interferometric distance measurement today, therefore we illustrate the method through their sensitivity to emphasize the possible scientific reach. Nevertheless, it is expected that due to the technical details of gravitational-wave detectors, DFGs shall likely require dedicated custom configured interferometry. However, the sensitivity measure we derive is a solid baseline indicating that it is feasible to consider probing orders of magnitude into the pristine parameter well beyond the present experimental limits significantly cutting into the theoretical parameter space.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures; Physical Review D, vol. 84, Issue 8, id. 08200

    Long gravitational-wave transients and associated detection strategies for a network of terrestrial interferometers

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    Searches for gravitational waves (GWs) traditionally focus on persistent sources (e.g., pulsars or the stochastic background) or on transients sources (e.g., compact binary inspirals or core-collapse supernovae), which last for time scales of milliseconds to seconds. We explore the possibility of long GW transients with unknown waveforms lasting from many seconds to weeks. We propose a novel analysis technique to bridge the gap between short O(s) “burst” analyses and persistent stochastic analyses. Our technique utilizes frequency-time maps of GW strain cross power between two spatially separated terrestrial GW detectors. The application of our cross power statistic to searches for GW transients is framed as a pattern recognition problem, and we discuss several pattern-recognition techniques. We demonstrate these techniques by recovering simulated GW signals in simulated detector noise. We also recover environmental noise artifacts, thereby demonstrating a novel technique for the identification of such artifacts in GW interferometers. We compare the efficiency of this framework to other techniques such as matched filtering

    Benefits of Artificially Generated Gravity Gradients for Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Detectors

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    We present an approach to experimentally evaluate gravity gradient noise, a potentially limiting noise source in advanced interferometric gravitational wave (GW) detectors. In addition, the method can be used to provide sub-percent calibration in phase and amplitude of modern interferometric GW detectors. Knowledge of calibration to such certainties shall enhance the scientific output of the instruments in case of an eventual detection of GWs. The method relies on a rotating symmetrical two-body mass, a Dynamic gravity Field Generator (DFG). The placement of the DFG in the proximity of one of the interferometer's suspended test masses generates a change in the local gravitational field detectable with current interferometric GW detectors.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Axial stretching of extremity artery induces reversible hyperpolarization of smooth muscle cell membrane in vivo

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    Circumferential stretch due to increases in pressure induces vascular smooth muscle cell depolarization and contraction known as the myogenic response. The aim of this study was to determine the in vivoeffects of axial-longitudinal stretch of the rat saphenous artery (SA) on smooth muscle membrane potential (Em) and on external diameter. Consecutive elongations of the SA were carried out from resting length (L0) in 10% increments up to 140% L0 while changes in membrane potential and diameter were determined in intact and de-endothelized vessels. Axial stretching resulted in a small initial depolarization at 120% of L0 followed by a progressive 20 to 33% hyperpolarizaion of vascular smooth muscle between 130% and 140% of L0. At 140%, an average maximal 10.6 mV reversible hyperpolarization was measured compared to –41.2±0.49 mV Em at 100% L0. De-endothelialization completely eliminated the hyperpolarization to axial stretching and augmented the reduction of diameter beyond 120% L0. These results indicate that arteries have a mechanism to protect them from vasospasm that could otherwise occur with movements of the extremities

    GLADE+: An Extended Galaxy Catalogue for Multimessenger Searches with Advanced Gravitational-wave Detectors

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    We present GLADE+, an extended version of the GLADE galaxy catalogue introduced in our previous paper for multimessenger searches with advanced gravitational-wave detectors. GLADE+ combines data from six separate but not independent astronomical catalogues: the GWGC, 2MPZ, 2MASS XSC, HyperLEDA, and WISExSCOSPZ galaxy catalogues, and the SDSS-DR16Q quasar catalogue. To allow corrections of CMB-frame redshifts for peculiar motions, we calculated peculiar velocities along with their standard deviations of all galaxies having BB-band magnitude data within redshift z=0.05z=0.05 using the "Bayesian Origin Reconstruction from Galaxies" formalism. GLADE+ is complete up to luminosity distance dL=472+4d_L=47^{+4}_{-2} Mpc in terms of the total expected BB-band luminosity of galaxies, and contains all of the brightest galaxies giving 90\% of the total BB-band and KK-band luminosity up to dL130d_L\simeq 130 Mpc. We include estimations of stellar masses and individual binary neutron star merger rates for galaxies with W1W1 magnitudes. These parameters can help in ranking galaxies in a given gravitational wave localization volume in terms of their likelihood of being hosts, thereby possibly reducing the number of pointings and total integration time needed to find the electromagnetic counterpart.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Effects of transients in LIGO suspensions on searches for gravitational waves

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    This paper presents an analysis of the transient behavior of the Advanced LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory) suspensions used to seismically isolate the optics. We have characterized the transients in the longitudinal motion of the quadruple suspensions during Advanced LIGO's first observing run. Propagation of transients between stages is consistent with modeled transfer functions, such that transient motion originating at the top of the suspension chain is significantly reduced in amplitude at the test mass. We find that there are transients seen by the longitudinal motion monitors of quadruple suspensions, but they are not significantly correlated with transient motion above the noise floor in the gravitational wave strain data, and therefore do not present a dominant source of background noise in the searches for transient gravitational wave signals. Using the suspension transfer functions, we compared the transients in a week of gravitational wave strain data with transients from a quadruple suspension. Of the strain transients between 10 and 60 Hz, 84% are loud enough that they would have appeared above the sensor noise in the top stage quadruple suspension monitors if they had originated at that stage at the same frequencies. We find no significant temporal correlation with the suspension transients in that stage, so we can rule out suspension motion originating at the top stage as the cause of those transients. However, only 3.2% of the gravitational wave strain transients are loud enough that they would have been seen by the second stage suspension sensors, and none of them are above the sensor noise levels of the penultimate stage. Therefore, we cannot eliminate the possibility of transient noise in the detectors originating in the intermediate stages of the suspension below the sensing noise