19,189 research outputs found

    Locally Adaptive Frames in the Roto-Translation Group and their Applications in Medical Imaging

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    Locally adaptive differential frames (gauge frames) are a well-known effective tool in image analysis, used in differential invariants and PDE-flows. However, at complex structures such as crossings or junctions, these frames are not well-defined. Therefore, we generalize the notion of gauge frames on images to gauge frames on data representations U:Rd⋊Sd−1→RU:\mathbb{R}^{d} \rtimes S^{d-1} \to \mathbb{R} defined on the extended space of positions and orientations, which we relate to data on the roto-translation group SE(d)SE(d), d=2,3d=2,3. This allows to define multiple frames per position, one per orientation. We compute these frames via exponential curve fits in the extended data representations in SE(d)SE(d). These curve fits minimize first or second order variational problems which are solved by spectral decomposition of, respectively, a structure tensor or Hessian of data on SE(d)SE(d). We include these gauge frames in differential invariants and crossing preserving PDE-flows acting on extended data representation UU and we show their advantage compared to the standard left-invariant frame on SE(d)SE(d). Applications include crossing-preserving filtering and improved segmentations of the vascular tree in retinal images, and new 3D extensions of coherence-enhancing diffusion via invertible orientation scores

    The optimal schedule for pulsar timing array observations

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    In order to maximize the sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays to a stochastic gravitational wave background, we present computational techniques to optimize observing schedules. The techniques are applicable to both single and multi-telescope experiments. The observing schedule is optimized for each telescope by adjusting the observing time allocated to each pulsar while keeping the total amount of observing time constant. The optimized schedule depends on the timing noise characteristics of each individual pulsar as well as the performance of instrumentation. Several examples are given to illustrate the effects of different types of noise. A method to select the most suitable pulsars to be included in a pulsar timing array project is also presented.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The sensitivity of harassment to orbit: Mass loss from early-type dwarfs in galaxy clusters

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    We conduct a comprehensive numerical study of the orbital dependence of harassment on early-type dwarfs consisting of 168 different orbits within a realistic, Virgo-like cluster, varying in eccentricity and pericentre distance. We find harassment is only effective at stripping stars or truncating their stellar discs for orbits that enter deep into the cluster core. Comparing to the orbital distribution in cosmological simulations, we find that the majority of the orbits (more than three quarters) result in no stellar mass loss. We also study the effects on the radial profiles of the globular cluster systems of early-type dwarfs. We find these are significantly altered only if harassment is very strong. This suggests that perhaps most early-type dwarfs in clusters such as Virgo have not suffered any tidal stripping of stars or globular clusters due to harassment, as these components are safely embedded deep within their dark matter halo. We demonstrate that this result is actually consistent with an earlier study of harassment of dwarf galaxies, despite the apparent contradiction. Those few dwarf models that do suffer stellar stripping are found out to the virial radius of the cluster at redshift = 0, which mixes them in with less strongly harassed galaxies. However when placed on phase-space diagrams, strongly harassed galaxies are found offset to lower velocities compared to weakly harassed galaxies. This remains true in a cosmological simulation, even when haloes have a wide range of masses and concentrations. Thus phase-space diagrams may be a useful tool for determining the relative likelihood that galaxies have been strongly or weakly harassed

    Very Long Baseline Interferometry Measured Proper Motion and Parallax of the Îł\gamma-ray Millisecond Pulsar PSR J0218+4232

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    PSR J0218++4232 is a millisecond pulsar (MSP) with a flux density ∌\sim 0.9 mJy at 1.4 GHz. It is very bright in the high-energy X-ray and Îł\gamma-ray domains. We conducted an astrometric program using the European VLBI Network (EVN) at 1.6 GHz to measure its proper motion and parallax. A model-independent distance would also help constrain its Îł\gamma-ray luminosity. We achieved a detection of signal-to-noise ratio S/N > 37 for the weak pulsar in all five epochs. Using an extragalactic radio source lying 20 arcmin away from the pulsar, we estimate the pulsar's proper motion to be Όαcos⁥Ύ=5.35±0.05\mu_{\alpha}\cos\delta=5.35\pm0.05 mas yr−1^{-1} and ΌΎ=−3.74±0.12\mu_{\delta}=-3.74\pm 0.12 mas yr−1^{-1}, and a parallax of π=0.16±0.09\pi=0.16\pm0.09 mas. The very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) proper motion has significantly improved upon the estimates from long-term pulsar timing observations. The VLBI parallax provides the first model-independent distance constraints: d=6.3−2.3+8.0d=6.3^{+8.0}_{-2.3} kpc, with a corresponding 3σ3\sigma lower-limit of d=2.3d=2.3 kpc. This is the first pulsar trigonometric parallax measurement based solely on EVN observations. Using the derived distance, we believe that PSR J0218++4232 is the most energetic Îł\gamma-ray MSP known to date. The luminosity based on even our 3σ\sigma lower-limit distance is high enough to pose challenges to the conventional outer gap and slot gap models.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables; published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters on 2014 Feb. 1

    Mean-field scaling function of the universality class of absorbing phase transitions with a conserved field

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    We consider two mean-field like models which belong to the universality class of absorbing phase transitions with a conserved field. In both cases we derive analytically the order parameter as function of the control parameter and of an external field conjugated to the order parameter. This allows us to calculate the universal scaling function of the mean-field behavior. The obtained universal function is in perfect agreement with recently obtained numerical data of the corresponding five and six dimensional models, showing that four is the upper critical dimension of this particular universality class.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    Universal Multifractality in Quantum Hall Systems with Long-Range Disorder Potential

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    We investigate numerically the localization-delocalization transition in quantum Hall systems with long-range disorder potential with respect to multifractal properties. Wavefunctions at the transition energy are obtained within the framework of the generalized Chalker--Coddington network model. We determine the critical exponent α0\alpha_0 characterizing the scaling behavior of the local order parameter for systems with potential correlation length dd up to 1212 magnetic lengths ll. Our results show that α0\alpha_0 does not depend on the ratio d/ld/l. With increasing d/ld/l, effects due to classical percolation only cause an increase of the microscopic length scale, whereas the critical behavior on larger scales remains unchanged. This proves that systems with long-range disorder belong to the same universality class as those with short-range disorder.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, postsript, uuencoded, gz-compresse

    Model-based asymptotically optimal dispersion measure correction for pulsar timing

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    In order to reach the sensitivity required to detect gravitational waves, pulsar timing array experiments need to mitigate as much noise as possible in timing data. A dominant amount of noise is likely due to variations in the dispersion measure. To correct for such variations, we develop a statistical method inspired by the maximum likelihood estimator and optimal filtering. Our method consists of two major steps. First, the spectral index and amplitude of dispersion measure variations are measured via a time-domain spectral analysis. Second, the linear optimal filter is constructed based on the model parameters found in the first step, and is used to extract the dispersion measure variation waveforms. Compared to current existing methods, this method has better time resolution for the study of short timescale dispersion variations, and generally produces smaller errors in waveform estimations. This method can process irregularly sampled data without any interpolation because of its time-domain nature. Furthermore, it offers the possibility to interpolate or extrapolate the waveform estimation to regions where no data is available. Examples using simulated data sets are included for demonstration.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, submitted 15th Sept. 2013, accepted 2nd April 2014 by MNRAS. MNRAS, 201

    Interrelationships of Birth Weight, Farrowing Order, Sex, Stillbirths and Farrowing Time Interval of Pigs

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    Little information is available concerning conditions present at the time of parturition in swine. This study was conducted to determine whether the succession at birth was related to weight at birth, sex, condition (whether alive or stillborn) and time interval between pigs. Possible relationships between birth weight, sex, farrowing order, farrowing interval and stillbirths were also studied
