608 research outputs found


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    Objective: The present research is an attempt to optimize the process parameters for phenol removal from aqueous solution using Nano zero-valent iron (NZVI) impregnated cashew nut shell (NZVI-CNS) by adopting statistical tool Response Surface Methodology-Box Behnken Design (RSM-BB).Methods: Box Behnken Design (RSM-BB) design was used to explore the effect of variables on the removal of phenol. In RSM-BB method, high and low values were assigned for the five variables viz. initial pH, NZVI-CNS dosage, initial concentration, contact time and temperature. The preparation was carried out by simple liquid-phase reduction method, namely borohydride reduction method.Results: The results of RSM-BB method showed the significant effect of pH (A), Dose (B), initial concentration (C), time (D), and temperature (E) on phenol removal from aqueous solution. The results of ANOVA and regression of the second order model showed that the linear effects of Dose (B) and Temperature and cross products effects of temperature and pH were more significant. All the critical variables having the greatest effect on the removal of phenol from Nano zero valent iron impregnated cashew nut shell.Conclusion: Nano zero valent iron impregnated cashew nut shell successfully employed to remove phenol from aqueous solution. The factors optimized in the present work would helpful in phenol removal from aqueous solution.Â

    Penggunaan ACE-Inhibitor untuk Mengurangi Proteinuria pada Sindrom Nefrotik

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    Proteinuria merupakan faktor prognostik penting dalam progresivitas sindrom nefrotik. Penggunaan ACE-inhibitor dapat mengurangi proteinuria dengan menurunkan tekanan hidrolikglomerular pada kelainan ginjal. Tujuan evidence base case report (EBCR) ini adalah mengevaluasipenggunaan ACE inhibitor terhadap proteinuria pada sindrom nefrotik. Dilakukan pencarianpada database daring di Pubmed®, Cochrane®, Sciencedirect®, Clinical Key®, EBSCO®, danProquest®. Selanjutnya dilakukan skining dengan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang spesifik sertamembaca full text artikel tersebut. Dari pencarian tersebut didapatkan tiga artikel yang relevan.Pada ketiga artikel didapatkan hasil penurunan proteinuria pada pasien sindrom nefrotik secarasignifikan. Pada artikel pertama didapatkan CER 0%, AER 50%, RRR 50%, dan NNT 1,81dengan 95% CI 0,11–0,89. Pada artikel kedua didapatkan ekskresi protein urin setelah 4,8,dan 12minggu pemberian fosinopril menurun secara signifikan terhadap plasebo (p<0,05). Pada artikelketiga didapatkan pemberian lisinopril selama 12 bulan menghasilkan ekskresi protein urin yangsignifikan terhadap baseline (p<0,0001). Pemberian ACE-inhibitor pada pasien dengan sindromnefrotik dapat mengurangi protein urin secara signifikan.Kata kunci: ACE-inhibitor, proteinuria, sindrom nefrotikThe Usage of ACE Inhibitor in Reducing Proteinuria in Nephrotic SyndromeAbstractProteinuria is an important prognostic factor in progressivity of nephrotic syndrome. ACE inhibitor could reduce proteinuria by decreasing glomerular hydraulic pressure in renal disease. To determine the USAge of ACE-inhibitor in reducing proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome. The search wasconducted in various online databases such as Pubmed®, Cochrane®, Sciencedirect®, ClinicalKey®, EBSCO®, and Proquest®, after defining the inclusion and exclusion criteria then screeningthe titles and abstracts and the authors found three relevant articles. All articles were have thesignificant reduction of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome. In the first article, CER 0%, AER 50%,ARR 50% and NNT 1.81 with 95% CI 0.11–0.89. In second article, the urinary protein excretionafter 4,8, and 12 weeks treated with fosinopril were significantly reduced compared to the placebo(p<0.05). In the third article, the group that receive lisinopril were significantly reducing urinaryprotein excresion compared to the baseline value (p<0.0001). ACE inhibitor could signficantlyreduce proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome

    Low-stress mechanical properties and fabric hand of cotton and polylactic acid fibre blended knitted fabrics

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    Low-stress mechanical behavior of cotton-rich/polylacticacid blended fabrics has been investigated and the results arecompared with cotton and polylactic acid fibre fabrics. Thepolylactic acid fibres are mixed with cotton fibres in two differentproportions, namely 20% and 35% and spun into 14.76 tex (40sNe) yarn. The yarns are then knit into single jersey structurefollowed by chemical pretreatments and relaxation. The relaxedfabrics are tested for low-stress mechanical properties usingKawabata evaluation system for fabrics (KES-F) and the handvalues are calculated. The results show that the addition of PLAfibres to cotton enhances the smoothness and softness of theblended fabrics. The total hand value of the fabrics rangesbetween 3.2 and 3.5

    Optimization of Carbon and Nitrogen Sources for L-asparaginase Production by Enterobacter aerogenes using Response Surface Methodology

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    A full factorial central composite design (CCD) was applied to study various effects of sodium citrate, diammonium hydrogen phosphate (DAHP) and L-asparagine to determine the optimal concentration (γ) of these compounds on L-asparaginase production by Enterobacter aerogenes MTCC 2823 under shake flask fermentation conditions. A second order polynomial model describing the relationship between the variables and the L-asparaginase activity was fitted in coded units of variables. The statistical reliability and significance of the model was validated by F-test for analysis of variance at higher R2 value (R2 = 0.871). The optimum estimated concentration of sodium citrate (X1), DAHP (X2) and L-asparagine (X3) was 18.76, 5.72 and 8.58 g L–1 respectively with maximum L-asparaginase activity of 19.129 IU mL–1. The composite desirability of 98.38 % reveals the validity of the model and predicted values. The L-asparaginase activity was increased by 5.96 % than predicted activity, after optimization of carbon and nitrogen sources for L-asparaginase production by Enterobacter aerogenes MTCC 2823 using CCD

    Formulation and evaluation of oral sustained release of Diltiazem Hydrochloride using rosin as matrix forming material

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    Rosin, a natural resin, was used as a hydrophobic matrix material for the controlled release, using diltiazem HCl as model drug. Matrix tablets were prepared by direct compression method using rosin as matrix forming material in different proportions and with different diluent combinations. The tablets prepared were flat faced, retained their shape throughout. The method of preparation of matrix system and its concentration were found to have pronounced effect on the release of diltiazem HCl. The release was found to follow both the first order kinetics and fickian diffusion. The drug delivery was analyzed using the paddle method according to USP XXIII. All the studies were done in phosphate buffer pH 7.4. The matrix tablets were evaluated for its thickness, hardness, friability, weight variation, drug content and invitro release studies. The results suggest that the rosin is useful in developing sustained release matrix tablets, prolong release of water soluble drug for up to 24h. Rosin thus promises considerable utility in the development of oral sustained release drug delivery systems

    Evaluation of Bidirectional Glenn Shunt

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    FSL-BM: Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature for Classification

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    This paper introduces a novel real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature (FSL-BM) for big data classification task. The study of real-time algorithms addresses several major concerns, which are namely: accuracy, memory consumption, and ability to stretch assumptions and time complexity. Attaining a fast computational model providing fuzzy logic and supervised learning is one of the main challenges in the machine learning. In this research paper, we present FSL-BM algorithm as an efficient solution of supervised learning with fuzzy logic processing using binary meta-feature representation using Hamming Distance and Hash function to relax assumptions. While many studies focused on reducing time complexity and increasing accuracy during the last decade, the novel contribution of this proposed solution comes through integration of Hamming Distance, Hash function, binary meta-features, binary classification to provide real time supervised method. Hash Tables (HT) component gives a fast access to existing indices; and therefore, the generation of new indices in a constant time complexity, which supersedes existing fuzzy supervised algorithms with better or comparable results. To summarize, the main contribution of this technique for real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning is to represent hypothesis through binary input as meta-feature space and creating the Fuzzy Supervised Hash table to train and validate model.Comment: FICC201

    BER Analysis of Full Duplex Relay assisted BPSK-SIM based VLC System for Indoor Applications

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    This paper contemplates a relay-assisted visible light communication (VLC) system, where the light source (Table lamp) acts as a relay node and cooperates with the main light source. Following the IEEE 802.15.7r1 VLC reference channel model, we assume that there are two different light sources present in an office room. The first one is the source terminal present on the ceiling and another one is the desk lamp that serves as the relay station which works in full-duplex method. Because of the loop interference channel, we model VLC relay terminal using ray tracing simulations. We have analyzed bit error rate (BER) performance of the relay-assisted VLC system using binary phase shift keying-subcarrier intensity modulation (BPSK-SIM) technique. The proposed method outperforms existing phase shift keying (PSK) and square M-quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) techniques. The proposed VLC system using BPSK-SIM technique achieves a BER performance of for an SNR of 20 dB. The results of proposed full duplex and half duplex relayed VLC system are evaluated using equal power allocation (EPA) and optimum power allocations (OPA) techniques over three different modulation schemes which are 2-PSK, square M-QAM, BPSK-SIM

    Regulation of murine cytochrome c oxidase Vb gene expression during myogenesis: YY-1 and heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like protein (JKTBP1) reciprocally regulate transcription activity by physical interaction with the BERF-1/ZBP-89 factor.

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    A transcription suppressor element (sequence -481 to -320) containing a G-rich motif (designated GTG) and a newly identified CAT-rich motif (designated CATR) was previously shown to modulate expression of the mouse cytochrome c oxidase Vb gene during myogenesis. Here, we show that the GTG element is critical for transcription activation in both undifferentiated and differentiated myocytes. Mutations of the CATR motif abolished transcription repression in myoblasts while limiting transcription activation in differentiated myotubes, suggesting contrasting functional attributes of this DNA motif at different stages of myogenesis. Results show that the activity of the transcription suppressor motif is modulated by an orchestrated interplay between ubiquitous transcription factors: ZBP-89, YY-1, and a member of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like protein (also known as JKTBP1) family. In undifferentiated muscle cells, GTG motif-bound ZBP-89 physically and functionally interacted with CATR motif-bound YY-1 to mediate transcription repression. In differentiated myotubes, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein D-like protein/JKTBP1 bound to the CATR motif exclusive of YY-1 and interacted with ZBP-89 in attenuating repressor activity, leading to transcription activation. Our results show a novel mechanism of protein factor switching in transcription regulation of the cytochrome c oxidase Vb gene during myogenesis

    Identificación de maderas colombianas utilizando el Xylotron: Prueba de concepto de una colaboración internacional

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    Field deployable computer vision wood identification systems can play a key role in combating illegal logging in the real world. This work used 764 xylarium specimens from 84 taxa to develop an image data set to train a classifier to identify 14 commercial Colombian timbers. We imaged specimens from various xylaria outside Colombia, trained and evaluated an initial identification model, then collected additional images from a Colombian xylarium (BOFw), and incorporated those images to refine and produce a final model. The specimen classification accuracy of this final model was ~ 97%, demonstrating that including local specimens can augment the accuracy and reliability of the XyloTron system. Our study demonstrates the first deployable computer vision model for wood identification in Colombia, developed on a timescale of months rather than years by leveraging international cooperation. We conclude that field testing and advanced forensic and machine learning training are the next logical steps.Sistemas de identificación automatizada de maderas pueden fortalecer la lucha contra el tráfico ilegal de maderas. Este trabajo utilizó 764 especímenes de xilotecas, correspondientes a 84 taxones, para desarrollar un modelo de identificación para 14 especies comerciales de Colombia. Se comenzó colectando imágenes de especímenes provenientes de xilotecas fuera de Colombia, que se utilizaron para entrenar y evaluar un modelo inicial. Se colectaron imágenes adicionales provenientes de una xiloteca Colombiana (BOFw), que se utilizaron para refinar y producir el modelo final. La capacidad de reconocimiento de este modelo fue del ~97%, demostrando que incluir muestras locales aumenta la precisión y confiabilidad del sistema [XyloTron]. Este estudio presenta el primer modelo de vision computarizada para identificación de maderas en Colombia, desarrollado en una escala de tiempo corta y bajo cooperación internacional. Concluimos que pruebas en campo y capacitación forense y en aprendizaje automatizado, son los siguientes pasos lógicos a seguir