785 research outputs found

    Maternal Morbidity in Rural Andhra Pradesh

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    Pregnancy constitutes a high risk of morbidity and mortality due to associated physiological stress. Many women do not die of causes related to pregnancy but suffer severe morbidities. In developing countries, pregnancy and childbirth related complications are the leading cause of disability among women aged 15-44 years. The objective of the present paper is to assess the extent of maternal morbidity and assess the factors responsible for it in rural Andhra Pradesh. An attempt is also made to understand the treatment seeking behaviour of the women for the morbidities. The study revealed a high prevalence of maternal morbidity in rural areas of Andhra Pradesh. Especially in the less developed district, nearly 95 percent of the women experienced at least one of the morbidities and in the developed district it is 61 percent. 'Life threatening' and 'Serious' morbidities are experienced by 39 and 54 percent in the less developed; 15 and 46 percent of women in developed district respectively. High incidence of maternal morbidity in rural areas can be attributed to the combination of individual, household, community, medical as well as nutrition variables. Determinants of maternal morbidity at individual level are age, parity, education and work status; household variables are type of family, possession of land, availability of toilet with in the premises of house. In addition poor infrastructure facilities such as access to villages and non-availability of health care facilities further added to the level of maternal morbidity. Government's introduction of RCWHCs is not been effective in bringing down the morbidity levels due to lack of proper staff, particularly lady doctor. In spite of low levels of perception about maternal morbidities, relatively higher utilization of health services during antepartum period should be taken as an advantage for initiating complete antenatal services, i.e. beyond the coverage of women by TT injection and supply of IFA tablets. The governmental initiation of supplying protein-rich food to pregnant and lactating mothers through ICDS programme has significantly lowered the morbidity levels probably by lessening the levels of anaemia.Maternal Morbidity, rural, Andhra Pradesh

    Computational Analysis of Microsatellite Repeats in Chloroplast Genomes

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    Chloroplasts are the food producers of the cell These organelles are found only in plant cells and algae Chloroplasts work to convert light energy of the Sun into sugars that can be used by cells Microsatellites are a special class of DNA repeats that are found to be helpful to understand evolution diseases and are widely used in various applications including DNA Fingerprinting Paternity Studies Linkage Analysis etc These repeats are ubiquitously present in all genomes including chloroplasts and very little is known about their presence in organelle genomes In this study we have analyzed more than 370 chloroplast genomes and a brief report on the distribution and frequency of these repeats in chloroplast genomes has been presente

    Gene Expression Analysis Methods on Microarray Data a A Review

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    In recent years a new type of experiments are changing the way that biologists and other specialists analyze many problems. These are called high throughput experiments and the main difference with those that were performed some years ago is mainly in the quantity of the data obtained from them. Thanks to the technology known generically as microarrays, it is possible to study nowadays in a single experiment the behavior of all the genes of an organism under different conditions. The data generated by these experiments may consist from thousands to millions of variables and they pose many challenges to the scientists who have to analyze them. Many of these are of statistical nature and will be the center of this review. There are many types of microarrays which have been developed to answer different biological questions and some of them will be explained later. For the sake of simplicity we start with the most well known ones: expression microarrays

    Estimation Methods for Determination of Drag Characteristics of Fly-by-Wire Aircraft

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    "In this paper, several parameter/state estimation approaches for the determination of drag polars from flight data are described and evaluated for a fly-by-wire (FBW) aircraft. Both model-based approaches (MBAs) and non-model-based approaches (NMBAs) are considered. Dynamic response data from roller coaster and wind- up-turn manoeuvres are generated in a FBW aircraft flight simulator at different flight conditions and the typical performance results are presented. A novel approach to estimate the drag polar has been evaluated. It has been found that the NMBAs perform better than the MBAs. Classically, the MBAs have been used for the determination of drag polars. The merits of an NMBA are that it does not require specification of the detailed model of the aerodynamic coefficients and it can be suitably used for online estimation of drag polars from the flight data of aerospace vehicle

    Estimation methods for determination of drag characteristics of fly-by-wire aircraft

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    In this paper, several parameter/state estimation approaches for the determination of dragpolars from flight data are described and evaluated for a fly-by-wire (FBW) aircraft. Both model-based approaches (MBAs) and non-model-based approaches(NMBAs) are considered. Dynamic response data from roller coaster and wind-up-turn manoeuvres are generated in a FBW aircraft flight simulator at different flight conditions and the typical performance results are presented. A novel approach to estimate the drag polar has been evaluated. It has been found that the NMBAs perform better than the MBAs. Classically, the MBAs have been used for the determination of drag polars. The merits of an NMBA are that it does not require specification of the detailed model of the aerodynamic coefficients and it can be suitably used for online estimation of drag polars from the flight data of aerospace vehicles


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    There have been a number of objectives linked to the necessity of financial inclusion. The deprived man's financial status does not make him a creditable customer of the bank. However, the poor man requires credit as much for his business in order to fulfill emergencies. Economic development in all the segments of the society paves way to a decline of disparities with regard to earnings and savings, the financial inclusion can act as a roar for the weak and upcoming countries. This allows the underprivileged to earn and save money, and provide them the chance to go for regular income, which would inevitably lead those to the bank as credit-valuable borrowers. Hence, financial inclusion must need for comprehensive growth. Globally, attempts are made to observe the barriers of financial inclusion and planning of policies to assure access of formal financial services to destitute and needy. The causes might differ from nation to nation and thus the policy may perhaps differ, however all attempts are being done as financial inclusion rightly uplift economic condition and values of life of destitute and needy. The financial inclusion policies made by various countries are discussed in the paper

    (R1514) Nano Continuous Mappings via Nano M Open Sets

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    Nano M open sets are a union of nano θ semi open sets and nano δ pre open sets. The properties of nano M open sets with their interior and closure operators are discussed in a previous paper. In this paper, we discuss about nano M-continuous and nano M-irresolute functions are introduced in a nano topological spaces along with their continuous and irresolute mappings. Also, nano M-open and nano M-closed functions are introduced and compare with their near open and closed mappings in a nano topological spaces. Further, nano M homeomorphism is also discussed in nano topological spaces. Also, we discuss nano e-Cts, nano e-Irr, nano eo and nano ec functions and nano eHom in nano topological spaces. Also some of their properties are well discussed

    An Inspiration to Womanhood through the poems of Kamala Das and Maya Angelou

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    History reveals that the girls and women had been kept in darkness from ages. They had no right to enjoy their fundamental rights. Women had been treated as inferior to men. They were tortured, suppressed, humiliated, and sexually harassed in all the fields. They were, not respected, and given importance and marginalized politically, economically, socially, culturally and emotionally. The condition of women had been very pathetic and, where rape, female foeticide, infanticide, dowry deaths and various kinds of exploitation were happening almost every day. The women were considered as a sexual object and to take care of the family over the years in the history. But gone are the days, where women were known by her husband’s name or by the name of the family. Now women are educated equal to men. Women can get empowered in their own choices by selecting their own jobs, own life partners, own places to study, and professions etc. They are working in all the fields and in every profession. They are in good positions in their work places. They are recognised by the society. They achieve many things and do wonders in their work places. They have become policy makers in their work places. They are recognised and respected in the family since they are working and earning money and taking care of their family. You can find women as president, chief minister, prime minister, director, principal, pilots, astronomers etc. Women have freedom to make their own choices. And now they have so many facilities announced by the governments where they can enjoy their freedom. Since there are special laws relating to women empowerment in favour of women, they feel free to enjoy their fundamental rights. This paper throws light on how women were leading their lives in the past and how they are leading their lives in the 21st century through the selected poems of Kamala Das and Maya Angelou. Both have been marginalized and subordinated, but difference lies between the way, they were victimized