430 research outputs found

    Matrix String Theory, 2D SYM Instantons and affine Toda systems

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    Extending a recent result of S.B. Giddings, F. Hacquebord and H. Verlinde, we show that in the U(N) SYM Matrix theory there exist classical BPS instantons which interpolate between different closed string configurations via joining/splitting interactions similar to those of string field theory. We construct them starting from branched coverings of Riemann surfaces. For the class of them which we analyze in detail the construction can be made explicit in terms U(N) affine Toda field theories.Comment: 12 pages, 1 eps figure, JHEP.cls LaTeX2e class file; sign corrected, ref. and acknowledgements update

    Heterotic Matrix String Theory and Riemann Surfaces

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    We extend the results found for Matrix String Theory to Heterotic Matrix String Theory, i.e. to a 2d O(N) SYM theory with chiral (anomaly free) matter and N=(8,0) supersymmetry. We write down the instanton equations for this theory and solve them explicitly. The solutions are characterized by branched coverings of the basis cylinder, i.e. by compact Riemann surfaces with punctures. We show that in the strong coupling limit the action becomes the heterotic string action plus a free Maxwell action. Moreover the amplitude based on a Riemann surface with p punctures and h handles is proportional to g^{2-2h-p}, as expected for the heterotic string interaction theory with string coupling g_s=1/g.Comment: 17 pages, JHEP LaTeX style, sentence delete

    Nucleon-Nucleon Bremsstrahlung emission of massive Axion

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    We consider the problem of axion production by bremsstrahlung emission in a nuclear medium. The usual assumption of a massless axion is replaced by more general hypotheses, so that we can describe the emission process for axions with mass up to a few MeV. We point out that in certain physical situations the contribution from non-zero mass is non-negligible. In particular, in the mechanism for the production of Gamma Ray Bursts via emission of heavy axions the axion mass m_a ~ 1MeV is comparable with the temperature of the nuclear medium and thus can not be disregarded. Looking at our results we find, in fact, a fairly considerable reduction of the axion luminosity in that mechanism.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Matrix String Theory and its Moduli Space

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    The correspondence between Matrix String Theory in the strong coupling limit and IIA superstring theory can be shown by means of the instanton solutions of the former. We construct the general instanton solutions of Matrix String Theory which interpolate between given initial and final string configurations. Each instanton is characterized by a Riemann surface of genus h with n punctures, which is realized as a plane curve. We study the moduli space of such plane curves and find out that, at finite N, it is a discretized version of the moduli space of Riemann surfaces: instead of 3h-3+n its complex dimensions are 2h-3+n, the remaining h dimensions being discrete. It turns out that as NN tends to infinity, these discrete dimensions become continuous, and one recovers the full moduli space of string interaction theory.Comment: 30 pages, LaTeX, JHEP.cls class file, minor correction

    Type II Seesaw at LHC: the Roadmap

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    In this Letter we revisit the type-II seesaw mechanism based on the addition of a weak triplet scalar to the standard model. We perform a comprehensive study of its phenomenology at the LHC energies, complete with the electroweak precision constraints. We pay special attention to the doubly-charged component, object of collider searches for a long time, and show how the experimental bound on its mass depends crucially on the particle spectrum of the theory. Our study can be used as a roadmap for future complete LHC studies.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; added discussion on collider signatures including the impact on SM Higgs searches and accommodating Higgs to two photon rate, and references; latest version agrees with the published on

    A comparison between standard and crossfeed monopulse radars in presence of rough sea scattering and ship movements

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    Monopulse radars are widely used in tracking systems, due to their relative simplicity and theoretical precision, but the presence of multipath impairs the tracking capabilities of these radars, especially when multipath signals are strong, as in a naval environment. A special monopulse setup, the crossfeed, has been proposed in the past to provide an automatic cancellation from smooth sea multipath. In this contribution, the performances of such a system are analyzed in presence of rough sea scattering and compared with those of a standard monopulse setup. Particular attention is devoted to performance degradations due to possible phase errors in the passive network implementing the comparator and due to ship rolling and pitching. This latter requires a full 3D monopulse simulator for its correct evaluation

    String Interactions from Matrix String Theory

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    The Matrix String Theory, i.e. the two dimensional U(N) SYM with N=(8,8) supersymmetry, has classical BPS solutions that interpolate between an initial and a final string configuration via a bordered Riemann surface. The Matrix String Theory amplitudes around such a classical BPS background, in the strong Yang--Mills coupling, are therefore candidates to be interpreted in a stringy way as the transition amplitude between given initial and final string configurations. In this paper we calculate these amplitudes and show that the leading contribution is proportional to the factor g_s^{-\chi}, where \chi is the Euler characteristic of the interpolating Riemann surface and g_s is the string coupling. This is the factor one expects from perturbative string interaction theory.Comment: 15 pages, 2 eps figures, JHEP Latex class, misprints correcte
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