480 research outputs found

    Preliminary results of investigation of solid interplanetary matter in the vicinity of the moon

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    Density of matter near moon found to be greater than that of interplanetary spac

    Entrepreneurship counts Shuvalovs in the southern Urals

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    В статье дается авторская трактовка складывания социального слоя предпринимателей в России ХVIII веке и роли дворянства в этом процессе.This is the author's interpretation of folding social stratum of business-men in Russia of the ХVIII century and the role of the nobility in this process

    Digital maturity and digital transformation in human resources management: Stability vs development

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    Digital transformation has impacted all areas of life, including human resources management. Studying digital maturity is relevant because it can help organizations adapt to change and improve human resources strategies for successful transformation. This study explored the relationship between digital maturity, transformation, and human resources management and how organizations can use digital technologies to increase maturity and opportunities and cope with obstacles. Complex analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and analogy methods were used as methodical tools to analyse literary sources, information, and communication technologies. The importance of digital maturity for human resources management practices and processes and the digital transformation process in management functions was explored. The drivers, challenges, and outcomes associated with digital transformation initiatives were identified, and the impact of digital maturity and transformation on stability was analysed. The study also examined the possible trade-offs between maintaining stability and promoting development through digital technologies. The importance of continuous learning, training, and skill development in human resources management was assessed to achieve and maintain digital maturity. A conceptual framework focused on the relationship between sustainability and development in the context of digital maturity and transformation in human resources management, providing a comprehensive understanding of these dynamics. The research can help manage digital transformation effectively, provide helpful information for academic and practical human resources management applications, and bring a new perspective to the balance between sustainability and developmen

    HYDRO + JETS (HYDJET++) event generator for Pb+Pb collisions at LHC

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    The Monte Carlo event generator HYDJET++ is one of the few generators, designed for the calculations of heavy-ion collisions at ultrarelativistic energies, which combine treatment of soft hydro-like processes with the description of jets traversing the hot and dense partonic medium. The model is employed to study the azimuthal anisotropy phenomena, dihadron angular correlations and event-by-event (EbyE) fluctuations of the anisotropic flow in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.76 TeV. The interplay of soft and hard processes describes the violation of the mass hierarchy of meson and baryon elliptic and triangular flows at p_T > 2 GeV/c, the fall-off of the flow harmonics at intermediate transverse momenta, and the worsening of the number-of-constituent-quark (NCQ) scaling of elliptic/triangular flow at LHC compared to RHIC energies. The cross-talk of v_2 and v_3 leads to emergence of higher order harmonics in the model and to appearance of the ridge structure in dihadron angular correlations in a broad pseudorapidity range. HYDJET++ possesses also the dynamical EbyE fluctuations of the anisotropic flow. The model results agree well with the experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, contribution to Proceedings of the Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics 201


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    In this study, the main attention is paid to the problem of "shadowing" the Ukrainian economy during the crisis period. Theoretical approaches to determining the functions of taxes and factors affecting real tax revenues were studied. A scientific study was carried out that will reveal the motives of the behavior of taxpayers, who are explicitly or implicitly laid in the basis of approaches to the formation of the mechanism of taxation and tax policy of the state. Consequently, we tried to determine motives of the behavior of taxpayers, which explicitly or implicitly form the basis of approaches to the formation of the tax mechanism and the tax policy of the state.  So, we tried to determine the level of the shadow economy, taking into account the modeling of the dynamics of tax behavior of economic entities, which, of course, will allow to increase the efficiency of management of the budget process, in particular, planning of budget expenditures to regional authorities.The article defines the necessity of improving the tools of state regulation of the economy, taking into account the specific conditions of development, and creates scientific and methodological support for the formation of concepts, strategies and programs of socio-economic development of the country and regions by the authorities. The theoretical positions concerning the role of the state in the regulation of fiscal-budgetary relations in the light of the evolution of the views of the known economic schools are outlined, and the expediency of introducing the views of well-known economic schools into practice has been outlined, which will help to develop regulatory measures to overcome negative phenomena in the economyIt is generally agreed that evasion of payment of taxes and fees leads to a number of negative consequences for both state power, and for the country's society (the threat of development, the collapse of the national economy, the negative influence on the distribution of resources redistribution between the spheres of economy, the threat to democratic values and social institutions). Systematically conceptualized the motives of the behavior of the subtitles, which were used as the basis for the formation of the mechanism of the podcasting and subjective policy of the state. Factors influencing the regulatory policy of the country and the factors influencing the adoption of decisions by the parties associated with the subtraction of subtractions are considered. The structure of the mechanization of the formation of a subtle behavior is proposed. The problems of tax evasion were identified and countermeasures were proposed to facilitate the development of an effective state anti-political policy in Ukraine.Основное внимание уделено проблеме «тенизации» экономики Украины в кризисный период. Обосновано, что уклонение от уплаты налогов и сборов приводит к ряду негативных  последствий как для государственной власти, так и для социума страны (угроза развития, угроза национальной экономике, негативное влияние на распределение и перераспределение ресурсов между сферами экономики, угроза демократическим ценностям и социальным институтам). Систематизированы концепции  мотивов поведения плательщиков налогов, которые положены в основу подходов к формированию механизмов налогообложения и налоговой политики государства. Рассмотрены факторы влияния на регуляторную политику Украины и факторы, которые влияют на принятия плательщиками решений, связанных с оплатой налогов. Предложена структура механизма формирования налогового поведения. Выявлены проблемы уклонения от уплаты налогов и предложены механизмы противодействия с целью содействия разработке эффективной государственной антитеневой политики в Украине.Основну увагу приділено проблемі «тінізації» економіки України в кризовий період. Вивчено теоретичні підходи до визначення функцій податків і факторів, що впливають на реальні податкові надходження. Проведено наукове дослідження, яке дозволить виявити мотиви поведінки платників податків, які явно або неявно закладаються в основу підходів до формування механізму оподаткування і податкової політики держави. Отже, ми спробували визначити рівень тіньової економіки при врахуванні моделювання динаміки податкової поведінки економічних суб’єктів, що, безумовно, дозволить підвищити ефективність управління бюджетним процесом, зокрема планування бюджетних видатків регіональним органам влади.Визначено необхідність удосконалення інструментарію державного регулювання економіки, що ураховує конкретні умови розвитку і створює науково-методичне забезпечення формування органами влади концепцій, стратегій та програм соціально-економічного розвитку країни та регіонів. Окреслено теоретичні положення щодо ролі держави в регулюванні фінансово-бюджетних відносин у світлі еволюції поглядів відомих економічних шкіл, у результаті чого встановлено доцільність у впровадженні поглядів відомих економічних шкіл у практику, що допоможе виробити регулятивні заходи подолання негативних явищ в економіці.Обґрунтовано, що ухилення вiд сплaти подaткiв тa зборiв призводить до низки негaтивних нaслiдкiв як для держaвної влaди, тaк i для соцiуму крaїни (зaгрозa розвитку, зaгрозa нaцiонaльнiй економiцi, негaтивний вплив нa розподiл тa перерозподiл ресурсiв мiж сферaми економiки, зaгрозa демокрaтичним цiнностям тa соцiaльним iнститутaм). Системaтизовaно концепцiї про мотиви поведiнки плaтникiв подaткiв, якi поклaдено в основу пiдходiв до формувaння мехaнiзму оподaтковувaння тa подaткової полiтики держaви. Розглянуто фaктори впливу нa регуляторну полiтику крaїни та фaктори, якi впливaють нa ухвалення плaтникaми рiшень, пов’язaних зi сплaтою подaткiв. Запропоновано структуру мехaнiзму формувaння подaткової поведiнки. Виявлено проблеми ухилення від сплати податків та запропоновано механізми протидії з метою сприяння розробленню ефективної державної антитіньової політики в Україні

    Torsion free groups with indecomposable holonomy group I

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    We study the torsion free generalized crystallographic groups with the indecomposable holonomy group which is isomorphic to either a cyclic group of order ps{p^s} or a direct product of two cyclic groups of order p{p}.Comment: 22 pages, AMS-Te

    Hereditary predisposition of water voles (Arvicola amphibius L.) to seizures in response to handling

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    Finding out the hereditary predisposition to seizures in response to specific external stimuli is important for understanding the causes of epileptiform conditions, developing new methods for their prevention and therapies. In the water vole, individuals with convulsive seizures are found both in natural and laboratory conditions. The data of long-lasting maintenance and breeding of water voles in vivarium conditions were analyzed in order to establish a hereditary predisposition to convulsive seizures, and the influence of sex and age on their development. In the vivarium, seizures are provoked by handling and are observed in 2.4 % of voles caught in the natural population with cyclic fluctuations in abundance. Seizures are observed more often in individuals caught in the phases of decline and depression of abundance than in individuals caught in the phases of rise or peak. Convulsive states are probably an element of adaptive behavior formed in the predator-prey system. In natural conditions, individuals predisposed to convulsive seizures may have a selective advantage when under increasing pressure from predators. Convulsive seizures in response to handling were noted in 29.8 % of descendants of captive-bred water voles. The proportion of such individuals increased significantly if one or both parents had convulsive states, which indicates the presence of a hereditary predisposition to seizures. In parent–offspring pairs, a significant correlation was found between the average age of onset of the first seizures in parents and their offspring, r = 0.42, p < 0.01. The minimum age of registration of seizures in the water vole is 39 days, the maximum is 1105 days, and the median is 274 days. Predisposition to seizures is not related to sex. Genes that control the occurrence of seizures have a pleiotropic effect on life span, since individuals with seizures live longer in vivarium conditions than individuals with a normal phenotype. The water vole can serve as a suitable model object for studying the nature of convulsive states and the evolution of longevity