382 research outputs found

    In-situ Undisturbed Sand Sampling by Radial Freezing for Liquefaction Analysis

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    The authors experimented in laboratory that if radial freezing with free drainage is performed under an effective confining pressure of 100 kPa only an increase of the order of 0.5% of volumetric strain takes place going from the unfrozen to the frozen condition. The sample comes back to the original dimension after thawing. The displacements of the sample were measured by radiographs of a lead shot network properly built inside the sample. The technique suggested by Yoshimi and al. (1977) to freeze in situ a column of saturated sands was also verified and optimized in laboratory by simulating in a full scale test the site conditions. Finally 3.10 m length and 55 cm. diameter sample of saturated sand was frozen at a well studied site by radial freezing technique, then pulled out from the ground by a crane, sawed and stored in a freezer for future laboratory tests

    Application of kaolin and italian natural chabasite-rich zeolitite to mitigate the effect of global warming in vitis vinifera l. Cv. sangiovese

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    High temperatures and the anomalous distribution of rainfall during the growing season may have a negative impact on grapevine yield and berry composition. In recent years, many studies have focused on the application of agronomical techniques to reduce the negative impact of heat waves on secondary metabolites such as phenols. In particular, treatments with kaolin have shown positive effects on reducing canopy temperatures, enhancing the accumulation of anthocyanins. In regard to the above, three treatments were evaluated: untreated control (C), kaolin (CAO), and chabasite-rich zeolitites (ZEO) applications on cv. Sangiovese in order to verify the cooling effects on leaves and bunches, and the impact on gas exchange, yield parameters, berry composition, and on both chemical and sensory notes of wine. Minerals were sprayed twice around the veraison on the entire canopy at a 3% concentration. The results showed that the application of the minerals was able to reduce the berry temperatures in both years of the trial as compared to the untreated control (C), without affecting vine gas exchange, yield, and soluble solid accumulation. Furthermore, the cooling effect determined an increase in anthocyanin on both the grapes and the wine. At testing, CAO and ZEO wines stood out regarding greater color intensity and were preferred by the judges

    A Project to Promote English Learning in Primary School: “An English Island®” E-learning Platform

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    The present study was aimed to investigate English learning as second language, in school, in first, second and third graders of twelve classes randomly assigned to a control or an experimental group. Children in the latter are exposed during English school teaching to the method “An English Island®” and to its platform activities. The method “An English Island®” offers a variety of strategies for teaching English in primary school, an innovative digital tool that promotes teaching/learning English language’s communicative approach, lead students to become familiar with the language in a sort of continuous, inclusive workout, in which everyone participates and talks. English skills as well as cognitive abilities are tested in both groups at the beginning and at the end of the school year with the aim to compare control and experimental classes in both a longitudinal and a cross-sectional design

    Effectiveness of synthetic calcite doped with Fe-EDDHSA as a slow-release Fe source: In-vitro experiment on kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa) plants

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    Doped calcite (Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3) was experimentally produced. The hypothesis of the present experiment is that, when roots get in contact with Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3, the extrusion of H+ decreases the pH and dissolves calcite with subsequent release of Fe that becomes available for roots. The aim of the experiment was to determine whether doped calcite might represent a slow-release Fe source for in-vitro grown kiwifruit plantlets. The root elongation media used in the experiment had pH 8.0 and differed from each other for Fe supply as follow: Control medium that contained complete Murashige and Skoog salt mixture, including FeSO4 and Na(2)EDTA; calcite medium enriched with Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3 as the only Fe source; -Fe medium without Fe. The absence of FeSO4 in the medium caused a reduction of plantlet growth. The final pH was higher with calcite medium than in control and -Fe. The addition of Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3 increased Fe shoot concentration when compared with the -Fe medium. The data of the present experiment show the potential Fe slow release ability of Fe-EDDHSA/CaCO3; however, further investigation on Fe containing fertilizers should be conducted on potted plants to validate our result

    Fruit quality characterization of new sweet cherry cultivars as a good source of bioactive phenolic compounds with antioxidant and neuroprotective potential

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    Sweet cherries (Prunus avium L.) are highly appreciated fruits for their taste, color, nutritional value, and beneficial health effects. In this work, seven new cultivars of sweet cherry were investigated for their main quality traits and nutraceutical value. The phytochemical profile of three classes of phenolic compounds and the antioxidant activity of the new cultivars were investigated through high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) and spectrophotometric assays, respectively, and compared with those of commonly commercialized cultivars. Cyanidine-3-O-rutinoside was the main anthocyanin in all genotypes, and its levels in some new cultivars were about three-fold higher than in commercial ones. The ORAC-assayed antioxidant capacity was positively correlated with the total anthocyanin index. The nutraceutical value of the new cultivars was investigated in terms of antioxidant/neuroprotective capacity in neuron-like SH-SY5Y cells. Results demonstrated that the new cultivars were more effective in counteracting oxidative stress and were also able to upregulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a pro-survival neurotrophin, suggesting their potential pleiotropic role in counteracting neurodegenerations
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