1,741 research outputs found

    A Closed-Form Solution of the Multi-Period Portfolio Choice Problem for a Quadratic Utility Function

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    In the present paper, we derive a closed-form solution of the multi-period portfolio choice problem for a quadratic utility function with and without a riskless asset. All results are derived under weak conditions on the asset returns. No assumption on the correlation structure between different time points is needed and no assumption on the distribution is imposed. All expressions are presented in terms of the conditional mean vectors and the conditional covariance matrices. If the multivariate process of the asset returns is independent it is shown that in the case without a riskless asset the solution is presented as a sequence of optimal portfolio weights obtained by solving the single-period Markowitz optimization problem. The process dynamics are included only in the shape parameter of the utility function. If a riskless asset is present then the multi-period optimal portfolio weights are proportional to the single-period solutions multiplied by time-varying constants which are depending on the process dynamics. Remarkably, in the case of a portfolio selection with the tangency portfolio the multi-period solution coincides with the sequence of the simple-period solutions. Finally, we compare the suggested strategies with existing multi-period portfolio allocation methods for real data.Comment: 38 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables, changes: VAR(1)-CCC-GARCH(1,1) process dynamics and the analysis of increasing horizon are included in the simulation study, under revision in Annals of Operations Researc


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    The aim of the study – to determine the characteristics of endometrium structural transformations with conditions of comorbidity of women in reproductive age with primary and secondary infertility.Materials and Methods. Analysis of medical cases and endometrial biopsies pathomorphological research of women of reproductive age was diagnosed with infertility. Research design included gynecological, general and specialized clinical laboratory and instrumental researches. We studied an anamnesis, reproductive function, gynecological diseases, somatic status.Results and Discussion. All women were examined in a hospital. 65.7 % of patients were diagnosed with primary infertility and 34.3 % – with secondary. Pathological changes in the endometrium, such as glandular hyperplasia, stromal polypous transformation, endometritis, registered in 55.6 % of women with primary infertility and 71.4 % in women with secondary infertility. The share of unknown causal factors did not differ significantly in both groups of subjects and was 0.4 % and 0.6 %. The abnormalities structure of functional layer of the uterus with secondary infertility was different morphologically by issues of a more pronounced glandularstructures proliferative activity in cases of glandular hyperplasia, glandular and stromal components in cases of endometrial polyps and severity of chronic inflammation, whereas in cases of primary infertility issues of endometrium proliferation activity was less expressed, except of one's evolved under thyreopaty conditions. Given the fact that as the results of our research most women with secondary infertility had extragenital pathology (81.2 % of patients) and mostly thyreopathy we should consider appropriate to further better understanding of endometrial transformation in women with infertility and their possible impact with violations of the thyroid gland.Conclusions. The functional state of endometrium should be considered when pregnancy is planning. The structure of comorbidity in patients with secondary infertility predominant percentage of thyroid pathology. Women with thyreopathy were mostly diagnosed with primarily glandular proliferation, endometrial stromal polypous transformation, as well as two to three cases of abortions in various stages of pregnancy. The special issue of endometrial remodeling in polimorbing conditions advisable to include high frequency of glandular-cystic hyperplasia and glandular-stromal transformation.Цель исследования – выяснить характерные особенности структурных трансформаций эндометрия в условиях коморбидности у женщин репродуктивного возраста с первичным и вторичным бесплодием.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ медицинских карт и патоморфологического исследования биопсий эндометрия женщин репродуктивного возраста с диагностированным бесплодием. Дизайн обследования включал гинекологическое, общеклинические и профильные инструментальные и лабораторные исследования, результаты патоморфологического исследования. Изучались данные анамнеза, репродуктивной функции, гинекологических заболеваний, соматического статуса.Результаты исследования и их обсуждение. Все женщины обследованы в условиях стационара. В 65,7 % пациенток диагностировано первичное бесплодие и в 34,3 % – вторичное. Патологические изменения эндометрия, а именно железистая гиперплазия, стромально полипозная трансформация, эндометриты, зарегистрированные в 55,6 % среди женщин с первичным бесплодием и в 71,4 % – у женщин с вторичным бесплодием. Доля же неустановленного причинного фактора существенно не отличалась в обеих группах обследуемых и составила 0,4 % и 0,6 %. Структура патологий функционального слоя матки при вторичном бесплодии морфологически отличалась признаками более выраженной пролиферативной активности железистых структур при железистых гиперплазиях, железистого и стромального компонентов при полипах эндометрия и выраженностью проявлений хронического воспаления, тогда как при первичном бесплодии признаки пролиферативной активности эндометрия были менее выраженными, исключая развившихся в условиях тиреопатий. Учитывая тот факт, что, по результатам наших исследований, у большинства женщин с вторичным бесплодием (81,2 % обследованных) встречалась экстрагенитальная патология и преимущество имели тиреопатии, считаем целесообразным дальнейшее углубленное изучение особенностей эндометриальной трансформации у женщин с бесплодием и их возможной связи с нарушениями работы щитовидной железы.Выводы. Морфофункциональное состояние слизистой матки следует считать эндометриальным фактором составляющей при планировании беременности. В структуре коморбидности у пациенток с вторичным бесплодием преобладает процент патологии щитовидной железы. У женщин с тиреопатиями преимущественно диагностируются пролиферативная железисто-стромальная полипозная трансформация эндометрия, а также от двух до трех случаев выкидышей в разные сроки беременности. К особенности ремоделирования эндометрия в условиях полиморбидности целесообразно отнести высокую частоту железисто-кистозной гиперплазии и железисто-стромальной трансформации.Мета дослідження – з’ясувати характерні особливості структурних трансформацій ендометрія за умов коморбідності в жінок репродуктивного віку із первинним та вторинним непліддям.Матеріали та методи. Проведено аналіз медичних карт та патоморфологічного дослідження біопсій ендометрія жінок репродуктивного віку із діагностованим непліддям. Дизайн обстеження включав гінекологічне, загальноклінічні та профільні інструментальні й лабораторні дослідження, результати патоморфологічного дослідження. Вивчали дані анамнезу, репродуктивної функції, гінекологічних захворювань, соматичного статусу.Результати дослідження та їх обговорення. Усі жінки обстежені в умовах стаціонару. У 65,7 % пацієнток діагностовано первинне непліддя і в 34,3 % – вторинне. Патологічні зміни ендометрія, а саме залозиста гіперплазія, стромально поліпозна трансформація, ендометрити, зареєстровані у 55,6 % серед жінок із первинним непліддям та в 71,4 % – у жінок із вторинним непліддям. Частка ж невстановленого причинного фактора суттєво не відрізнялася в обох групах обстежуваних і становила 0,4 % і 0,6 %. Структура патологій функціонального шару матки при вторинному неплідді морфологічно відрізнялася ознаками більш вираженої проліферативної активності залозистих структур при залозистих гіперплазіях, залозистого і стромального компонентів при поліпах ендометрія та вираженістю проявів хронічного запалення, тоді як при первинному неплідді ознаки проліферативної активності ендометрія були менш вираженими, за винятком тих, що розвинулися за умов тиреопатій. Зважаючи на той факт, що, за результатами наших досліджень, у більшості жінок із вторинним непліддям (81,2 % обстежуваних) зустрічалася екстрагенітальна патологія та перевагу мали тиреопатії, вважаємо доцільним подальше поглиблене вивчення особливостей ендометріальної трансформації у жінок із непліддям та їх можливого зв’язку із порушеннями роботи щитоподібної залози.Висновки. Морфофункціональний стан слизової матки слід вважати ендометріальним фактором складової при плануванні вагітності. У структурі коморбідності у пацієнток із вторинною неплідністю переважає відсоток патології щитоподібної залози. У жінок із тиреопатіями переважно діагностуються проліферативна залозисто-стромальна поліпозна трансформація ендометрія, а також від двох до трьох випадків викиднів у різні терміни вагітності. До особливості ремоделювання ендометрія за умов поліморбідності доцільно віднести високу частоту залозисто-кістозної гіперплазії та залозистостромальної трансформації

    Electric-field-induced nematic-cholesteric transition and 3-D director structures in homeotropic cells

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    We study the phase diagram of director structures in cholesteric liquid crystals of negative dielectric anisotropy in homeotropic cells of thickness d which is smaller than the cholesteric pitch p. The basic control parameters are the frustration ratio d/p and the applied voltage U. Fluorescence Confocal Polarising Microscopy allows us to directly and unambiguously determine the 3-D director structures. The results are of importance for potential applications of the cholesteric structures, such as switchable gratings and eyewear with tunable transparency based.Comment: Will be published in Physical Review


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    Homeostasis disorders in kidneys damage is accompanied by the accumulation or reduction of trace elements as a component of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) progression. The degree of trace elements misbalanced depends on the stage of CKD. The deep disorders are most common during renal replacement therapy (RRT), especially in children due to anatomic and physiological immaturity. Materials and methods: We investigated the 20 trace elements blood concentrations in 42 children with CKD V D depending on RRT duration used the technique of inductive coupled plasma mass-spectrometry (ICPMS). Results: There is detected significant increase of cobalt (in 3,80 times), cadmium (2,66), lead (2,44) and nickel (7,19) in patients with statistically weighty decrease in vanadium (1,49), chromium (1,62), arsenic (9,45), strontium (2,02), barium (5,29), rubidium (2,69 and zinc (1,46). It was found the increasing levels of aluminum, chromium and zinc in RRT duration enlargement (p<0,05). Conclusions: The course of CKD V D in children is accompanied with substantial and multidirectional changes in trace elements blood levels that characterized by a predominance of accumulation processes versus elimination depending the RRT duration

    Influence of polymer excluded volume on the phase behavior of colloid-polymer mixtures

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    We determine the depletion-induced phase-behavior of hard sphere colloids and interacting polymers by large-scale Monte Carlo simulations using very accurate coarse-graining techniques. A comparison with standard Asakura-Oosawa model theories and simulations shows that including excluded volume interactions between polymers leads to qualitative differences in the phase diagrams. These effects become increasingly important for larger relative polymer size. Our simulations results agree quantitatively with recent experiments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Differential 3d mueller-matrix mapping of optically anisotropic depolarizing biological layers

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    The paper consists of two parts. The first part is devoted to the short theoretical basics of the method of differential Mueller-matrix description of properties of partially depolarizing layers. It was provided the experimentally measured maps of differential matrix of the 2nd order of polycrystalline structure of the histological section of rectum wall tissue. It was defined the values of statistical moments of the1st-4th orders, which characterize the distribution of matrix elements. In the second part of the paper it was provided the data of statistic analysis of birefringence and dichroism of the histological sections of connecting component of vagina wall tissue (normal and with prolapse). It were defined the objective criteria of differential diagnostics of pathologies of vagina wall

    Gut Microbiome Phenotypes Driven by Host Genetics Affect Arsenic Metabolism

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    Large individual differences in susceptibility to arsenic-induced diseases are well-documented and frequently associated with different patterns of arsenic metabolism. In this context, the role of the gut microbiome in directly metabolizing arsenic and triggering systemic responses in diverse organs raises the possibility that gut microbiome phenotypes affect the spectrum of metabolized arsenic species. However, it remains unclear how host genetics and the gut microbiome interact to affect the biotransformation of arsenic. Using an integrated approach combining 16S rRNA gene sequencing and HPLC-ICP-MS arsenic speciation, we demonstrate that IL-10 gene knockout leads to a significant taxonomic change of the gut microbiome, which in turn substantially affects arsenic metabolism.National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (P30 ES010126)National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS grant P30 ES002109)University of Georgia. College of Public Health (internal grant)University of Georgia (Faculty Research Grant (FRG)

    Towards the growth of Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS4 thin films by a single-stage process: Effect of substrate temperature and composition

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    Cu2ZnSn1-xGexS4 (CZTGS) thin films prepared by flash evaporation of a Zn-rich Cu2ZnSn0.5Ge0.5S4 bulk compound in powder form, and a subsequent thermal annealing in S containing Ar atmosphere are studied. The effect of the substrate temperature during evaporation and the initial composition of the precursor powder on the growth mechanism and properties of the final CZTGS thin film are investigated. The microstructure of the films and elemental depth profiles depend strongly on the growth conditions used. Incorporation of Ge into the Cu2ZnSnS4 lattice is demonstrated by the shift of the relevant X-ray diffraction peaks and Raman vibrational modes towards higher diffraction angles and frequencies respectively. A Raman mode at around 348-351 cm-1 is identified as characteristic of CZTGS alloys for x = [Ge]/([Sn]+[Ge]) = 0.14-0.30. The supply of Ge enables the reduction of the Sn loss via a saccrifical Ge loss. This fact allows increasing the substrate temperature up to 350º C during the evaporation, forming a high quality kesterite material and therefore, reducing the deposition process to one single stageRC acknowledges financial support from Spanish MINECO within the Ramón y Cajal programme (RYC-2011-08521) and VIR for the Juan de la Cierva fellowship (JCI-2011-10782). GB also acknowledges the CSIC-JAE pre-doctoral program, co-funded by the European Social Fund. This work was supported by the Marie Curie-IRSES project (PVICOKEST, GA: 269167), Marie Curie-ITN project (KESTCELL, GA: 316488), DAAD project (INTERKEST, Ref: 57050358), and MINECO projects (SUNBEAM, ENE2013-49136-C4-3-R) (TEC2012-38901-C02-01). A. Scheu is acknowledged for GDOES measurement

    A demonstration of an affinity between pyrite and organic matter in a hydrothermal setting

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    One of the key-principles of the iron-sulphur world theory is to bring organic molecules close enough to interact with each other, using the surface of pyrite as a substrate in a hydrothermal setting. The present paper explores the relationship of pyrite and organic matter in a hydrothermal setting from the geological record; in hydrothermal calcite veins from Carboniferous limestones in central Ireland. Here, the organic matter is accumulated as coatings around, and through, pyrite grains. Most of the pyrite grains are euhedral-subhedral crystals, ranging in size from ca 0.1-0.5 mm in diameter, and they are scattered throughout the matrix of the vein calcite. The organic matter was deposited from a hydrothermal fluid at a temperature of at least 200°C, and gives a Raman signature of disordered carbon. This study points to an example from a hydrothermal setting in the geological record, demonstrating that pyrite can have a high potential for the concentration and accumulation of organic materials