1,546 research outputs found

    Photoreceiver efficiency measurements

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    The efficiency and other related parameters of Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory's four laser receivers were measured at the observing stations by oscilloscope photography. If the efficiency is defined as the number of photoelectrons generated by the photomultiplier tube divided by the number of photons entering the aperture of the receiver, its measured value is about 1% for the laser wavelength of 694 nm. This value is consistent with the efficiency computed from the specified characteristics of the photoreceiver's optical components

    Aviation engines in the endurance contest

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    The contest for engines of great endurance had entries of 13 types by the following firms: Breguet, Farman, Fiat, Hispano-Suiza, Lorraine-Dietrich, Panhard-Levassor, Peugeot, Renault, and Salmson

    Investigation of continental drift, phase 1 effort Progress report, 1 Apr. - 30 Sep. 1968

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    Feasibility of using ultrashort pulse laser ranging and independent clock radio interferometry distance measurement methods to test for existence of continental drif

    Satellite tracking with a laser

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    Satellite tracking with laser - range equation, detection at night and in daylight, noncooperative satellites, and comparison of of laser and radar system

    The statistics of laser returns from cube-corner arrays on satellite

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    A method first presented by Goodman is used to derive an equation for the statistical effects associated with laser returns from satellites having retroreflecting arrays of cube corners. The effect of the distribution on the returns of a satellite-tracking system is illustrated by a computation based on randomly generated numbers

    Laser pulse analysis

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    Methods are presented for locating threshold points by using laser pulse analysis. It was found that there are errors involved in the determination of each of these quantities, and an attempt was made to separate their effects on the overall range correction. Several series of corrected range measurements for fixed reflectors and satellites were obtained. Residuals were computed by fitting the range measurements to either fixed-reflector distances or short arcs of satellite orbits. Root mean square values of these residuals are presented

    Photographic measurements of the energy distribution in the beam of a ruby laser

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    Photographic measurement of energy distribution in beam of Q-switched ruby lase

    Measurements of satellite range with a ruby laser

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    Range measurements of GEOS-I and BE-C satellites with ruby lase